The Interview

100 Undead Warrior
Flyers are spread throughout Stormwind, and literally plastered all over the Blue Recluse, pasted to every square inch of wall, floor, ceiling, chair, table, stool, and that drunk's sleeping body. It shows a full face shot of a smiling Abominus, waving cheerfully, a few maggots seen on his shoulders, and hanging from his gaping, ripped out throat/mouth, and writhing in unspeakable masses in his empty eyesockets. The caption reads:

Hello, Alliance-things. We will be at the Blue Recluse on Friday night, 8 Bells in the Basement, for an exclusive Interview process with all Interested Parties, Female and Male, for the purposes of Furthering Science and Knowledge! Translators will be available to relay questions and answers.
Cake may be available. Come one, come all!


Abominus the Maggot Lord
Defiler of the Great Anvil of Ironforge
Horde Combat Barber
Stainer of the Altarcloth of Stormwind Cathedral

*** may be postponed due to work, check this post on Thursday for confirmation ***
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100 Gnome Priest
Derscha slowly made her way around the walls of the main floor of the Blue Recluse, sprinkling the bottle of powder as she went. She wasn't sure how Abominus expected to get to the Recluse and past the guards, but it was best to assume that he could make it happen. The least she could do was make sure any bugs, maggots, and whatnots that were drawn by his presence would be inclined to leave quickly after he departed. . . or would at least stay downstairs in the basement.

She ran out of powder after only one circuit. Usually the AAMS had plenty of repellant on hand, but they'd used up a good bit of their stores after Abominus had dropped by their offices to hire them to translate for his interview session. One circuit wouldn't do!

"Anyone know where to find some Grade M repellant?" she asked over the hearthstone, explaining she didn't want anything stronger. She was not going to explain dead maggots to Abominus.

"Have you tried an attractant?" a vaguely familiar gnomish voice asked.

"Now there's an idea! Draw them to run place, collect them, and ship 'em back before Abominus knows they're missing. Or someone kills them."

A short while later, she was meeting with Aerinia Starchaser and purchasing a bottle of bug & maggot bait. She made a mental note to add the cost to Abominus's bill.

Just another day at the AAMS. . .
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Azurick sat quietly in his apartment in Silvermoon. Friday was here. And as such he would have to make his way into Stormwind to aid Abominus with the interview process. After all. The gender of mechanical constructs was of utmost importance. Azurick snapped his fingers, a white robe appearing around him. His eyes turned to a shade of blue. "A most convincing High Elf, if I've ever seen one." He winked at himself in the mirror and headed for the door.
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Laura sighed as she read the flyer. Today was her day off, but she couldn’t help but be interested on just what this Abominus character was attempting to achieve. She brought her finger to her lips thinking, it must be pretty important if he was willing to sneak into such a well-guarded city. She nodded her head to herself and began walking back to her apartment. She would attend after all, if not just to satisfy her curiosity.
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100 Undead Warrior
Thisss isss tonight, yesss!
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