Make It Stop!! (A serenade invitation)

90 Gnome Death Knight
((This Saturday, Jan 26, 7pm server time, bring your singing voices.))

“If you have a note to send, on which your life depends . . . .”

It had been a year and that insidious jingle had snuck its way into the furthest corners of Azeroth and Outland.

“Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Northrend, or beyond . . . “

One couldn’t walk the capital streets of the world without happenstancing upon someone or other humming the tune and, walking away, be infected with the tune in one’s own head for hours.

The far northern Vrykul were known to start spontaneous drinking bouts any time the jingle was heard.

It was even rumored that, at this point, there was NOT one Pandarian left who hadn’t heard it at least once.
Edited by Spriggel on 1/24/2013 8:13 PM PST
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90 Gnome Death Knight
“To solve all your concerns, you know where you can turn . . . Anytime, Anywhere”

In honor of this wondrous tune that went so well with her fishing, Spriggel started a word of mouth campaign. It quickly spread from the AAMS couriers to all points throughout the world. Everyone in the world’s capitals heard it quickly, and soon, even some of the most remote, far reaching outposts had heard some mention of the AAMS Jingle Serenade Invitation.

The Invitation?

Anyone who “enjoyed” the jingle, Horde or Alliance, was encouraged to meetup (date to be determined) at the Booty Bay Bank, and there, to be conducted by Spriggel Lockbolten in a serenade of the jingle to Derscha Kettlebomb, the author of this brainworm song.

Given the general populace’s usual response to any outburst of the jingle, Spriggel thought it prudent to mention in the invitation that drinks & cheer at the NEARBY Iron Feather’s Inn (the local Booty Bay inn) would follow soon after.
Edited by Spriggel on 1/20/2013 11:36 AM PST
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90 Gnome Death Knight
“Lost in a foreign land
Where you don’t understand
A word they’re speaking over there”

((OOCly, taking the temperature of the server to see if there would be enough interest in this.

The AAMS jingle posting [] was written a year ago this coming Wednesday, January 23.

I thought this serenade would be a fitting (and very Spriggel-like) tribute: Horde and Alliance joining as one to carol the tune back at the author – followed by all the heavy drinking necessary afterward to get the jingle out of your head.

Being a Spriggel sponsored chaotic event, even though Spriggel will be “conducting”, some or all are welcome to macro or type the jingle (or at least part) and then in Spriggel-like cacophony sing it out all together, not in tune or time. I’ll figure out an appropriate starting signal.

I expect the singing to be over rather quickly, and everyone one is then welcome to move into the inn for beverage and commiserating.

I am constantly surprised at the Hearthstone response I get everytime Spriggel fishes and hums a line from the jingle. So I wanted to show the author of this insidious tune how greatly affected the CC Azerothian world has become in just one short year.

So leave a note if you’re interested & I’ll repost a date/time & starting signal.

Also, don’t tell Derscha *spriggel giggle*))

“No matter the demand,
We’ll always lend a hand.
Anytime Anywhere”
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100 Night Elf Hunter
((This is a great idea!))
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100 Gnome Priest
((Oh my.

I claim no responsibility for this plot. Derscha already had her own plans for the 23rd.))

. . .

. . .

. . .

((*ominous giggle* ))

. . .

((oh... and technically speaking, Derscha's not the IC author. She only commissioned (and sang) it, but, eh!))
Edited by Derscha on 1/20/2013 4:35 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
((well there is the sermon at 5 server on the 23 ^.^ But anything that helps the AAMS is wonderful!

Edit: A Spriggel surprise is one to worry about... I know ... we just got one.))
Edited by Genevra on 1/20/2013 5:19 PM PST
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100 Human Mage
Noikona couldn’t believe her ears when she heard that the jingle that had overwhelmed her for over a year would be celebrated in song and drink. She rummaged through her maps in an attempt to find a place so far in distance, that it would be impossible for the melody to reach her. She sighed with a smile as she pointed to Deepholm, surely the Stone Lord’s would share her perspective and allow her peace of mind as this affair took place.

((Love the idea :) I am sure I can bring someone that is much less grouchy then Noikona))
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90 Gnome Death Knight
((Derscha, whenever have the facts, technical or otherwise, curbed any of Spriggel's hairbrained ideas? *giggle))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((That jingle saved Tyr's life in Warsong Gulch once... literally.))

((I'm sure I can make SOME arrangements for an IC staircaseelf appearance...))
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Spriggel had the staff turning the AAMS Ironforge office upside down looking for a suitable baton for conducting the Serenade on Saturday night.

There were only a couple days left, she hadn't heard if any Horde folks would be showing, and now she couldn't find a suitable piece of wood anywhere about the branch office.

"Hmm, guess I can swing by the home office before the Serenade, dig around Derscha's desk and find SOMETHING. I think I saw a very short fishing rod in one of her lower desk drawers before that might work if I can't find anything better."
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100 Gnome Priest
((As it turns out, I will be working late tomorrow and won't be able to get online until closer to 7:30. Plenty of time for you to have a quick practice run? ^.^

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90 Gnome Death Knight
((No worries, I'm sure Spriggel can keep the crowd entertained for a short bit. *evil grin*))
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