Greetings, CC Forums!

90 Human Warlock
I was just pondering the possibilities of rolling onto a new RP server, and I've heard great things about your community. I just had a few questions to ask, if you don't mind!

1) How is the community here? Kind, elitist?

2) RP-wise, how's the community? Guild-based, random/open, etc?

3) Which faction do you find is dominant, or which differences to you see in the factions?

4) How is the PvP, yo?

Thank you so much <3
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Well, first off, welcome! I'll try to answer your questions as concisely and honestly as I can.

1. I've been on four RP servers, two RP-PVP, two regular RP. I've found just about the most welcoming and inclusive RP community here on Cenarion Circle, with a community channel and website.

2. Given that we have cross realm zones with both Moon Guard and WRA, random RP is not that hard to find outside of Stormwind (just stay out of Elwynn), but Cenarion Circle hosts more event based RP, with regularly scheduled events during the week.

3. I don't have too many characters on Horde side, so I can't really say. I think their RP community is about the same size and strength as ours, but you'd get a better answer from someone who plays Horde.

4. For the Alliance? Deficient. We're not in the best of Battlegroups, and the Horde on this server have kicked down our front door with impunity multiple times. Pia Presidium I know places value on RP-PVP, and the Chimaera is also working on RP-PVP, but the server in general needs a lot of help in this department, at least from our side.

Anyway, let me know if you have any further questions, and I hope that you found my answers helpful.
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97 Orc Warrior
Regarding 3, I RP both sides, and while I find that the random RP is more prevalent alliance side, I find a lot of it ends up being short dialogues and not a whole lot happening, Horde side is definitely more concentrated on inner guild RP, as well as events. This guild holds a bi-weekly evil character event that is usually lots of fun.

and for 4, the PvP is okay, Us Modas have semi-frequently done PvP events with Terra Incognita, and Pillar of Honor a while back. A bunch of us enjoy pushing PvP events and cross faction RP.
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