<Musing, while kindling a fire> The world is not what it was, but darkness has not yet taken the land. There is life and love in the world yet, and where that exists, hope exists. Finding those of like mind, there's the rub. Nothing's been the same since the fall of Lordaeron and the old guard... <Shakes her head, forcing herself clear of the reverie>
Caska, girl, you're slipping. <Gives the advancing twilight spreading over the Jade Forest a hard look> Not only are you talking to yourself. but those are thoughts best left forgotten. You've never given up before, why start now? Time and patience, all good things require time and patience.
<Throws another log onto the fire and watches the flames writhe, the future dancing in its embers>
Who am I?
* A fury warrior.
* A veteran of raiding for seven years before taking a year-long break.
* I've been on the top 10 and 20 lists for dps on WorldofLogs for Warriors for entire expansions.
* I miss roleplaying and want to explore that again. All raid and no (role)play makes Caska lose interest. I find myself, these days, wanting to strike a balance.
Why I am looking for a guild: I enjoy good company, I do like to role-play, and although I like to raid I am not applying to a raid-only guild because I am not yet ready to raid. (See level, gear, enchants, etcetera.) That will change very soon, as I am experienced and moderately dedicated. I've simply been away for a while. Prospective guilds can consider me a good investment.
Why not wait until I'm raid-ready and apply to a succeessul, raid-specific guild? Because it's about the journey, and as I said, I enjoy roleplaying -- and good company. Why wait until the journey is half finished before seeking that company? Let me be strident on this point -- I hope to find a good community. People to share cheer and laughs with on vent, and in-character in-game. Surely, on an RP server, such a balance (raid/roleplay) still exists. I realise it may be more casual raiding than I was used to when I was playing/raiding years ago (had a lot of server-firsts [not on CC] in my day), but I'm willing to accept that at this point. After all, time changes everything; there aren't as many rp/raid guilds anymore, and I've changed too. I've always been mellow, but now I'm laid back too.
Although I've been on Cenarion Circle for two years, I was not originally from Cenarion Circle -- that means I don't have the same name for myself as I would, say, on my original server where I started back in vanilla where taking me at face value based on character and my word would mean something.
In the end the Guild Finder is simply daunting, given its size and brevity of descriptions. I realise this, too, may be a shot in the dark, but what's there to lose in the trying? If you read this and thought I might make a good addition, or are willing to try me on for size, as it were, I am available in-game.
Thank you for your time, everyone.
<Musing, while kindling a fire> The world is not what it was, but darkness has not yet taken the land. There is life and love in the world yet, and where that exists, hope exists. Finding those of like mind, there's the rub. Nothing's been the same since the fall of Lordaeron and the old guard... <Shakes her head, forcing herself clear of the reverie>
Caska, girl, you're slipping. <Gives the advancing twilight spreading over the Jade Forest a hard look> Not only are you talking to yourself. but those are thoughts best left forgotten. You've never given up before, why start now? Time and patience, all good things require time and patience.
<Throws another log onto the fire and watches the flames writhe, the future dancing in its embers>
Who am I?
* A fury warrior.
* A veteran of raiding for seven years before taking a year-long break.
* I've been on the top 10 and 20 lists for dps on WorldofLogs for Warriors for entire expansions.
* I miss roleplaying and want to explore that again. All raid and no (role)play makes Caska lose interest. I find myself, these days, wanting to strike a balance.
Why I am looking for a guild: I enjoy good company, I do like to role-play, and although I like to raid I am not applying to a raid-only guild because I am not yet ready to raid. (See level, gear, enchants, etcetera.) That will change very soon, as I am experienced and moderately dedicated. I've simply been away for a while. Prospective guilds can consider me a good investment.
Why not wait until I'm raid-ready and apply to a succeessul, raid-specific guild? Because it's about the journey, and as I said, I enjoy roleplaying -- and good company. Why wait until the journey is half finished before seeking that company? Let me be strident on this point -- I hope to find a good community. People to share cheer and laughs with on vent, and in-character in-game. Surely, on an RP server, such a balance (raid/roleplay) still exists. I realise it may be more casual raiding than I was used to when I was playing/raiding years ago (had a lot of server-firsts [not on CC] in my day), but I'm willing to accept that at this point. After all, time changes everything; there aren't as many rp/raid guilds anymore, and I've changed too. I've always been mellow, but now I'm laid back too.
Although I've been on Cenarion Circle for two years, I was not originally from Cenarion Circle -- that means I don't have the same name for myself as I would, say, on my original server where I started back in vanilla where taking me at face value based on character and my word would mean something.
In the end the Guild Finder is simply daunting, given its size and brevity of descriptions. I realise this, too, may be a shot in the dark, but what's there to lose in the trying? If you read this and thought I might make a good addition, or are willing to try me on for size, as it were, I am available in-game.
Thank you for your time, everyone.
Edited by Caska on 2/20/2013 3:54 PM PST