Healer for hire (H)

90 Troll Priest
Hello Cenarion Circle, I am Jinjo the troll priest!

I've recently come to Cenarion Circle to get my hand into some heightened raid experience, unfortunately I seem to be filling an extra slot in Dominion's roster believing they were losing a healer.

So I've been given permission and blessings from Elgunaz to expand my horizons. If any Horde need any of my "priestly" services please don't be afraid to ask. i have been playing since vanilla, cleared most of the content Blizzard has released over the years and haev an overall good personality.

I've full cleared all 5.1 content so far but only gotten as far as Tortos on ToT 10.

My ilvl is 503 and currently have a double disc spec for PvE and PvP but I am well versed in the shadow arts ( dont have an established gear set but ive dps as shadow in 5.1 ) and holy properties of my class.

I have mumble, vent and teamspeak installed on my computer so I'm adaptable to any voice chat.

tl:dr you need a healer for your ToT attempts? say no more and give me a call!

if you want to add me on friends my name DOES HAVE an accent over the i (alt code 0237).

Also taking recruitment for permanent spots (10 or 25 ). my only requisite is "!@#$ GETS DONE"

Thank you
Edited by Jínjo on 4/16/2013 2:13 PM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
Jinjo has a good attitude towards self-improvement.
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90 Troll Shaman
he also likes peanut butter and jelly
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90 Troll Priest
peanut butter jelly time!
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100 Undead Warrior
We will take it'sss Mojo, yesss!

*readies his jar*
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Well hello there Mister Priest.
Look for me in game this afternoon, I'd be more than happy to point you at our raid leader.
If you can't find me, hit up anyone in OES and tell them you're looking for Rizz, they'll know where to find me.
Edited by Arizza on 4/18/2013 4:54 AM PDT
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90 Troll Priest
@ Abominus

MY MOJO BE STRONG UNDER THE PROTECTOR OF MAH LOA! GO BACK TO THE SHADOW FROM WHENCE YOU CREPT! *casts Holy Fire on Abominus and proceeds to smite him with holy magic.

@ Arizza

Sure! I'll be more than happy to talk to you guys.
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90 Troll Priest
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90 Troll Priest
still looking for a spot

willing to go alliance....
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90 Night Elf Druid
How well-versed in shadow are you? Would you be willing to consider MS shadow/OS healy? :o
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100 Goblin Shaman
Howdy. Redemption has just started fielding a raid team, and having a knowledgeable and dedicated healer, especially with a DPS OS, would be a huge benefit to us. We're currently clearing 5.1 content, but most of the team has individual experience up to and including ToT LFR. We're gearing two members, but the rest of us are prepared to attempt ToT 10 normal mode.

Feel free to add me on battletag, it's Leaite#1720, even just to discuss something temporary.
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