Kosh'harg: Blademaster Tourney Sign Ups

Attention brave members of the Horde!

As the Spring Kosh’harg approaches it is time once again to measure your strength against your brothers and sisters of the Clans to determine who is the strongest, the most cunning, and the most durable of our great warriors.

Who will emerge victorious from the Ring of Trials and claim the title of Blademaster of this season’s festival? Only the crucible of combat will tell.

Only one Blademaster can emerge from the Tournament, and only one warrior can be left standing during the Tournament's special event, the Grand Brawl!

Sign up now for the tournament and test your might while hundreds of Horde spectators cheer you on from the stands overlooking the Arena floor!

Sign up using our handy online form (so we can place you properly in the brackets!):

Do you know someone in game who you think would dominate this tournament? Encourage them to sign up now! Signs ups will remain open until Sunday, 17 March.

The Blademaster Tournament
The Tournament is a basic 1v1 bracketed and seeded Duel Tourney we will hold in the Nagrand Arena. Spectators will be on hand overlooking the Arena floor from the built in stands on either side. (Cheering and jeering is encouraged!)

Single or Double elimination will be determined based on the number of sign ups and the winner at the end of the Tournament will be awarded a Grand Prize crafted by the effort of dozens of contributing Horde members.

We are still accepting prize donations so that we can be sure to have the best available rewards for all of the contests of the Kosh'harg. Contact our prize-mistress, Snowlace, in game to help out! We would like to over prizes to first through third place in the tourney so help us out and contribute!

The Grand Brawl
We will also be offering a Last Man Standing event known as the Grand Brawl during the tournament. All Kosh'harg attendees are eligible to participate in this event and the winner will be awarded a grand prize. We are also considering prizes for those who survive into the final minutes of the fight.

The rules for this event are very straightforward and will be strictly and brutally enforced:

  • Participants will line up outside either door to the arena just before the Quarterfinals of the Blademaster Tournament.
  • No groups are allowed. All participants MUST enter the arena solo. Our security team will be monitoring for violations and will eliminate any contestants who violate either the spirit or the letter of the law.
  • No resurrections allowed. Once you are defeated in the Grand Brawl you must remain in your body on the Arena floor until the Brawl is complete. (DO NOT RELEASE!) Anyone who violates this rule will be disqualified. Anyone attempting to re-enter the Arena will be dispatched by the security team.
  • No pre-brawl targetting. Participants will enter the arena and take up positions of their own choosing, but once inside the Arena's area of PvA flag effect they will not be permitted to target other fighters before the Tournament master signals the beginning of combat. Anyone violating this rule will be escorted from the Arena immediately or dispatched by the security team should they refuse to cooperate.
  • Last man standing wins. The last combatant who is visible and living will be declared the winner. (This means rogues cannot stay stealthed when its down to the last few fighters. Only a VISIBLE fighter will get credit for being the last man alive in the Arena. If you vanish and leave only one visible fighter in the Ring of Trials he or she will be declared the winner and you will have effectively forfeited your chance at winning the Brawl!)

We are VERY excited about the Blademaster Tournament and the Grand Brawl. We hope to see lots of people signed up! So what are you waiting for?

Sign up now!
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90 Tauren Shaman
I can't wait to see who signs up. ;-)
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100 Human Rogue
Is this for alliance too? just to make sure so If I sign up.
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90 Draenei Shaman
Conetx its horde only sadly
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The Kosh'harg is a Horde only event.
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100 Undead Mage
Have you decided on the particular time you'll be hosting these events within the Kosh'harg?

I ask because I have to leave after the first couple of hours, and I don't want to sign up and then have to abandon. Unless you can easily fix a gap in the brackets. ;0)
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Yes. The Kosh'harg is going to start at 6PM Server, so as to put us in a position to maximize attendance on both coasts and the Tournament is expected to begin between the 45m-1h mark depending on attendance numbers.
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100 Undead Mage
Ah, good. Then sign up I shall.

If I have to leave early I'll just have to forfeit. :0)
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TORAGE: Sign your !@# up.
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The Kosh'harg is now less than two weeks away! Sign up NOW and lend your support. We already have over a hundred people committed to attend. Don't miss out on the biggest RP event of the year! Sign up now.

Looking for more information on the Spring 2013 Kosh'harg? Check out the links below:

Original Announcement Thread:

Attendee Sign Up Form:

Volunteer Sign Up Form:

Great Feast Thread:

Blademaster Tournament Thread:

Spirit Walk Story Competition Thread:

Did I mention we have fabulous prizes, including dozens of rare pets, and mounts? How does a Vial of the Sands suit you? Or maybe a Jeweled Onyx Panther? Perhaps you'd like a Phoenix Hatchling or a Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm? These are just a few of the prizes we have set aside for the folks who wow us with their storytelling and their skill at this spring's 2013 Kosh'harg. Sign up today!
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Time is running out to sign up for the bracketed 1v1 Duel Tournament at the Kosh'harg!

Do you have what it takes to emerge victorious and claim the mantle of Blademaster of the Kosh'harg? Which Clan will take home the glory of fielding the greatest champion of our time?

Sign up now!
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90 Tauren Warrior
TORAGE: Sign your !@# up.

It is during raid.
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im in, sounds great!
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im in, sounds great!

Make sure to sign up using the form so I can get you in the brackets!
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71 Troll Druid
I'm in!
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