482 Lock LF Raiding Guild

90 Gnome Warlock
I've been playing the game on and off for about 6 years or so and that whole time I played Horde. Decided to switch it up and play alliance. I healed all of Wotlk content and Cata content. I have a lot of experience in raiding overall. I'm hoping to find a raiding guild that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-9 server but usually anything after 6 server is good. Thanks for reading!
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90 Human Warrior
Any chance you can swing sundays? We go Sun/Tue/Thur 6-9 Server and currently have no warlocks. Gear is not an issue, if you have the skill!
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90 Gnome Warlock
Ugh, I work all the other days of the week except for Tuesday and Thursday which is why I said those days. I can come to Sundays but I wouldn't be able to show up until after 6 since that is when I get out. I added you in game, please add me and we can talk. Thanks.
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90 Gnome Warlock
Also, my battletag is "wiman#1698."
Edited by Baskel on 3/22/2013 1:45 PM PDT
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