[A] A contest of sorts with a grand prize

100 Night Elf Druid
Despite being more busy than I thought I'd be lately, I will still be holding this in about 40 minutes.
I have all materials on hand except the orb - I'm not spending the money on that unless people participate and someone wins, in which case I'll go buy it.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Alright, it is now over. Edsr won and he chose to receive a Sunstone Panther. Great choice, not that I'm biased or anything. *pets her yellow panther*
Although it got off to a rough start, he blew through parts 2 and 3 with great efficiency that really impressed me. Well done.

For my future reference and some players' curiosity, these were the questions and answers to this first one:
1. I have connections with Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Freya. Some dwarves and red dragons revere me. Two random aspects of myself are nature and order. Who am I?
Answer: Eonar

2. I enjoy reading about history, including this game's history. I started playing during the Burning Crusade but that hasn't stopped me from learning about the classic game or the beta/alpha game.
During alpha testing there were many professions that never made it through beta. One particular minor profession allowed you to create campfires and torches, which would help light up dark areas. What was the name of this profession?
Answer: Survival Skills

3. Discussion is something very important to me in regards to anything that I enjoy. As such, I love to browse the official WoW forums and have grown fond of many posters there, including some MVPs.
Based on what you may know of my personality and opinions, what is the name of my favorite MVP?
Answer: Snowfox

Thanks to everyone who participated, including those who chose to simply stand and watch.
Edited by Aloom on 3/16/2013 6:17 PM PDT
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71 Blood Elf Hunter
I would join, but if you can see, I totally horde and on a different server. And my alliance is on Moonguard, so...yeah.
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38 Gnome Priest
I've played since beta and I still couldn't have answered those questions without looking it all up. *walks away sheepishly kicking a stone with hands in pocket and head downcast*
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