A frantic plea for aid. (RP, H + A)

80 Blood Elf Rogue
“He told me to go as Talen showed up and they began to fight. I recalled Dullen or Kioria called for Nisensi as I left. I don’t know if Nome’s alive now or…” Failiani yawned and felt very tired. O fel, she was about to fall asleep again. She sighed before she blacked out. The rogue woke up some time later with a warm blanket over her. Failiani sat up and sighed as Mysiani walked over to her.

“Take it easy, you’we been asleep for a fev hours. This Nome sounded like he vas honorable. If he died, it vas doing something he felt vas moral. I applaud a varrior for that. Granted, he could be aliwe but not in good shape considering Nisensi’s… methods. I assume once you left, you landed the plane and then ran into the racist mercenary.” Mysiani commented.

Failiani nodded. “I don’t remember anything after noticing you fishing while I was running… until waking up in the tent over there. I suppose you know what happened a week ago, at least partly.”

“I’ll tell you vhat happened; you fell asleep rather suddenly after he claimed that Garithos vas the greatest human for his actions against the Sin’dorei. The racist human vas about to capture you vhen I decided to interwene. He made wery rude remarks tovards me, I attacked and managed to get him avay from you and brought him ower to a stream. Vhile I vas fighting, you voke up and then svung over using a grappling hook. Ve then fought together and killed the fel-tainted rogue.”

That mercenary had claimed what about the racist Garithos? That human had tried to exterminate the Sin’dorei. He deserved to die for that comment. Failiani wasn’t surprised to find out that she had help kill him after finding out this information. She wasn’t even going to guess what rude comment was made towards Mysiani. She wouldn’t have to guess, either.

“You vant to knov vhat really got me to go after that human? He made wery rude remarks that’d get most draenei riled up such as insulting Prophet Velen but he called me a ‘gnome lower’; one that vished to become one or sleep vit... I had to beat him up after hearing that.”

The rogue grunted. The draenei meant 'gnome lover' but nodded considering this draenei’s history with gnomes, she could understand her position on that matter. If someone ever made a similar remark concerning Amani trolls and her, it’d very likely be the last comment they would ever make. Failiani had a feeling something else happened after the racist rogue mercenary was killed. “What happened after that?…”

“I burned the body vith a torch vhile you cleaned your veapons. You vere hungry and had no food so I decided to cook you something. Vhile the food vas cooking, your father came and…”

Faili’s mouth dropped in shock and she felt her body trembling. How was that possible? Her father had died due to being captured and was likely sacrificed by trolls, at least that’s what she was told- despite the fact his body had never been found. Granted, she did have doubts about her father’s death for the first few years after her parents had been attacked but that had faded over time when he didn’t come. It turns out her doubts as a younger child may have been correct. “My father is…”

“Aliwe and not as an undead in case you’we vondering.” Mysiani interrupted as she handed Failiani a canteen. “Drink that, you don’t need to pass out again. I realize that you thought he had died from trolls but it turns out that vasn’t the case.”

“I assume he mentioned what happened to him.” Failiani took a sip of the canteen and was surprised that the beverage contained cocoa beans and milk.

“He got hexxed into a frog by trolls vhen he tried to escape and attempt to sawe your late mother. He got freed from that by a drunken dvarf a few years ago when Zul’Aman vas first attacked. Unfortunately some pirates captured your father vhile he tried to Silvermoon and vas then forced to pay an old debt by serwing aboard a ship. He recently got that debt paid off and vas released from forced serwitude.”

“It wouldn’t happened to been a high elf mage that forced him to worked?” Failiani blinked; she had told Qixilixa originally months earlier that the threat against her was due to a rival high elf mage her father had a debt to and wanted her to pay it. Failiani had lied to the goblin but hadn’t been aware that her father actually owed one. Maybe she had overheard him speaking about it to her late mother many years ago.

Mysiani nodded. “The mage is a Sin’dorei captain nov but vhen your father made the debt, the person vas a high elf. You dueled your father a fev veeks earlier at Scalavag Point according to him.”

((Continued below.))
Edited by Failiani on 12/11/2013 1:33 PM PST
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80 Blood Elf Rogue
The young rogue put her face in the palms of her hands as a memory flashed back to her. She dueled and lost to a Sin’dorei rogue that was the exact height of him. She didn’t see his face due to a mask he wore but she thought she saw an eye patch over the right eye that had been blinded many years earlier when he had been a pirate. She thought his voice sounded vaguely familiar, too and it would explain why she lost the duel so quickly. Even Nome had dueled and lost to him. That rogue was her father she realized.

It would also explain why she had his recipe for Chocolate Lynx cupcakes. He had given to her likely after she asked for it. Still, with her father being alive, it really brought a question up. Why was she still in Northrend and not in Silvermoon? She remembered him being very protective of her. If her father knew Nisensi was after her, he would have dragged her back to Silvermoon by now. She had to have lied to her father. “Did my father say anything else?”

“Taelis asked about the mercenary. I told him about the remarks he made tovards you and me; he figured the mercenary randomly targeted us. You told him you vere exploring Northrend vhen he asked vhat you vere doing here. I don’t know vhat happened after he gawe you that over there. He said you needed a good mount to help you explore. I left after that so you could spend time vith him.” the warrior pointed to the dark colored hippogryph that was lying down near a large rock a few yards away.

Failiani looked and noticed the creature; that was hers? She had seen these mount near the Cenarion Expedition in Zangermarsh and other Cenarion Circle held places and had really wanted one; Lor’eth had told she couldn’t have one. She had to thank him if she hadn’t already. If she had told her father she was exploring, that would explain why she was still here. Granted, Faili did want to explore with the Scourge presence greatly reduced but she have other reasons to be in Northrend. Some mercenaries needed to be dealt with.

“Something tells me exploring isn’t the only thing you’re doing still here. You vish to go after this Nisensi, don’t you? I can’t blame you and I can understand vhy you don’t vant your father inwolwed.”

She slowly let out a sigh. “I plan on going after the mercenaries at the very least. I know I can’t go after Nisensi by myself. I’d get lots of help before even thinking of going after her.”

The draenei nodded. “You are vise in not taking on Nisensi right nov. That being said, I think you can fully capable of taking on the mercenary that Nisensi didn't hire in Pandaria. The other one; I vould get help on that- he could be as dangerous as that Talen. I vould think he could be of any Alliance race except Pandaren and Draenei.”

