Invictus Sanctum (A) Seeks Raiders and RPers

90 Gnome Mage
Invictus Sanctum, which means "Unconquerable Sanctuary", is an Alliance role-playing guild on the Cenarion Circle (US) realm. Our members enjoy a relaxed, casual playstyle, participating in the various things there are to do in World of Warcraft.

Guild chat is in character, and we host regular RP guild meetings and events in game. Recently we have transferred to Cenarion Circle, and currently we are recruiting all players who have a love for RP and/or raiding.

We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday nights from 6pm-9pm server. At the moment we are running old school raids for mounts, transmog and achievements while we fill those final spots on the raid team, and then look forward to working on current content. Casual and new raiders- this is a great place for you! We are willing to teach people who do not have a lot of experience in raiding, and have a stand-by roster for those of you who may not be able to commit to a regular raid schedule. All are welcome.

Also enjoy Minecraft? Invictus Sanctum also has a Minecraft server which includes a full scale replica of the guild hall. ( )

If you would like to apply or want more information about Invictus Sanctum, please visit, or contact one of these officers:

Moonjade - Guild Mistress
Edited by Ellewocket on 1/24/2013 6:07 AM PST
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90 Gnome Mage
A bit more about the guild and our history:

It is our guild mandate that we show honor and respect to all players, regardless of background or playstyle. We try to keep our in-game channels and Ventrilo clean for players of all ages, and do our best to help out those who need it.

About Invictus Sanctum
Invictus Sanctum has withstood the test of time. We have seen Stormwind led by a black dragon, crossed through the Dark Portal, survived the cold harshness of Northrend, and been shaken by a Cataclysm. Now we journey to a mist-shrouded new land, seeking new allies in our fight against the deplorable leader of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream.

The guild was founded for honor and defense. Our members understand that, once within the ranks, they are a crucial part of a strong family group. We stand as a united front against dangers from without as well as within. On the brink of worldwide disaster at the hands of a militant tyrant, it is crucial that we adhere to the principles which we hold so dear.

The guild is housed in a hall located within the mountains surrounding Gilneas. Purchased and built by guild funds, our new home is tailor-made to suit the needs and comfort of our ranks.

Invictus Sanctum fights to provide safety and refuge. Its members are comprised of people from all walks of life seeking to better themselves and each other. The guild seeks to offer services to its members in their many endeavours, as well as to encourage them to extend the same grace, courtesy and respect to others. Guardians of their own harmony and way of life, each follower of Invictus Sanctum is a fierce defender of their guild and their integrity. Despite various appearances, cultures, ideologies, social standings and talents, the wearing of Invictus Sanctum's tabard identifies the members as a diverse group able to show tolerance for differences.

We are a place to call home, a people to call family, a purpose to call your own.

Invictus Sanctum welcomes Alliance members from all walks of life - retired knights, disgruntled druids, young magi, travelling bards, etc.- so long as they have good intentions, a willing and tolerant mind and a want to assist others. We do not request that you change your beliefs or lifestyle to join us, but be prepared in any case to compromise.

There are no restrictions dependent on skill level or ability, only the will to participate and be active in the game and guild.


How large/active is the guild?
As we have just relocated to the server from Twisting Nether, we are currently working to rebuild our numbers. We have a core group of 20-30 members, with 10 or so being online during peak hours. We are constantly recruiting and rebuilding said numbers.

Is RP required? Is OOC allowed in guildchat, or do you have a separate channel for that?
RP is NOT required, but most of our members are active RPers. Guild Chat is IC and for the most part happens within the setting of the guild hall. We have a separate OOC channel.

Do you have a level restriction?

Do you have a guild website?

What is the back story for the guild (if any)?
Summary posted above. For further reading, please visit our website,

Is there an initiation process before you are tagged? (Note: We have temporarily waived this for now, until we rebuild the guild numbers, please contact an officer for more details.)
This is explained more thoroughly on our website.

A candidate must complete these steps before they will be formally inducted into the guild.

1) Review the Getting Started section, including the FAQs. Found here: (

2) Meet and speak with the members in an interview setting.

3) Take the oath at an in-character induction ceremony.

What would you say is the average level of the guild?
While we have members of all levels, the average level bracket would most likely be 85-90 (simply because we have members that have been with us for some time, and have progressed to high levels).

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to meeting you in person should you feel a sense of belonging with Invictus Sanctum.
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90 Gnome Mage
We are now recruiting people interested in forming an RBG team!
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