Apologies to the Community

90 Night Elf Druid
Dear Members of the CC Alliance (and possibly Alliance alts of the Horde),

It came to my attention that last night, one of our mage initiate raiders, was being extremely rude in General Chat during an Oondasta kill. As per the forum rules I cannot name names, and I don't know if those people who were affected by this situation would see this post, however in the chance that some of you do, I wanted to issue an apology on behalf of our poor judgment in taking him in.

As some of you may know from our recruitment post on the forum, we were recruiting a mage, and happened upon this individual. He seemed knowledgeable about his class and did not show any indications of this sort of negative quality during our extensive Mumble interview with him. Since his invitation to the guild he has proved to be an annoyance to our guild members, however, to my own error as it turned out, I asked my guild mates to give him the benefit of the doubt, as oftentimes new members may try too hard to show themselves as worthy and/or knowledgeable. I asked them to look past that and get to know his good sides.

However, hearing reports of last night's behavior first thing this morning from multiple different sources have prompted his guild removal. We do not tolerate this sort of behavior of unprovoked, openly trash talking other members of the community. Simply being frustrated with a multi-group PuG, especially on a world boss like Oondasta, is not justification for behaving in the way that he did, at least as far as we're concerned. Had he not had this attitude issue his performance in raids would've guaranteed that our mage spot be filled, however, he is not a good fit for our guild and quite frankly I do not want to see a person behaving in such a way wearing our guild tag.

So once again, my sincere apologies to those affected by the bad behavior last night.

- Lerr Bear STARE
Edited by Lerrielin on 3/16/2013 4:52 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
I think this is why much of the community respects and appreciates your presence on the server. It's a spoil to have such consideration and humility come from a guild that isn't comprised of RPers showing it to us. I greatly appreciate it and hope others do as well, because you and your guild are a rarity and we are honored by your presence. Graced.

*Izby glomp*

I guess this also means you are recruiting a mage with those healers.
Edited by Izby on 3/16/2013 7:12 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Druid
This is why Warcraftier is held in such high regard by this community. Having standards of character instead of just ability says a lot.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Now if only we could get them to stop STOMPING OUR WARRIORS.
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90 Night Elf Druid
I guess this also means you are recruiting a mage with those healers.

Well actually, we've received some promising healer apps, so we're putting that on hiatus. As far as the mage spot goes, if you ask me, I'd say, "Alas yes, it's back to the drawing board. :(". However, if you were to ask our veteran ret pally, his answer would most likely be, "No. We are not recruiting mages anymore. Mages are bad people." XD Of course, you'd have to understand our experiences with the last few mage apps we've gotten to understand that joke... >_>

Now if only we could get them to stop STOMPING OUR WARRIORS.

:O Oh it's you! I haven't even thought of my Raven Lord mount in forever. Let's see here... *gets out Raven Lord* I'M COMING FOR YOU LIORE! *STOMPSTOMPSTOMP*
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100 Night Elf Priest
I have a mage.

It's true. She's a bad, bad person.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Now if only we could get them to stop STOMPING OUR WARRIORS.

Put more spikes on your armor. It hurts them. *sage nod*
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Mages that give the rest of us a bad name are BAD NEWS BEARS.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
This is why Warcraftier is held in such high regard by this community. Having standards of character instead of just ability says a lot.

Echoing this. Integrity is a very strong thing when it's known cross-faction as well, and not just by people who frequent the forums.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Mages that give the rest of us a bad name are BAD NEWS BEARS.

But-but Ais, I'm a bear, does that make me a mage? :'(

Oh wait, does that even make sense? o_o
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100 Worgen Death Knight
03/18/2013 04:36 AMPosted by Lerrielin
Mages that give the rest of us a bad name are BAD NEWS BEARS.

But-but Ais, I'm a bear, does that make me a mage? :'(

Oh wait, does that even make sense? o_o

You're a bear... which means you could be a moonkin... which makes you a feathermage.

Which mostly just means that you're inconvenient to eat; moonkins are infinitely harder to pluck properly than chickens.

This makes me a sad worgen.

*looks around for tasty gnomes*
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*throws pants at Ragefang and the crowd from a safe distance, singing the doom song*
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I can't feel my legs.
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03/18/2013 04:36 AMPosted by Lerrielin
Mages that give the rest of us a bad name are BAD NEWS BEARS.

But-but Ais, I'm a bear, does that make me a mage? :'(

Oh wait, does that even make sense? o_o

You're a good news bear.
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90 Tauren Warrior
If I did not have respect for Warcraftier before, I sure do now.

Guilds like Warcraftier who can be honest with the server and accept responsibility are in too short supply these days.

I might think twice before I slaughter your members during dailies now.

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100 Orc Warrior

I might think twice before I slaughter your members during dailies now.

I won't.

Alliance scum is alliance scum!!!

(Until they faction change to Horde, then they're alright I guess)
Edited by Elgunaz on 3/19/2013 10:55 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Druid
If I did not have respect for Warcraftier before, I sure do now.

Guilds like Warcraftier who can be honest with the server and accept responsibility are in too short supply these days.

I might think twice before I slaughter your members during dailies now.


Thank you Ralroar. I've seen you and members of your guild while out roaming the world. After being on the server for so long I just automatically try to feel out what a guild is like, regardless of faction. I've observed that your guildmates have always, at least in all the instances that I've encountered them, been courteous and respectful. So the sentiment goes right back at ya, although truth be told I got bored of WoW PvP a long time ago and have only done two BGs in the last year or so. >_>
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