“I should. They did mention he was very skilled.” Failiani shivered briefly, “I suppose any Sin’dorei would help me if they knew of my plight.”

“Anyone vith a brain vould help you out.”

The elf nodded and fixed her pony-tail. That was true; anyone sane might help out. There was even a chance a forsaken would help her out. After all, Nisensi was a high elf and her mercenaries were of Alliance races. “Are you claiming you’re going to help?”

“In my vay; I think anyone serwing her villingly deserwes my mace and my blade. I’m angry the Alliance hasn’t done anything to stop her. It’s a reason I left the army. If they von’t, I shall.” Mysiani smirked after that remark.

“Nome had mentioned once that Nisensi brainwashes anyone that shows hesitation of leaving her organization into staying.”

Mysiani sighed and nodded, “I figured that vas the reason he had faked his death after leawing her organization. I shall help you out by going after the employees; a brainvashed minion should come to their senses if they get beat up enough. I hope you don’t mind if ve hawe a parting toast. I feel like getting to the business of tracking down her vorkers.”

Failiani shrugged but nodded as the draenei handed her a canteen of what appeared to be volatile rum. Granted, she didn’t like the smell of it but she had learned to drink at Scalawag Point. She didn’t know if Silvermoon had any restricted drinking laws concerning Sin’dorei that hadn’t reached adulthood but it wasn’t like there were any around to stop her.

“To Nisensi and her organization’s painful death; may their plans not be fulfilled in any vay. Cheers!” Mysiani took a swig out of her canteen of rum.

“Cheers; may Nisensi die painfully for all she’s done.” Failiani nodded and swig some of the liquor. It was bitter and a bit sweet to her; maybe there was a hint of bananas in it. It was good either way.

“I shall be going nov. Keep safe and may the Light protect you.” Mysiani waved to Failiani and called for a mount.

((Continued below.))
Edited by Failiani on 11/22/2013 4:17 PM PST
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80 Blood Elf Rogue
The Sin’dorei shrugged at the mention of the Light but she wasn’t surprised considering the rumors about them. “Keep safe and keep your wits about you.” Failiani waved to the draenei who climbed onto an ebon colored gryphon. Mysiani saluted the young rogue before taking off. She took a swig before capping the canteen of rum and walking over to the hippogryph. Yes, she had made a toast with a draenei; one that was a mercenary but there wasn’t anyone around to have stopped her.

She smirked as the hippogryph got up like it was anxious in going. As Failiani hopped on, she noticed that the harness and saddle on the creature sparkled. That was cool in her mind, her father must have found out about her enchanting skills and had it enchanted particularly for that effect.

What Faili didn’t know was that her father had the harness and saddle created and enchanted so he could keep track on her location or rather the hippogryph’s location. If she kept close to the Hippgryph, it’d be able to locate her. He had kept a piece of harness material in the theory scrying could be used to track her down if she ran into serious trouble. Granted Taelis didn’t know much about scrying (his knowledge came from that mage that forced him to serve) but he figured there was a chance it might work.

But what Faili didn’t know didn’t hurt her in this case. “Let’s get going towards that Taunka camp-northeast of here.” She held on for dear life as it took off suddenly; this mount was far quicker than the spotted Hippogryph. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long to get to Taunka place; it was nightfall already. Hopefully she’d be allowed to stay there for a night or two.

Failiani sighed as she thought what she do once she got to her destination. For one, she was going to have to write her father a letter, explaining she had accidently drank a non-lethal poison that affected her memories and he if had any instructions such as writing him letters or similar thing. She didn’t him looking for her and taking her back to Silvermoon after all. That wouldn’t help her in her plans to take on the mercenaries Nisensi hired.

Yes, that was something she planned on doing. She was going to be have careful if she asked for help in dealing with the mercenaries; she didn’t want her father or Coriani to find out about this threat against her. She figured would be able to take on a mercenary that Nisensi hadn’t gone to Pandaria to hire by herself; granted she didn’t know who they were except they weren’t draenei. If she noticed someone of the other Alliance race or even a goblin following her, they might be one.

She sighed as her stomach started to growl; she was starting to get hungry. Chocolate meat cupcake sounded really good at the moment; that’s another thing she could do. She should find the materials for them and make some to eat and send. Who would she send them to? She’d send one to her business partner to try, one to her father to make sure she the recipe right. Fel, she’d even send on to her cousin nemesis, Oristanne if he ever came back. Yes, she had dealings with him concerning training he had promised her but never gave. That didn’t make her happy at all.

Anyways, the young Sin’dorei wasn’t sure how long she had been flying when she finally reached the Taunka camp (she didn’t recall the name of it at the time.) and hopped off the Hippogryph. She put the mount inside of a stable and stepped inside the inn tent. There she was glad to find they had room for her to stay a night. She bought some bread from the innkeeper and sat down.

She wasn't feeling tired just yet and wasn't a bad time to write a letter. Fail got a parchment paper and the black ink vial out. She rubbed her eyes and started to write a letter to her father, hoping she wouldn’t fall asleep in the process or someone locating her.
Edited by Failiani on 11/22/2013 4:20 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((My apologize in taking so long in getting Failiani's post up. My health's been on the poor side. I haven't had an allergic reaction to my crohn's treatment so I suppose that's good in that regard. However, it seems very slow to work and it does suppress my immune system to where I won't have symptoms other than fever if I get an infection (ex. pneumonia.).

Concerning Faili's post-The flashback took place in July and rest of it in late August. Failiani isn't in Grizzly Hills anymore- she's in another Northrend zone now. I'll reveal which zone that is in another post. The draenei featured is my Alliance alt twink warrior, I hope I got her accent right (I haven't forum rp'd on her since late wrath). I might bring my Alliance pandaren alt in this via forums but haven't fully decided yet.

The letter Failiani mentioned that she wrote to Qixilixa still hasn't reached the goblin- something may have happened to the pandaren rogue or he could be very lazy in getting it to her. If someone wishes to find the pandaren dead or alive and roleplay it on the forums, that's fine with me. If no wants to, that's fine, too. I'll mention the letter she wrote is sealed.

Failiani's father is alive rather than dead- that's something I've pretty much had planned since this thread began; I hope the reasoning is good enough- I remembered Amani Hex Stick from Zul'Aman heroics and something similar would have been used. He would be staying 'hidden' from Coriani and Nisensi; however an Inquisitor or someone similar could find out about his status. Taelis is what I consider a forum character so he won't appear in-game.

