100 Blood Elf Warlock
Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service! (I believe that's how it went. If I'm wrong, I apologize!)

AAMS; I wanted to let you and everyone else here know how wonderful of a job you did in Translating our Cross Faction RP! The Dark Caste is also very happy and honored to have been part of your very first CRZ Cross Faction Translation too! We hope that in the many days to come, you'll be able to join us for various other events as well!

And to anyone who ventures to the Cenarion Circle Server or is familiar with these people, they're a fantastic and very polite group of people. :D

Also, greetings fellow Cenarions from Wyrmrest!
Edited by Dinthoqaf on 3/18/2013 10:31 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest


Thanks for your kind words! It was definitely a very fun event and an example of the benefits of CRZ. <The Dark Caste> and <Cenarion Circle> was pleasure to work with, and I think my guildmates almost had more fun with the raid chat than anything else.

I look forward to future RP!

And yes, it's "Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service." If you ever have trouble remembering it, I'll introduce you to our guild jingle some day...
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100 Undead Warrior
You mussst, the Jingle Commandsss it, yesss!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
If this is the same joyous jingle that Kel'tira and myself sang down on the docks of Booty Bay, for the kick off of the AAMS jingle?

If so, it was a rather good one you put together.

I always remember that day, as there were so many chickens running around afterwards.
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100 Orc Shaman
We made 25 this morning, on a related note...

It may have been me, idk.. I did the cooking daily, handed it in, and BAM, Guld level.
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