Hi CC! Any Raiders into running CM's?

90 Goblin Warrior
Hi CC,

Apologies about the posting, I transferred recently off server to form a new guild.
Edited by Zhomsprockle on 3/6/2013 3:27 PM PST
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97 Orc Warrior
Well, I don't qualify, guess this is just a bump
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100 Orc Warrior
Why do people need to be raiders? You know CMs normalize your items right?
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90 Goblin Warrior
02/26/2013 07:39 PMPosted by Elgunaz
Why do people need to be raiders? You know CMs normalize your items right?

Yes, I am aware. The reason that I am requesting "raiders" is I would prefer to run with players who have run in an organized setting before, play with some additional add-ons to make them aware of additional dps opportunities, and would be able to work with group cd stun rotations, and things of that nature.

Not trying to be overtly 'elitist' per-se, but I'd like to start and finish with the same group, as opposed to hitting a wall during the last few runs.

Hope that helps explain it.
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100 Orc Warrior
I would prefer to run with players who have run in an organized setting before, play with some additional add-ons to make them aware of additional dps opportunities, and would be able to work with group cd stun rotations, and things of that nature.

Why don't you just ask for that instead?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Good luck in your search, but finding that Horde-side on CC may be tough. Personally I'd love to try CM's, but I definitely don't meet your qualifications or schedule (EST). If you are serious about the server, you may want to try Alliance side.
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97 Orc Warrior
In addition to Elgunaz's statement, theres lots of us that are older used-to-be raiders. I myself raid led Premonition's (this servers, not the huge mega-guild) second raid group during ICC, up to heroic Lich King.
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90 Pandaren Monk
Clearing heroic modes would require 9 other people capable of that. There are a lot of players out there that have the ability to obtain 9/9 gold, but don't have 9 other random players to meet your qualifications. Every single thing you listed above I was capable of even before I started T14, and am still capable of in heroic mode -- I just happened to get in a group that was able to get as far as it has.
Edited by Po on 2/27/2013 7:58 AM PST
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90 Goblin Warrior
Hi again CC forums,

Guys (and gals) my apologies about causing the %^&*storm with the whole 'raiders' thing.

Look, if I may be frank for a second; I'd like very much to run with anyone who is into these CM's and feels if they are capable. By no means am I God's gift to WoW or anything to that effect...However, I do take my role reasonably seriously, and I know the drill with the teamwork that will be necessary with killing these CM's.

Please feel free to add me to your friends list if you would like, and we can take it from there.

Also: Please see my edit to my original posting about the times!

Edited by Zhomsprockle on 2/27/2013 10:14 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
While I'm dying to try my hand on these CM's (paly wings FTW), and am sure I can heal right proper for them (once I get a better weapon and gloves, curse you RNG!), my biggest limit is EST location. If you find a way to do it earlier than 10 pm- 1am my time, look me up.

Again, good luck.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Don't mind the trolls, Zhom.

In a fit of frustration for slow recruiting and bad pugs, my team's just gotten started in CMs ourselves. If one of our dps can't attend, I've got you on my list. I'll keep in touch with you regarding our progress, if you'd like.

Edit: Oh right. Yeah we're all late night. 7pm server, onwards. Might be a good fit, might not.
Edited by Liore on 2/27/2013 12:29 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

I don't see any trolls here. I for one, am merely pointing out that a majority of major raiders are Alliance side, we are an alliance heavy server, and that my times conflicts. Aethel was pointing out that she is not a current raider, thus not fitting what the OP was originally asking for. Elgunaz seemed to be pointing out that what OP was asking for weren't raiders necessarily, but people who could be organized and work in groups, regardless of current heroic raiding progression.

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90 Night Elf Druid
I wouldn't describe us as "Alliance heavy", but then again when I think of faction heaviness I think of things like Horde on Zul'jin and Alliance on Stormrage, where there are more of the opposite faction in each city's capitals than there are of the same faction. >_> I think our Alliance to Horde ratio is something like 1:0.6? So yeah, we do have more Alliance than Horde, but it's not quite as bad as the extremes.

Also, the server first and second guild are both Horde. The only thing that is of any noticeable difference really is that there isn't a 25-man guild on Horde side (correct me if I'm wrong). Heck, there barely are any on Alliance side either; I think we're the only 25-man in Heroic modes. :(

Sorry to derail your thread. xD You might find this resource helpful for CM runs if you're not aware of it already:

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100 Orc Death Knight
At least half of my raid, and a good portion of Eternal Sorrow are Alliance faction transfers. Can't find capable horde raiders these days. Gotta poach em from the other side. I swear if someone says heroism one more time...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/27/2013 02:22 PMPosted by Goazer
I swear if someone says heroism one more time...


edit: There are actually a few of us who do challenge modes on horde side. Some of us have already finished 9/9 and others nearing completion.
Edited by Envien on 2/27/2013 2:31 PM PST
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100 Orc Warrior
I would greatly prefer running with raiders who are currently clearing Heroic Modes on a regular basis, and if you rank regularly, that would also be awesome.

So you wouldn't play with yourself? You have 1 kill on every heroic boss this tier that you've killed except for heroic stoneguard (the easiest one).
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93 Blood Elf Hunter
02/27/2013 02:22 PMPosted by Goazer
I swear if someone says heroism one more time...

What is this Heroism?
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90 Goblin Warrior
My apologies guys, I transferred off a short time ago to form up a new guild.

All the best CC!
Edited by Zhomsprockle on 3/6/2013 3:26 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Zhom has since transferred off-server in abrupt fashion, so you might have trouble reaching him for these challenge modes. This prompted the post by Semiras looking for a new tank, but it looks like we'll be ok (we'll just have a late start in ToT).
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, that escalated quickly.
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