I do have a post planned for Coriani and I would consider it a major event. There is a fairly good chance her post will partly play out in game, too due to what I have planned. (Hint; house, explosives.) If anyone wants to know more this, feel free to ask me in game. ))
Edited by Coriani on 11/22/2013 4:26 PM PST
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70 Goblin Warrior
Qixilixa sat down at the table with a letter in hand that she had received a week or two earlier. She along with her cousin Driqa had arrived in Azshara hours ago in order to visit one of her other cousins, Pizaxxa. Why were they visiting this cousin? They needed to talk, one about information in the letter Qixilixa was holding and the major issue about troublesome family members, namely Pizaxxa’s younger twin sisters Nappsixa and Izriza.

“Have you received any letters for me from a pandaren, especially one that was a rogue?” Qixilixa watched Pizaxxa heat some sort of beverage on a cooking stove that thankfully hadn’t exploded. She wasn’t going to be surprised if it did sometime during their visit; it malfunctioned on a regular basis.

“I haven’t had any mail, for me or any relative sent to me in months. Why do you ask? Is Nappsixa sending tainted fish again? That’s very foolish of her- then again she did try to kill you. I’m still upset by that…” Pizaxxa brushed dark reddish-brown hair from her face and shook her head.

The bruiser clenched her fist at the mention of that. Nappsixa had captured her a few months earlier. She had gone to confront her about her activities. The cousin attacked viciously- Qixilixa had managed to escape only then to run into Nisensi and her minions. A night elf male named Talen had kicked her in an attempt to punt her (didn’t work) before turning her over to Nappsixa. That shaman beat her up before chaining and leaving her in an abandoned murloc village located on the coast of Winterspring to starve to death.

Luckily for Qixilixa, Nappsixa had left her with her hearthstone. The bruiser was eventually able to hijack a death knight’s hearthstone in an effort to get help. That worked as he was able to find and get her freed. Qixilixa wasn’t sure how much longer she would have survived if she hadn’t done that.

“She sent fish to Coriani with a note written in bad handwriting; an orc peon can write better than she can. I do have that but this letter is the reason I’m asking.” The bruiser opened the letter in her hand and briefly read it over again that stated in Common,

To my favorite bruiser Qixilixa,

I really hope you’re alive still. I haven’t heard from you in a long while and am worried. I wrote you a letter a few months ago after I overh… I mean received some info. I gave it to a male pandaren rogue who was going in you direction and deliver it for me. Either something has happened to you which I hope not or… him; I can explain.

I’m not going to great depths how I got this information (I already did in the letter I gave to the pandaren rogue) but; Nisensi and her minions kidnapped a brown furred pandaren. She had intentions of starving him to death and then skinning him for a rug. She mentioned that she was going to do to every pandaren she came across. She has plans to exterminate their race in addition to Sin’dorei and murlocs.

I fear the pandaren she captured is dead by now and there wasn’t anything I do about it. ‘Gnomish’ Nome, a former employee of hers claimed I would have been captured if I tried to interfere and stop Nisensi. Speaking of him… I don’t know if he still alive. He was last seen fighting Talen, a night elf employee of the damned !@#$%’s and… Dullen was calling for reinforcements. He could be dead by now.

And yes, she has sent mercenaries after me for reasons I mentioned in the letter I sent with the pandaren and won’t go into here in case you have received it. Don’t worry, two of the mercenaries killed each other before tracking me down and I managed to defeat two others with some help. Granted there is still one in pursuit and I have no idea who it is… there is a creepy death knight that seems to be following me for the while now.

That’s why I sent the previous note asking for tips on how to defeat one. Don’t worry though; I’m currently safe where I’m staying. That mercenary or creepy death knight won’t be able to capture me; the guards would go after them if they tried to come after me.

Can you write me a letter if you receive this? I’ll be where I’m at for a bit- at least until the creepy death knight leaves.

~Failiani Arrowind

Note: I’m really happy you didn’t join Nisensi’s organization. She’s crazy! In case you don’t know, one of your cousins Nappsixa is working with the foul elf as a partner. I think your cousin is an idiot for that.

The bruiser shook her head and folded the letter. Nisensi’s plans concerning Pandaren greatly disturbed her; that high elf was capturing them with intentions of making floor rugs and wanted to exterminate the entire race now? It made her sick that the high elf alchemist mage was doing those activities and yes, she thought Faili’s info was valid; even though Qixilixa had fears on how Faili had gotten the information. She certainly had no regrets of refusing to join the foul elf’s organization.

Edited by Qixilixa on 12/9/2013 10:24 PM PST
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70 Goblin Warrior
Concerning the letter Failiani had sent to Qixilixa months earlier, she hadn’t received it nor had Driqa. If Pizaxxa hadn’t received it either, there was a good chance something bad had happened to the pandaren rogue. If Nisesni had anything to do with him not bringing the letter which likely had very valuable information on it… angered her.

“Can I see the letter you mentioned?” Pizaxxa placed a glass with a hot cocoa beverage inside of it on the table near Qixilixa.

“I’ll warn you, it’s upsetting and angering.” Qixilixa nodded and handed the folded letter to Pizaxxa.

“Not to mention disturbing.” Driqa added.

Qixilixa grunted before sipping on the hot cocoa beverage. It was sweet and good, this cousin did have knowledge of cooking. It was something the bruiser would eventually have to learn how to make on her own. Of course she could ask Pizaxxa but she likely would charge for it; she was training to be a priest after all.

“What the… I thought Izriza capturing and starving critters to death was bad but this is much worse. Starving and skinning Pandarens for a rug? Nappsixa could be helping on that.” Pizaxxa shook her head and muttered a curse.

“I’m worried Izriza is going to start capturing and starving people before long- like Nappsixa and Nisensi.” Driqa rubbed her eyes and yawned.

“That’s my fear concerning Izriza. Somehow I’m not surprised to Nappsixa is working with this psycho high elf; she has a ruthless side to her since she was young. I hope she would come to her senses by now but that's not going to be the case.” Pizaxxa started to pace back and forth.

The bruiser clenched her fists. "Nappsixa is ruthless and beating sense into her won't work. She's thinks she doing nothing wrong- despite beating me up and then chaining and leaving me to starve to death. That's not a way to treat a relative! She's getting the tainted fish from Nisensi and doing illegal stuff. If I had known about Izri's activities..."

