[A] <Glyph> is recruiting a healer!

90 Night Elf Hunter
Glyph at Cenarion Circle is currently recruiting roles for our core progression raiding team.

Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Time: 6:30PM - 9PM PST

We are a new guild, but our members were in a raiding guild prior to this one before we transferred to this server. Please keep that in mind if you have high expectations and are used to being in a populated guild.

We will provide the following to our raiders:
  • Flasks
  • Feasts/Food
  • Unlimited Guild Repairs
  • A Mumble Server
  • We are recruiting the following full-time roles/classes:
  • Healer (Shaman/Monk/Druid)
  • We encourage all interested players to apply as we will careful examine each applicant regardless of the roles listed above. Please understand that we want to balance our team out to be as effective and efficient as possible and you may not be accepted into the group.

    With all of that being said, if you are still interested in applying to be part our progression, we have some expectations from you as a player:
  • Know your class and your role
  • Reliability
  • Dependability
  • Keep your gear properly gemmed and enchanted
  • Willing to listen to directions
  • Can handle constructive criticism*
  • We are a serious 10-man raiding guild and would love to have you as part of our team!

    Below is a link to the application that we ask you to fill out in order to be a part of our team.

    If you would like to discuss the guild further to determine whether or not it is a good fit for you, please add me on Battle.net, and we can talk further whenever I am available.

    Battle Tag: Failcookie#1582
    Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1X14zlDYpeKloJLeQFezhsULyds8UV8uhw2CpFuMdY1E/viewform

    Thank you for your time and I hope your adventures are fun and challenging!

    *We define constructive criticism as a well-thought out and productive form of criticism. Not a "Your DPS is awful", but a "If you would do X, you would increase your DPS by X". You must be able to take this form of criticism well. If you tend to get angry, or some other form of negative emotion, over something like this then we ask that you look for another guild somewhere else.
    Edited by Medialynn on 2/23/2013 7:58 PM PST
    Reply Quote
    90 Night Elf Hunter
    Updated with more information.
    Reply Quote
    90 Night Elf Hunter
    We had quite a few people apply! Thank you all! We are still looking for a healer role to fill and a ranged DPS role to fill based on the classes listed above.
    Reply Quote
    90 Night Elf Hunter
    We are currently looking for an active healer! Preferable a Shaman, Monk, or Druid.
    Reply Quote

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