505 Guardian/feral LF progressive raid team

90 Night Elf Druid
I'm the type of guy who isn't happy until I've perfected the role I'm performing in a raid. I research the fights and come prepared with elixirs/flasks, potions, and the best food buff. After a raid I will upload the night onto WoL and look for things I can improve on for next time.

I'd love to find a raid that has this same mindset. Preferably alliance, and that raids no later than 11:30 EST. Any day of the week is good except Friday and Saturday. Earliest I can start is 6 PM EST.

My offspec is feral and can easily convert my gems, enchants, and reforges if dps is preferred.

Previous raid experience:

Vanilla - MC, BWL, AQ40 (on my mage during vanilla)
BC - Kara, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT (on my druid as a healer)
Wrath - N/A
Cata - DS 3/8H (resubbed late cata and tanked/feral on my druid)
MoP- 8/16N T14 and 1/12N ToT - We had the tanks and healers but the dps was always lacking.

Battletag: Mystifus#1655

Either contact me in game or reply here. I'd appreciate setting up a time to talk to possible future raid leaders over vent/mumble to make sure I'm joining the right group.

A few on the raid team ran elsewhere on more progressive teams. References can be provided if needed.

Adding link to WoL for those interested http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/223152/
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90 Tauren Warrior

Would you be willing to faction change?

We will be starting 25m this week, and would be able to cement you a spot.

However, I understand that is a bold request - but if you and your friends would be willing to do that, BloodBorn would be more than willing to accomidate.

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90 Night Elf Druid

I haven't ruled out going horde. And going horde w/o the server transfer is only $5 more than the server transfer I was willing to pay for an ally guild. Shoot me a battletag request and we can talk tonight.
Edited by Mystidruid on 3/19/2013 10:17 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Hey Mystidruid,

We are looking for someone of your caliber on Alliance. My RealID is Cassey#1858 if you want to chat. I will not be on long this eve. We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 9 ST. 9 ST is a hard stop so we do not go over.
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100 Orc Warrior

might be something you're looking for
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90 Night Elf Druid
Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I found a home with Solution on Greymane.
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