Pizaxxa handed the letter back to the bruiser. “I know you would have beat up Izri and hopefully knocked sense back into her months ago. Qixilixa, have you shown anyone else this note? This is serious!”

“Vote? What vote are you talking about?” Qixilixa shrugged.

“Note, Qixi!” Pizaxxa let out a sigh. “You need to watch me while I speak, especially with your hearing.”

“I tried to find Failiani’s relative, Coriani Arrowind in Silvermoon to show her that letter but couldn’t locate her; I even searched Murder Row for the huntress.” Qixilixa yawned before continuing, “I haven’t shown it anyone else yet.”

Pizaxxa crossed her arms. “You need to and warn any pandaren you come across about this threat. We don't need potential customers dying to a psycho bastard high elf.”

The bruiser rubbed her right ear. “I know that…”

“What about that death knight that rescued you? Did you ever find out what his name was?” Driqa interrupted.

Qixilixa nodded at Dirqa. “I did… the huntress Coriani has met the death knight before; said his name was Ser Fastice Bladeblade.”

“Have you tried to contact him about this?” Dirqa shrugged.

Qixilixa rubbed her right ear. “I could contact him; I’ve been meaning to send a letter about what I know about Faili. According to Coriani, that high elf is after my business partner for a lab experiment. I don’t want Nisensi to capture her- Failiani's strong but I don’t know if she could survive long enough for a rescue.”

“Agreed.” Driqa shivered before continuing, “Failiani doesn’t deserve that.”

“Why don’t you write this Fastice now?” Pizaxxa rubbed her eyes before continuing, “It wouldn’t hurt to get more help for this matter.”

The bruiser let out a sigh. “I could but I’ll have to go Bilgewater Harbor to mail…”

“You can use my mailbox to send the letter. It's working now since Stinky fixed it. You have the time- might as well write it now before the other cousins arrive and I get dinner started. I'm making chowder.” Pizaxxa stared at Qixilixa.

Qixilixa nodded; she just remembered seeing a mailbox right outside the place, one that malfunctioned months earlier and shredded a letter. Thankfully it was fixed now. She had the time to write a letter and she might as well write it before her cousin started cooking dinner. The bruiser got out parchment paper and a quill from her packs and wondered what language to write it in.

She didn’t know how to write in Thalassian yet and doubted he knew how to read Goblin. Maybe he would be able to read Orcish? She sighed, was that the language he spoke when they met? She couldn’t remember, she had been kind of out at the time.

Edited by Qixilixa on 12/10/2013 8:05 AM PST
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70 Goblin Warrior
Granted, she could write the letter in Common as she did know that language; that’s what she wrote letters to Failiani in. But in the very unlikely case that her cousin’s mailbox malfunctioned and sent the mail to someone on the Alliance side, she didn’t want them to read it. With a sigh, she started to write the letter in Orcish that that read,

Hey Ser Fastice Blackblade,

I don’t know if you can read this and I’m sorry if you have to get a translator; I haven’t learned to read or write in Thalassian yet. I was told that you possibly helping in the search for young Failiani Arrowind. The kid is my enchanting business partner in case Coriani didn’t tell you. It’s just enchanting- I’ll mention though that she has potential to be great rogue.

The reason I’m writing is that I received a letter from Failiani and the information from it is disturbing and makes me angry. Faili (her preferred nickname) mentioned that she wrote an urgent letter a few months ago or so and gave it to a pandaren rogue for him to deliver. I don’t know why she didn’t go to a mailbox herself if the letter had urgent matters- I gave her disguises but there’s a chance she might have lost them by accident or someone stole them while she fell asleep; she does have a narcolepsy-type curse.

Concerning the letter she claimed to have sent via the pandaren, I haven’t received it and feared something bad may have happened to him; she mentioned that Nisensi had kidnapped a pandaren with the intention of starving and skinning him for a floor rug- and this high elf planned to do this to every pandaren she came across. I’m still trying to figure out how Faili got this info but it scares and angers me. I haven’t heard of any pandaren going missing- have you?

I tried to find Coriani to tell her of this letter but couldn’t find her in Silvermoon; she went there for reasons she didn’t mention by letter. I even briefly searched Murder Row, an area Cori won’t go to even if she has her pets with her and she wasn’t there. I have since sent a letter but she hasn’t responded back. Is it possible someone could check up on her? Faili has mentioned to me her cousin has a rogue nemesis named Oristanne that has captured her a few times in the past.

There is more I can mention; there is a former employee that Faili met named ‘Gnomish’ Nome- I don’t know if a gnome or a human based on the name but whoever it is might be missing or… dead based on her letter. Coriani informed me recently by letter that Nisensi hired a death knight. Faili claims a ‘creepy death knight’ seems to be following her; that could be the mercenary after her. She claims to be ‘safe’ but I’m not sure on that matter.

If you wish to contact me, either by mail, in person or hijacking hearthstone, that’d be great. I do have her letter on me in case you want to read it. Keep safe!


Post Note: Thanks again for rescuing me from that abandoned murloc village.

“Is your letter done?” Pizaxxa rubbed her eyes and walked over to the cooking stove.

The bruiser nodded. She carefully folded the letter and put it inside of a plain envelope. She hopped off the chair and walked outside her cousin’s small place over to the mailbox. She looked inside it just to make sure the mailbox was working; after all she didn’t want to have to go to Bilgewater Harbor if she had to.

Fortunately, it seemed to be working as she placed the envelope inside without it shredding or blowing up and waited for the green light that indicated it was sent. Granted, it also made a dinging sound but Qixilixa’s bad hearing couldn’t make that out.

Edited by Qixilixa on 12/10/2013 3:58 AM PST
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70 Goblin Warrior
Once she saw the green light and checked the mailbox to make sure the letter was sent, she was about to make her way inside only to get stopped by her Aunt Nakkza, Driqa’s mother. How did this relative get here? She didn’t see any mounts or vehicles nearby. Her aunt was up in age as she had graying hair and wrinkled green skin but she seemed in good shape otherwise.

“Qixilixa!” Aunt Nakkza gave the bruiser a hug. “You’re still in one piece; I had fears when I heard you went missing.”

Qixilixa smirked; this was one of her favorite aunts. “It’s good to see you, Aunt Nakkza. Age hasn’t slowed you down. What brings you here?”

