(H) Darkest Hour - Recruiting

90 Troll Druid
The "Darkest Hour" is looking for one Disc Priest or Restro Shaman for Raid Progression on our 10 Man Team. We are looking for someone that has raided in the past and knows standing in stuff is a no-no. knowledge on current raid content a plus.

*We will take a look at any and all classes and specs to fill roles on our team. We are sitting pretty good now with mostly all roles filled with strong players. But our raid spots are not a right, they are earned and you must show up and perform to keep your spot.

We are only sitting at 4/6 in MSV and with the changes my officers and I have been making in the last week we are starting to see a very strong team come together. We have been bringing some what perm-pugs in but are looking to bring in new members to our guild that can fill these roles and help to down bosses and give everyone gear.

We do offer guild funded repairs to all members. We also provide pots, flasks and feasts for our raid team.

*Side note: We do have from time to time adult language in Gchat and in Vent. We don't approve of drama or putting other members down. If you feel someone is doing less then what they could be doing, we prefer to help them, not belittle them.

If you are looking to join our raid team or just want a place to put your toon for leveling or just to have a good time. Message any player in our guild for an invite. If you wish to talk to an officer PST myself (any toon with sull or sully in name) or my officers Nabbie or Millzy.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read over this post.
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90 Troll Druid
Update on Raid Team Needs:

1 Disc or Holy Priest with Shadow OS
*Would also take a Restro Shaman

1 Ranged DPS:
Hunter or Shaman

You can message Sullmatic or Nabbie in game if we are online or by in game mail

We are looking for raiders that know whats going on. That can follow simple directions. That can be self aware. You need to know when you should move out of something that is going to kill you or make you take more damage then what the healers should have to heal.

You should have a min of 470+ ilvl - Be fully enchanted, Gemmed, and reforged.
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