
90 Tauren Monk
Looking forward to it, not only for new content and buffs but so that I can get at least 1 Galleon kill this expansion -.-
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90 Night Elf Druid
They're not retroactively making Sha and Galleon tap to faction, unfortunately. :( But at least there would theoretically be less people after them. Look on the bright side - at least they hotfixed it so that Galleon can't be despawned anymore by one person or a very small group of people trying to grief another group. :)
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90 Tauren Monk
02/01/2013 04:04 PMPosted by Lerrielin
They're not retroactively making Sha and Galleon tap to faction, unfortunately

I thought they were, did they revert that change?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
World bosses like this seem to heavily favor the heavier populated factions. Often I've found by the time the Horde manage to form half a group, the Alliance 40+ are already half way through the bosses health.

I could imagine the difficulty for the Alliance getting a kill on the Illidan server, or the Horde on Kel'Thuzad.

Like Keg, I'm looking forward to 5.2 and the world bosses there. One ominous blue quote in response to a player saying "Well I'll just run up and hit him for a tag for loot" was "Oh really? Just try".
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90 Night Elf Druid

I thought they were, did they revert that change?

You know what? I think that's right. I recalled reading a CM say something about it being undecided, and later something suggesting that they weren't going to do it, but I just looked at the Patch 5.2 PTR notes and it does say "all world bosses". Tap to faction is a much better mechanic.
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