“Pizaxxa didn’t tell you? She invited most of the cousins over and the living aunts and uncle to talk about an urgent business matter over dinner.”

“I know of urgent Nappsixa and Izriza business but... other cousins are coming?” Qixilixa hadn’t heard Pizaxxa talk about some of the others cousins coming while she had been writing the letter.

Aunt Nakkza’s rubbed her brown eyes briefly. “My sons will be here shortly along with Pizaxxa’s only living brother. My brother, Eneez and his kids will be here, too. Late Uncle Ace’s older kid is going to show up late and your great aunt is coming, too I heard."

"She's coming?" Qixi scratched her head. Great Aunt Draxle was old and venerable. It was surprising she hadn't died in an explosion but did have many close calls if the bruiser recalled. This relative didn't travel much anymore so it had to be important and urgent for her to come this far; Draxle lived in Tanaris.

"I heard so; Izriza might be behind the disappearance of her beloved cat. Pizaxxa’s expecting a houseful for this urgent matter concerning Nappsixa and Izriza. We can't have them ruining our businesses. It's hard making a profit with their troublesome meddling, the fish Nappsixa sent nearly killed me months ago.”

She nodded briefly. A houseful? Qixilixa glanced at her cousin’s place, it wasn’t very big as it was basically one room with a table, cooking stove and a bunk type bed. It hadn’t been bad with just her, Driqa and Pizaxxa but most of the cousins and her living aunts and uncle? That was well over ten, maybe fifteen relatives. How was her cousin expecting to fit all the guests? The business did need to be discussed in private but it was going to be a tight squeeze.

Qixilixa looked and noticed a goblin male with short red hair stepping out a Mechano-Hog. That was Pizaxxa’s brother, Stinky who was fairly good at engineering and pulling pranks. Something the bruiser would have to keep an eye out for; the cousins like to play pranks on her after all due to her bad hearing.

“Why don’t we make our way inside? It’s starting to rain. Don’t need to come down sick and have to pay Pizaxxa to heal me. ” Aunt Nakkza opened the door and went inside.

Qixilixa wiped her eyes as she felt the rain on her ears and nodded, it was starting to rain. She didn’t mind the rain; as long as she had a warm place to stay. She watched Stinky enter Pizaxxa’s place before she followed suit. There was business that needed discussing after all once the other cousins arrived; she hoped they would be able to come up with a plan for Nappsixa and Izriza before either of them did something really idiotic and hurtful to someone outside the family.

Still, the matter concerning the letter she sent Fastice was important, too. The bruiser didn’t know how long it would take for him to get the letter. It could be minutes or days; she forgot to ask Pizaxxa how long it took mail to reach recipients. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long and she’d hear from him soon, even if it during the business matters.

((I hope the letter is okay, Fastice. In-game, forum or both type of responses is fine with me.

I'm still planning Cori's post and possibly one for Nappsixa, hopefully it can be up this month. A good part of it will take place in game.))
Edited by Qixilixa on 12/10/2013 8:07 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
To my lovely and annoying cousin Cori,

Remember my Father’s old recipe for Cupcakes? I’ve obtained it and made one just for you!

Stay Alive, Coriani.


Note: I made one for Oristanne in case you’re wondering.

Coriani sighed and shook her head. She had received this note a week or so earlier and yes it was from her missing cousin. The writings matched letters that had been sent to her over a year earlier when the huntress had first started the search. Cori at the time didn’t know her young cousin was literate. Faili found out and used that to her advantage to send the huntress on a wild chase over Kamildor. Cori figured it out who was really writing after she showed them to Faili’s mentor. She hadn’t received anything from her young cousin… until now.

She didn’t know why Failiani had sent her the note and cupcake with it at this time. Was her cousin trying to tell her something? The huntress wasn’t sure. Coriani wasn’t surprised that Failiani had obtained her late father’s recipe for cupcakes; she had baked and sent one to Qixilixa a few months ago for the goblin to try. Still, it was something Cori dreaded back when her Uncle Taelis would bake them. Why would the Sin’dorei dread a cupcake, a sweet treat? Didn’t she like them?

The Sin’dorei sighed and looked at the Eversong Wood’s evening sky. She liked cupcakes occasionally but there was a major reason she didn’t like these ones; Taelis’s old recipe for them contained meat (usually lynx) and Cori was a vegetarian. She hadn’t like to eat anything that contained meat since she was very young and she hadn’t been the only one of the Arrowind House that had been like that. Cori’s late father and mother were vegetarians, and so were Cori’s Quel’dorei brother and high elf younger sisters Anessi and Jarinra.

While the other Arrowinds didn’t mind meat, they didn’t like to eat them in cupcakes she recalled. She had never asked Uncle Taelis why he had created that recipe but figures it was to pull pranks on relatives. Was Faili going to do the same thing? It was possible considering her cousin had sent it to Oristanne. She shivered as she briefly thought of that fel bastard and the pain he had caused her in the past. He had returned some months ago and he wanted to capture and torture her again, something that really scared the huntress.

She didn’t want to happen again; he had captured her three separate times in the past. A fourth time… she shivered at the thought. Luckily she hadn’t seen the fel rogue since a few months earlier when she had her ghostly crawler pet out. Cori did her best to keep a pet at all times (currently it was her saltspray gull named SeaGull) in hopes of keeping Oris away from her. If her cousin had sent him one of the meat cupcakes and he had eaten it, Cori really hoped that he had gotten very ill; maybe it was another reason she hadn’t seen the fel rogue in some time.

This brought her back to the cupcake Faili had sent. No, Cori didn’t eat it but she had used it for target practice. It did have a use and luckily Cori’s crossbow hadn’t broke when she fired the arrows out of it. Granted, the huntress did need to learn to use that weapon better but that would come with practice. If her cousin sent more of the meat cupcakes, Coriani would use them for target practice. It was small and Cori didn’t want to build mechanical devices to shoot at if she had to.

The first note wasn’t the only thing she had received from Failiani. Cori had sent her cousin a short letter five days, asking about the prank she had done to Oristanne. A few hours earlier, she had checked the mailbox she had in Silvermoon City and received another envelope written in Faili’s handwriting. She hadn’t read it yet due to repairing her portable mailbox- someone had tried to send her mail a few weeks earlier and her mailbox had shredded to the point Coriani couldn’t tell who had sent it.

