Flyers are spread throughout Stormwind, and literally plastered all over the Blue Recluse, pasted to every square inch of wall, floor, ceiling, chair, table, stool, and that drunk's sleeping body. It shows a full face shot of a smiling Abominus, waving cheerfully, a few maggots seen on his shoulders, and hanging from his gaping, ripped out throat/mouth, and writhing in unspeakable masses in his empty eyesockets. The caption reads:
Hello, Alliance-things. We will be at the Blue Recluse on Friday night, 8 Bells in the Basement, for an exclusive Interview process with all Interested Parties, Female and Male, for the purposes of Furthering Science and Knowledge! Translators will be available to relay questions and answers.
Cake may be available. Come one, come all!
Abominus the Maggot Lord
Defiler of the Great Anvil of Ironforge
Horde Combat Barber
Stainer of the Altarcloth of Stormwind Cathedral
*** may be postponed due to work, check this post on Thursday for confirmation ***
Hello, Alliance-things. We will be at the Blue Recluse on Friday night, 8 Bells in the Basement, for an exclusive Interview process with all Interested Parties, Female and Male, for the purposes of Furthering Science and Knowledge! Translators will be available to relay questions and answers.
Cake may be available. Come one, come all!
Abominus the Maggot Lord
Defiler of the Great Anvil of Ironforge
Horde Combat Barber
Stainer of the Altarcloth of Stormwind Cathedral
*** may be postponed due to work, check this post on Thursday for confirmation ***