Hello CC RP Community, Please read

90 Tauren Shaman
There is really no way to get around the awkward nature of this so, here we go.
I have always wanted to break into the world of roleplaying. But I have always been far too timid to seek out a group to role play with; my biggest fear has always been the stupid mistakes I might make, as well as the knowledge that I will be keeping others away from being able to develop their own characters.
I also, don’t exactly know where to start, how do I meet a group of individuals that don’t mind helping a complete newb to roleplaying, I know that a RP Rule-set server is a fantastic place to start, but just striking a conversation (See the timid part) with a complete stranger and hope they want to RP has been a barrier.


I am looking for a group of people that are willing to ease someone into roleplaying with the understanding that they need a lot of help.

Is that group you?

Message me in game, or feel free to leave a message here, I will gladly accept all the tips you are willing to divulge.
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There are many, Horde and Alliance, who would be willing to help you with that. Just look for the proper channel (OOC stands for Out of Character, and is appropriate for conversations between players rather than characters), and ask. Some of us are surely, but I am certain that there is almost always someone friendly and patient around. If not, find me in-game and I'll help you find the group right for you.
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100 Human Paladin
At risk of coming off as rather me-too, I'm also very happy to help--though I'm not typically in the OOC channel in any of my myriad forms. I've got a bit of experience helping people find the angle on their character that would best suit them.

Most of my own personal know-how comes from having read up on things from Wowpedia.org. I really heartily recommend that site for any detailed research you might want to do.

But the biggest tip of all I can give you in general is: Keep it simple. The next-biggest is: Don't be afraid to start with a throwaway character for RP. That way, if you screw up too badly, you can just punch the "reset button" and start fresh and won't feel you've lost anything.

Also, consider an RP add-on like MyRolePlay. It allows you to set your experience level as "beginner", which will signal to others using add-ons to go easy on you.

If you'd like to reach me and can't figure out who I might be: all of my characters are in The Chimaera, and anyone in the guild should be able to point you to me if I'm online.
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90 Tauren Druid
*Waves Da Docta's banner around*

In all seriousness it's a rather great guild for easing into RP even if you arn't in it. Chat up Sidonwy or Oskor :)
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Why don't we skip the formalities and thrash out some one vee one. A quick session or two or three will get you a good feel for your character's 'voice'.

I should be on tonight (2.11.13) with nothing to do around 8pm server. I'll come ahunting and lets see what we can do about getting you started!
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71 Undead Warlock

I'm still new to RP in general. This is my first serious horde character so I have absolutely no idea how RP functions on this side. I'm also still fleshing out the character for Bånshee. That being said, feel free to add me to your friends list and chat me up when you see me online :) I'll be more than happy to lend you my 2-coppers worth knowledge, or if you'd like we could work up some casual RP sessions!

("å" in Bånshee = holding alt and typing 0229)
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm also still fleshing out the character for Bånshee.

If there's one recommendation I can make for new RPers, it would be not to place too much stock in your backstory. Characters tend to become extensions of ourselves, and while later, you might be able to describe your character, you will only be so good at containing them. Or at least that's always been my experience.

Go with something very simple and limited for a backstory. Your character should and will be defined by their interactions with others. So, for example. My character is a Warden, and apart from explaining why she wasn't in the Barrows when Tyrande came romping through, or why she didn't join the hunt for Illidan, I've never really expanded upon that.

A double benefit is that there are fewer chances to contradict lore with a simple backstory that you don't revisit too often. It allows you to concentrate on the present and the future, rather than the past.
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100 Human Paladin
Pia will be hosting a rp class on Saturday at 2 pm behind the cathedral. Roll an alli baby and please come join us.

Join hordeooc and ask questions. Introduce yourself, tell them you're interested in rp and most likely, someone will help you. Joining the Da Doctas is also a good idea. They are atop notch rp guild and one of the oldest horde rp guilds on the server.

Don't be afraid to try. There are some elitists. Ignore them. They forget that they also started somewhere. Most people are very happy to help new rpers.

Keep your backstory basic. Your character's story will grow as you play and interact with others. Gen's backstory is/was she's a farmer's daughter, her parents are still living and happily married, she wanted to be a paladin like her aunt. That's it. Everything else grew from experiences in game.

Bottom line, have fun.
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100 Undead Warrior
Any Horde who wisssh to learn more about how to RP, may feel free to Asssk Abominusss anytime, yesss. We would be delighted to anssswer quessstionsss, yesss. We alssso encourage all Horde new to RP to attend Da Doctasss clinic in Thunder Bluff above the Cave on Tuesssday nightssss to obssserve and participate, yesss. The bessst way to learn how to RP isss to do it, after all, and free wheeling ideasss for you may sssuddenly and for no reassson occur during thessse eventsss yesss!
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90 Undead Warlock
Two copper's worth: sit in /hearthstone. You'll get shout-outs for events starting up and get to hear RP in action. It not only lets you get a feel for the server's major personalities, but also gives a chance to sit back and munch some popcorn while watching the action.
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90 Tauren Shaman
I wanted to take a brief moment and thank everyone for the amazing advice you have given here already, sorry it took me a little longer than I would have liked to respond to it.

Nova, I would love to chat with a member of Da Doctas and see if we are a good fit
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100 Undead Warrior
Then, you need to attend their open, RP clinic on Tuesssday, ssstarting around 7 ssserver, on the Ssspirit Rissse in Thunderbluff, yesss.
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