She had also tried to send a letter to the Magisters two weeks ago but it had caught the letter on fire. Why had she not used an actual mailbox if her portable one was malfunctioning? She had been in southern part of Ghostlands on unspecified business and couldn’t get to Tranquillien. Cori had torn her portable mailbox apart and had found a dead mouse near the power supply. How had that gotten inside she had no clue but figured that had likely causing some of the problems.

The portable mailbox had been put together again earlier today and would test it a bit later, after she read what was inside the envelope Faili had sent her. While there hadn’t been a meat cupcake sent with this, the huntress was interested in her cousin’s response. Coriani had managed to find out that her cousin had been hiding in Shattrath about a year earlier; however, by the time Cori reached Shattrath, Faili had left a few weeks earlier. What had caused her cousin to leave?
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Cori didn’t know the exact reason for that as she went looking in her packs for the envelope. According to Failiani’s business partner Qixilixa, Faili claimed that that high elf mage rival pirate of her late father sent a letter that claimed they wanted her for a debt he had. Cori couldn’t recall Uncle Taelis owing any debts during his days of being a pirate. Either the letter was a hoax or Failiani had possibly lied who had actually sent the letter. The elf figured there had to be some threat for Faili to have left Shattrath the way she did. One of the draenei peacekeepers had claimed her cousin looked very pale days before leaving…

Her Saltspray gull squawked as she broke from her thoughts and had the envelope in hand. She opened it and found a letter, neatly written in black ink and Thalassian. She read it that stated,

To my cousin Coriani,

Yes, I sent Oristanne one of the cupcakes. I happen to like eating them but I realize that most don’t like the recipe. My intention was for him to eat it and come down very ill since I can’t quite remember if the meat was fully cook before adding it to the batter. I recently stole a vicious little hydra pet from a troll and sent it to Oris- maybe it’ll bite him once he receives it. Also, have you heard of Origami Slime? It’s something inscription can make. I’ve obtained some and thinking of sending him some. I have other ideas, too that should grief him.

The reason I’m doing this- he offered me training to be able to defeat the troll that cursed me with narcolepsy. This was when Master Lor’eth came down sick after the Catacylsm and wasn’t able to get out of bed, let alone teach me anything. Oris vanished like a coward before giving me any training! I think he deserves grief for that… wouldn’t you agree?

Don’t worry about Oris coming after me; I have strong doubts that he’d would. Besides, he’d have to try and find me, something he doesn’t have the ability to do. You almost located me once… remember those flyers (about me) you dropped in The Drag of Orgrimmar last year? Your lynx, TigerCat was starting to prowl after a ‘local’ and you called him back. That ‘local’ was me; I was visiting to check out rumors. After you left, I got one of those flyers and had to send you those letters.

I heard that you went on a chase all over Kalimdor; Master Lor’eth didn’t tell you that I could write. I was going to send you more but… decided against it due to certain events from high elf mage that caused our house trouble.

Anways, keep safe, Coriani. Try not to trip on anything.


Note: How’s Master Lor’eth? I haven’t heard from him since a few weeks after I left Silvermoon. I sent him a letter a few weeks ago- no response. I want to explore more but I’m getting worried…

The huntress rubbed her eyes after she was done with reading the letter. She somehow wasn’t surprised that her cousin had found Oris and he had offered her training; only to vanish before giving it. That was something Cori would expect from him. Still, Failiani had to been desperate to seek training from him. Why hadn’t the rogue trainers in Murder Row offered her training? Was it due to Failiani’s sleeping disorder? That was possible but she wasn’t sure and it was something to ask at a later time.

She shook her head at the mention of Faili stealing a hydra pet from a troll and sending it to Oris. She knew her young cousin wasn’t fond of trolls (one had apparently affected her with a narcolepsy curse) and would expect Faili to steal from one. Still, hydras were nasty creatures Cori wouldn’t think about taming (she didn’t think it was possible to tame one in the first place) and hoped the one sent to Oris would bite him hard, assuming it survived.

And yes, Coriani was worried about Failiani sending items to Oristanne. Her cousin obviously was underestimating that Sin’dorei rogue’s abilities. The more she thought about it, there was a good chance he never ate the meat cupcake and would be very angry having a tainted item sent to him. The fel bastard rogue could be planning revenge against Faili. It would horrify the huntress if he tracked down Failiani and abducted her. Faili already had a deranged high elf mage after her; she didn’t need another threat. She really needed to find Failiani soon…

Wait a minute; she had almost located her cousin once? A memory rushed to her; a few weeks after she learned Faili ran away from Silvermoon, Cori had been in Orgrimmar when she had dropped missing flyers in the Drag. While she had been picking them up, her lynx TigerCat had started to prowl and go near the entrance of the Cleft. The huntress thought he was starting to go after one of the ‘locals’ and had called him back. If she had known he had found Faili’s scent and was going after her…
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Coriani rubbed her eyes as she thought of Failiani’s venerable mentor, Master Lor’eth Dawnshadow. He had fallen off his mount months ago in Winterspring. How that had happened, she didn’t know. He had been unable to feel his toes let alone move his legs when she had visited him after his fall (right before she got stranded in Ashenvale). He still couldn’t walk but his health had improved to the point he had been able to be transported to Silvermoon after Hallows Eve.

However, she had received word a few weeks after he returned that his health was declining. How much? When she visited him last over a month ago, he couldn’t sit up on his own and was pale. The old rogue was tired and a bit confused; he had briefly forgotten what year it was when Cori had spoken to him. His appearance worried her greatly; he looked worse than she had seen in Winterspring. She stayed with Lor’eth for a few hours tending to him until his great nephew; Nelur showed up and demanded her to leave in a rather threatening tone.

Nelur told her on the way out that his great uncle was dying and didn’t seem concerned about it at all; that matter actually seemed to have pleased him, something that bothered the Sin’dorei huntress. Right before she left the premises, her pet fox suddenly bite Lor’eth ‘beloved’ cat and injured it severely enough where the poor cat died. Cori felt bad for orange tabby and was very surprised about the fox; she was normally a cowardly one. Her fox had been afraid of wooden target dummys…

The huntress blinked back tears. She didn’t know but the cat Anklebiter attacked had been infected with rabies. Her fox was infected quickly and bite Cori when he had tried to attack another cat about five days later. She got a portal to Thunder Bluff and went to the Da Doctas clinic there. She was able to get treated but her fox pet died. She had lost Bear, a white bear a few years earlier to old age but this pet’s death was harder to take. The fox was way younger than Bear and she should have seen that it was sick sooner.

