RP Idea

72 Night Elf Hunter
I wanted to try an rp between a Night elf Female and a Blood elf Male.
It seems to always be the opposite and that's not fair to the night elf ladies I feel.
So any Blood elf males out there willing to give my idea a shot?
Please? ;w;
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Undead Mage
Are you soliciting us for sex?
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72 Night Elf Hunter
No, I just see a lot of Wow Video's about a female blood elf and a male night elf. I wanted to try something different. I'm no !@#$%, I just thought it would be interesting to try.
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100 Draenei Mage
Are you specifically looking for a cross faction interaction or would someone being a highbourne (alliance side) work for you? The reason I ask is because cross faction requires a relatively hefty investment. You can find a troll who does it at the tavern sometimes.
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