Keep On Pushing

90 Pandaren Warrior
Beneath unrelenting threads of smoke and the discordant din of late night tavern-goers, Inquisitor Liore Bloodwing was busy getting a professional sulk on. Bent wretchedly over his solitary table, he alternated ruining his lungs with the pale cigarettes that had started to grow on him since his stint with the Dominance Offensive, and trying to find the bottom of a wide bottle of bourbon. The small, secluded pub was quickly reaching standing-only capacity, but none were bold or drunk enough to take the seat opposite the armored figure with the poisonous stare and deadly, baleful expression.

Prognosis: unwell.

Months of strain were starting to take their toll. The fighting against the Alliance was hard work, with SI:7 casting to the wind their usual discretion and throwing their weight into Krasarang. Pursuit of the nameless, traceless vigilante that had been murdering key members of Lordaeron Council had long ago devolved to pacing a cold trail. The distant threat of Lei Shan loomed ever nearer (though the Inquisitor would not know it just yet), and the very real death of his daughter by his own blood-soaked hands robbed him of any hope of rest or comfort in weeks.

Food had lost its taste, war had lost its purpose. For the first time in centuries, Liore felt the crushing weight of his years.

Here he sat, smelling of sweat and blood, feeling bad for himself. Every couple thousand years, that leads to something productive.

Movement snapped Liore from his introspection; for not the first time that night he snapped up a piercing leer that would peel the plaque off a Zandalari's tusks. Across the table, covered as it was in crushed cigarettes and empty shot-glasses, a Pandaren dusted off the adjacent seat and settled himself in with a satisfied grunt. The pale-faced bear wore a hooded blue robe, thick red prayer beads, a pair of nasty scars over the bridge of his nose, and a wizened expression of such potent patience and calm that the scornful rebuke that had seared itself up the back of Liore's throat cooled into a neutral and unwelcome 'Nnnnh'.

The Pandaren shouldered a absolutely massive keg onto the floor and thunked an impressive wooden stein on the table, proceeding to tap himself a tall draught.

“I pray you do not mind that I sit here,” the bear stated in the husky baritone of his people, heard clearly despite the softness of the tone. “The road has been long, and I am afraid I have spent too many years in the temple! Hm-Hm!”

Blisteringly foul mood or no, Liore knew nothing but respect for the stoic people of Pandaria; something about the tranquility they shared as a nation struck him as edenic. A height of enlightenment to which all races should aspire. Ordinarily he would have shooed the bear away, but there was something... tolerable about the monk that held his inquisitorial retort.

Without reply, Liore knocked back another shot of burning, bitter repression. With a deepening, fangy grin, the Pandaren proceeded to drain his own stein, and soon set about refilling it.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Time drifted by, slowly. The tavern's din grew, bodies shuffling in. A few bottles deep, Liore was feeling no better about himself. He was that special sort of drunk where you are just coherent enough to remember every single one of your failures, every single life you'd ruined, every single life you'd ended needlessly. Descending deeper into his personal hell, he did not notice the Pandaren had begun staring at him.

“You are deeply troubled,” the bear stated plainly, lapping some of the head from his latest draught.

Liore blinked at him a few times, unsure how to respond to such direct a statement. Something biting and sarcastic would be the normal, but he was getting drunk enough to no longer need the barrier of cruelty that protected him as surely as the metal with which he wrapped himself.

“The weeks have not been kind,” he began slowly, his torn voice rasping along like a dried leaf over a gravestone. “I have been relentless in my work. I have obeyed the laws of the land, spoken and unspoken. I have bled, and I have wept, and I have lost myself for the glory of my Kingdom. I have sent men and women -good people- to their deaths and what have I to show for it?

“When I was young, I used to believe that sacrifice and, and work and loss would somehow... add up later. That over time everything would pay off. But, master Pandaren, I don't see it anymore. I don't believe it. Happiness should be something you come into, not start with and lose more and more of.

“The eagerness of my youth has fled me. And I fear I have nothing left with which to replace it.”

The Pandaren remained still and silent, chewing thoughtfully on his lip with his soulful blue eyes fixed intently on the blood elf. In those eyes, Liore saw a wisdom tried by time and tempered in the fires of meditation, a kinship of tenacity that he had not recognized at first. The monk spoke, gesturing grandly as is the custom of his people.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
“A man climbs to the top of a mountain, to speak with a master sitting in his temple. He says to the master, 'Master! I have before me a long and perilous journey! Train me please, to have the fortitude, so I do not perish on my way!'

The master strokes his beard, and replies: 'I will train you, young man. But first, go outside of my temple, and you will find a boulder that is large and heavy. Push this boulder down the mountain, and I will train you for your journey.'

The man immediately goes out and pushes on this boulder with all of his might, but finds that it will not move! He digs his feet and pushes, and he presses, and he presses and he pushes but still! Still there the boulder stands, not budging an inch. All day long, the man pushes against the boulder, and yet it does not move.

He returns to the master, but the master says only this: 'Continue to push the boulder until it falls from the mountain, and then I will train you.'

The man pushes the boulder for another day. And then another. And then for a week. And then for a year. Each day he rises and pushes as hard as he can, for as long as he can. And yet, still the boulder stands.

On the last day, he returns to the master, angry and shouting!

'Master! I have pushed this boulder for a year now, and it has not moved! This is a pointless thing you have instructed me to do!'

The master strokes his beard and points at the man. 'Look!' he says. 'From pushing on that boulder, your legs have become strong! Your arms have become thick! Your shoulders broad and your lungs powerful! Go then on your journey, for you are now strong enough!'”

The Pandaren paused to sip at his brew, before leaning forward in his chair. Liore found himself doing the same, enraptured. The monk spoke deliberately, placing his heavy paw on the inquisitor's armored shoulder.

“We do not always understand why some trials are placed before us, but always remember: keep on pushing. You will find you have already developed the strength you will need for your journeys.”

Liore Bloodwing sat in astounded silence, his poison-apple stare transfixed on the table as he absorbed the lesson. His mouth worked silently a few times, and he cleared his throat before choking out a wispy 'thank you.' Without further delay, he rose from his seat, gathered his helmet and sword, and stalked out into the night, a determined slant to his heavy steps.

There were calls to be made, after all, and work to be done.
Edited by Liore on 3/12/2013 7:19 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I still don't know how you manage to capture so many crucial details regarding race, or facial expression, or tone into a few paragraphs.

Beautiful work as always Lio<3

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This. This was fantastic.

I second the call for moar. If moar does not follow, there will be blood.

Oh yes. There will be blood.
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71 Undead Warlock
Most excellent! Very well written :D

I can't wait to read more!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Well! Thank you for all the compliments! Reading Finnler's work over there got me all hot and bothered. Still have quite a ways to go, but I'm glad to see we're on the right track.

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