[A] A contest of sorts with a grand prize

100 Night Elf Druid
Randomly throughout this Pandaria expansion, I plan on holding a sudden "contest" for which the reward is a free jeweled panther the color of the winner's* choosing, with the exception of Onyx.

It would be conducted entirely in an OOC manner. The base idea is this:
I hide somewhere in a zone and you have to find me. Not only do you have to find me, you need to come and stand in front of me, not just target me from some random location. Then I'll ask you three questions/riddles and if you answer them right, you win! First come, first served basis, of course, whoever actually answers the questions first wins regardless of when they arrived in front of my face.

The content of the questions/riddles will vary. I have stuff on lore, game mechanics, things in real life, and myself. I'll give a certain amount of hints and, depending on the subject, one may or may not have an infinite amount of tries to get the answer right.

1. March 16th, evening (7 to 9) east coast time. So this means 4 PM to 6 PM server time.
OVER! Winner: Edsr
2. May 25th

I've already given away 13 sapphire cubs and jade owls. What's a couple panthers?

Sunstone Panther, Jade Panther, Ruby Panther, Sapphire Panther

When I start it up, I'll give an announcement in my guild chat and other chat channels I frequent.

If anyone wants to donate gems, gold, steel or anything, I would appreciate it, though I don't need any of these materials.

*I'd prefer if people who already have a panther mount don't participate. Also I'm not restricting this to certain zones so it's preferable if you're level 90, since I may very well choose to camp out in some only-reachable-by-flying Pandaria area.
Edited by Aloom on 3/16/2013 6:13 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
:D Looking forward to it!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Guuuiiild... mastah...

*eyes grow vacant and drool begins to form at corner of mouth*

Must craft... Onyx Panther...

*trudges off, mining pick in hand and dragging along the ground*
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100 Worgen Death Knight
You'll, uhh... you'll hold a panther for ol' Ragey if I agree to never steal your pants again.


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100 Draenei Mage
Guuuiiild... mastah...

*eyes grow vacant and drool begins to form at corner of mouth*

Must craft... Onyx Panther...

*trudges off, mining pick in hand and dragging along the ground*

O.o you really don't have to. I just enjoy little things like this; they add a lot of fun for not a ton of effort. <3
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You'll, uhh... you'll hold a panther for ol' Ragey if I agree to never steal your pants again.



Like that'll happen, you unrepentant trouser thief.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Guuuiiild... mastah...

*eyes grow vacant and drool begins to form at corner of mouth*

Must craft... Onyx Panther...

*trudges off, mining pick in hand and dragging along the ground*

O.o you really don't have to. I just enjoy little things like this; they add a lot of fun for not a ton of effort. <3
I thought I was pretty clearly joking. :V
But yeah! I'm looking forward to hosting this.

You'll, uhh... you'll hold a panther for ol' Ragey if I agree to never steal your pants again.



Like that'll happen, you unrepentant trouser thief.
Alas, Ragefang's getting nothing for free. C: Or for bribes! Especially seeing as how he's never stolen my pants in the first place...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Alas, Ragefang's getting nothing for free. C: Or for bribes! Especially seeing as how he's never stolen my pants in the first place...

Yeah, that bit of karma is gonna come back to bite you. Trust me on that. :P
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100 Night Elf Druid
03/06/2013 06:45 PMPosted by Ketiron
Alas, Ragefang's getting nothing for free. C: Or for bribes! Especially seeing as how he's never stolen my pants in the first place...

Yeah, that bit of karma is gonna come back to bite you. Trust me on that. :P
Ya know, I really can't tell if you're joking or if I should seriously be contemplating making Ragefang stuff for kicks so he doesn't server blacklist me or something.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Ya know, I really can't tell if you're joking or if I should seriously be contemplating making Ragefang stuff for kicks so he doesn't server blacklist me or something.

Nah, make him work for it. He'd steal your pants anyway. :D
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100 Human Paladin
Aloom, mind if I add this to the Spring Festival schedule, since it is that weekend? Might draw some more peoples too. It's a grand idea.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
03/06/2013 10:52 PMPosted by Aloom

Yeah, that bit of karma is gonna come back to bite you. Trust me on that. :P
Ya know, I really can't tell if you're joking or if I should seriously be contemplating making Ragefang stuff for kicks so he doesn't server blacklist me or something.

If I had the power to server blacklist someone, believe me, I'd have wielded that hammer long before this... say around 2005, about 10-15 minutes after I first logged in. ;)

I like everybody til they give me a reason not to. I'll steal their pants whether I like 'em or not.

Those I like get their pants stolen more often.

Your time is coming, Aloom. >:)
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100 Night Elf Druid
Aloom, mind if I add this to the Spring Festival schedule, since it is that weekend? Might draw some more peoples too. It's a grand idea.
I don't mind at all! I had originally been considering selling a panther at the Festival but decided this would be funner.

Ya know, I really can't tell if you're joking or if I should seriously be contemplating making Ragefang stuff for kicks so he doesn't server blacklist me or something.

If I had the power to server blacklist someone, believe me, I'd have wielded that hammer long before this... say around 2005, about 10-15 minutes after I first logged in. ;)

I like everybody til they give me a reason not to. I'll steal their pants whether I like 'em or not.

Those I like get their pants stolen more often.

Your time is coming, Aloom. >:)
Pants are a lie, druids have no need for pants.
*daintily thwacks Ragefang on the muzzle with a fly swatter*
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100 Pandaren Monk


*cheats to win*
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*wishes she had a lvl 90 Alliance character who could participate*

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100 Worgen Death Knight
Psst... Erylyn... faction change.

You know you wanna be a dwarf! ;)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*whacks Rage on the nose with a newspaper* Bad dog. No. No dwarfs.

*is entranced by the hypnotic swinging of an Ery tail* Pretty hooves....
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hey! I spent most of Wrath of the Lich King as a dwarf! On this very character! They aren't all that bad...

They just aren't as awesome as worgen.
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100 Night Elf Druid
*wishes she had a lvl 90 Alliance character who could participate*

It's never too late to faction change over to the right side. ;)
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100 Night Elf Druid
Alright, so this is less than a week away and I now have all the questions I'll be asking figured out. I hope people do actually participate... :V
Edited by Aloom on 3/13/2013 7:05 PM PDT
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