A few days later, she returned back to Silvermoon with SeaGull in tow. While she had still been very sad about Anklebiter’s death, she had suspicions that Nelur was the reason Lor’eth health had declined. Cori remembered before leaving Thunder Bluff that his great nephew was an alchemist and could be poisoning his own relative. Why would he want to do that? Cori knew Nelur was the heir to Lor’eth inheritance since his grandson was still a Quel’dorei, could that be a reason?

As it was, she found out that orange tabby cat the fox attacked didn’t belong to Lor’eth; his ‘beloved’ cat was a silver tabby and he had given her to young Sin’dorei a few weeks before his accident. Who did the rabies infected orange tabby belong to? She didn’t know and was going to find out secretly while working on the latest ammo order and looking for Faili. She even had planned to pay Lor’eth a visit and check on him.

However, she then received a letter from Nelur. It mentioned that if she entered the premises where Master Lor’eth was staying; she would never make it out alive stating he had hired guards. Not only that, he would take Failiani’s inheritance once the old rogue died since the young one was missing and wasn’t around to receive it. Her cousin was to get her mentor’s dagger collection if something happened to him, why would Nelur want that? He wasn’t a rogue!

Cori wasn’t happy with the letter and went to pay a visit to Dawnshadow estate in Eastern Eversong Woods. After she barely managed to dodge a few arrows trying to enter the property, Cori knew the threat was genuine. She wouldn’t be able to be able to enter the house Lor’eth was in; being very sneaky wasn’t her best strength. How could she check up on the old rogue? The huntress was fairly certain that he was doing something vile to his old relative.

That answer came a few days later. Nelur had a servant who had let her in the place originally. She had found the Sin’dorei walking around the Bazaar in Silvermoon city in a dejected mood. The huntress approached him and was upset when she found out that Nelur had only paid him 5 gold coins for the last month’s work. That was practically slave labor in her mind.

She figured this might be her chance of checking on Lor’eth, even if she couldn’t enter the premises herself. Coriani offered Nelur’s servant a bag that contained a good amount of gold coins (she wasn’t going to say how much due to a fear of being blackmailed) on the conditions that he stay for now and would inform her any change in Lor’eth status and see if there evidence of Nelur poisoning his relative. He agreed and even said he’d see if the old rogue could be healed, when his employer wasn’t around.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Anyway, Master Lor’eth was still alive as of this morning when Nelur’s servant contacted her. He so far hadn’t found any poison vials in the room the old rogue was bedridden in but he agreed based on his condition that Nelur could be poisoning his relative and be carrying the vials on him. He generally wasn’t allowed in Lor’eth room for long periods of time when that… fel wretched Sin’dorei was in the room.

Coriani for a few weeks had been trying to contact Magisters by letters and asking if they could something about this matter. Her portable mailbox had burned the letter she had tried to send by it, hence why she tore it apart. She had tried to send a letter by the mailbox in Fairbreeze Village but as Cori knew, the letter hadn’t reached them. A few months earlier, she had sent a letter to Inquisitor Bloodwing asking for help in her search for Failiani but she hadn’t gotten a response. She didn’t know if he had gotten it or not and was hesitant on sending a letter on this issue…

She blinked as SeaGull pecked at her armor. Coriani looked at the night sky and sighed deeply. Failiani needed to know about Master Lor’eth health. The huntress knew the information would upset her young cousin; Faili cared for her old mentor. He had taught her some rogue skills and also raised her for a few years after the sudden death of Furanle, Faili’s Sin’dorei uncle on her late mother’s side of the family. Furanle had gotten custody of her after Cori’s father died and Cori been out of town.

If Failiani knew her mentor was doing so poorly, maybe she would make an effort to come or at least tell Coriani where she was staying if it too dangerous. With this latest letter, the huntress had suspicions that Failiani knew that Nisensi was after her- she mentioned a high elf mage that has cause trouble for the House. Cori had learned from Qixilixa that Nisensi had gotten training to be a mage; the goblin bruiser had been approached by foul elf before and luckily survived. She didn’t remember any other mages that had caused issues.

There was a way of finding out if Failiani knew about threat against her; she could ask her young cousin. Granted, the young rogue could lie but it was a chance Cori was willing to take. Besides, while Faili may know about Nisensi threat she may not know about the mercenaries that were hired. While Faili may sometimes be overconfident of her abilities, the huntress hoped her cousin would be smart enough not to attack a death knight by herself. It would be wise to write a letter.

With that thought in mind, Cori looked and found the parchment paper in her pack. She pulled it out along with dark colored ink. She inspected the parchment and made sure there wasn’t any Bloodthistle pedals on it; she didn’t need Failiani making a comment on that.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
After not noticing any herb particles, she began to write the letter in Thalassian that read;

Greetings Failiani Arrowind,

I hope you’re doing well my young relative and your sleeping disorder isn’t causing too many issues. You also sent Oristanne a hydra? That was brave and risky of you. I would agree that he deserves grief but… Faili, you need to stop with your ideas for Oristanne and quit sending items to him; I strongly doubt you’ll listen but it would terrify me if he tracked down, abducted and tortured you because of the ‘gifts’. He’s far more dangerous than you realize.

I know you want to travel around but you need to return to Silvermoon. I had very unfortunate news about your mentor guardian. Master Lor’eth fell off his mount around 9 months ago in Winterspring. I don’t know how that happened and his memory is foggy on that matter. The injury left him paralyzed- he couldn’t feel his toes let alone walk. His health improved enough where he was able to be transported back to Silvermoon a few months ago.

However, his health has since declined- to the point he is slowly dying. I don’t know how long he has to live. Nelur is currently taking care of him. I have suspicions that he could be involved with Master Lor’eth poor health. That person has threatened me if I enter the premises to check on your mentor. Granted, I have paid Nelur’s servant to keep me informed of Lor’eth status and Nelur’s activities but I can’t enter the house he is in. I fear the inheritance Lor’eth has stated for you is in jeopardy.

I’m wondering; is the high elf mage you mentioned Nisensi, the foul alchemist that married and then killed a cousin on my mother side of the family. I found out over a year ago that she is still alive and… want you as a prisoner for a very foul lab experiment. She has hired mercenaries to abduct you. I’ve been able to confirm one of them is a human death knight and is very skilled. As long as you are in Northrend, I know that they can get you. You would be much safer in Silvermoon and a good reason to return.

