RP reroll guild deciding on a home

55 Orc Death Knight
Hey there everyone, I'm starting up a fresh reroll rp guild and we are currently trying to decide on a realm to call our home.

( our current website : http://z13.invisionfree.com/RPReroll/index.php?act=idx )

The whole point is to get a fresh start (which I'm sure a lot of people could use after 8 years of this game) and begin the journey with connections already formed, so that they can grow as you level and be apart of your story. For instance, how often do you get to roll a character and have someone roll with you as a brother, father, or a friend from the third war?

Anyways, that is what we are all about, we are going to be horde side, and I was wondering how the rp and community is here? How active is the rp community in engaging with one another, planning events, pressing rivalries and alliances, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my questions.
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100 Human Paladin
Horde side has some remarkable rpers. Abominus is the CC mascot for rp, none better than the Maggot Lord. There are some very good guilds and individuals who are willing to help. Da Doctas holds a weekly clinic in Thunderbluff. Horde also has a lore night and fishing get together.

My suggestion is to roll a character, join hordeooc and hearthstone (the rp channel) and introduce yourself. Ask a few questions and test the water.

We can always use more rp here. I hope you will seriously consider us.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
To add to Gent's little event list, Horde also has the Midnight Market going every other thursday. Good place to break the ice, make some in-game gold, and RP a bit.

...Shame the next one isn't until next week.
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79 Gnome Mage
I'll pipe up here.
I've got characters on a lot of the RP servers, and on both factions. I've got to say that CC has some of the BEST rp going. And a very active community to boot. True CCer's are for the majority, very friendly, though every barrel has a bad apple or two. The only problems arise, from my personal experiences are from cross realm zoning. But that can be ignored.

Bring one, bring 'em all, play on CC, have a ball!!!
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