If it’s too dangerous for you to come on your own, can you at least let me know where you are staying so I send some help? I don’t want to lose my only Sin’dorei relative to a blasted high elf. Fare you well in the meantime, Failiani. Keep safe!


She looked over the letter a few more times before folding it up and putting inside of an envelope. She needed to get back to Silvermoon and send the letter off; however she was a few hours away. Or did she actually need to go? Coriani just fixed her portable mailbox and she was going to test it. Should she risk sending this in the device? She brushed a strand of red hair from her eyes; she could try sending it, at the very worst she would have to rewrite the letter.

Coriani then took out the portable mailbox and set it up next to her. Once the mailbox warmed up several minutes later (it took longer than usual), the huntress picked up the envelope that contained the letter and hoped for the best. The envelope didn’t catch on fire or shred into pieces when she put it inside of the device which made her sigh with relief. However, it still could malfunction. She waited and waited for the light to flicker on that indicated the envelope was mailed; why was it taking so long?

Nearly twenty minutes later, the light on the portable device flickered on, indicating the mail had been sent. She checked the inside of the mailbox just to be sure a malfunction hadn’t happened. No envelope, smoke or shreds of parchment, meaning the letter had been sent. How long would it take to reach Failiani? The huntress wasn’t sure on that matter. The portable mailbox seemed to working, however; it wasn’t working up to the speed it normally did. She would have to inspect the device later at the house she had in Silvermoon.

Later; she had other things to do at the moment. First off, she needed to cook herself food since she hadn’t ate anything since earlier in the day. While she got a few root vegetables from her pack, she also grabbed a big salmon to give to SeaGull. She needed to write a letter to Fastice and let him know about Faili’s letters the more she thought about it. The huntress got a small campfire started and sighed; she’d send him a letter once she got back to Silvermoon. After all, she wanted to make sure she had a working mailbox (one that wasn’t slow) so he’d get the mail…

Twenty days later,

“Coriani Arrowind?”
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
The huntress was startled and turned towards the voice, with her crossbow in hand. How had someone gotten inside so quietly? Hadn’t she locked the door? At the entryway of her house was a male Sin’dorei with short brown hair and jade glowing eyes. He was wearing an Argent Crusade tabard over light gray mail armor. He quickly took a step back. She sighed and lowered her weapon, she recognized him as Sleyin, Jarinra’s ex fiancé that had joined the Argent Crusade during the war in Northrend. “You should have knocked before breaking in, Sleyin.”

“I would have if the door had been closed and locked.” Sleyin smirked as he closed the door.

She sighed and shook her head, her face blushing with embarrassment. The door hadn’t been locked or closed? Cori really needed to remember and do that, thankfully Sleyin had entered and not someone with nefarious intentions. The huntress really would have panicked if the intruder had been Oristanne. “My apologies, I thought it was locked. Come in, Sleyin and take a sit if you wish.” She watched the ranger take a seat on a plushy chair that was near the cooking stove. “What brings you here to Silvermoon?”

“I’m on a short leave and thought to bring you this since I was headed in this direction.” He took out a stained envelope from his pack before continuing, “It was found about five days ago by a recruit and it’s addressed to you.”

Cori took the stained envelope from his hand and opened it. It contained a letter written in Thalassian and yes, it was from her cousin, Failiani. Why hadn’t Faili mailed it? Wait, did he mention that a recruit found this? Had something happened to her cousin? A death knight mercenary had been tasked by Nisensi to track down Failiani, had they found her? She really hoped not.

A feeling of dread hit Coriani; she had been waiting for a reply from Faili for almost three weeks now. The huntress had thought the letter she had sent to her cousin hadn’t been received and her mailbox had malfunctioned; that or Failiani was intentionally ignoring the letter. If something had happened, she needed to see what it said.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Her face paled while reading the letter that read;
To my cousin Coriani,

Master Lor’eth took a fall and is dying? Is this why you have been sending those letters for months now? You mentioned that Nelur, his great nephew is ‘taking’ care of him… fel. Have you tried to write the Magisters? Nelur may not be a rogue but he does have a great knowledge of poisons. He’s has to be the reason Master Lor’eth is doing so poorly. He threatened you and wants to take my inheritance? That fel-wretched Amani Troll lover…

And yes, I’m quite aware that Nisensi wants to capture me for a vile lab experiment. I’ve known about that over a year; that high elf !@#$% has sent letters, telling me of some of the plans she has in store for me. You remember Sirabel, family friend of my late mother? She went missing over a year ago… Nisensi was behind that and claims to have had her tortured and killed. I had to leave Shattrath City due to her minions locating me there.

I’ve heard rumors that you obtained one of the Nisensi’s old journals. If you did, you should know her plans are much more horrid. She has nearly 50 vile potions that she wants to test on me; in addition to possibly torturing and starvation. Luckily, a pandaren learned of her plans and severely damaged the lab some months ago. Unfortunately, she wants to exterminate them in addition to Sin’dorei and murlocs.

You may wonder how I know this; I witnessed her minion Talen abduct a pandaren (based on his tabard, he had likely joined the Alliance) on her orders. I couldn’t do anything to help him at the time otherwise I would have been found according to a former employee of hers. She claims to had that poor pandaren starved to death and… then skinned him for a rug according to the recent letter which I burned.

At Scalawag Point, I told a Huojin Pandaren rogue about what I witnessed. He took action by posting warnings written in their native language at both platforms of the Ancient Lift. I haven’t heard of any more pandaren going missing in Northrend since. He also agreed to deliver a letter to my business partner Qixilixa warning her of Nisensi’s plans. However, I just remembered the pandaren mentioned that they had a bad sense of direction and could get lost on the way or run into…

This brings me to the mercenaries Nisensi has hired; yes, I’m very aware that she did that. About ten months ago, she sent three worgen after me; they were easily defeated. With this latest batch of them- four have been dealt with (one of them was a gnome). But… the one remaining is a death knight? It makes sense- I have had a very creepy one following me for a while now and yes, they seem to be looking for an opportunity to kidnap me. Luckily the crusaders… guards inform me that they won’t let someone abduct me in their watch.

As much I want to come back and beat the wretched fel out of Nelur, I can’t. Not without aid in either dealing with the death knight or escort. A Cenarion War Hippogryph (a mount I once asked Master Lor’eth to get me I’ll add) was given to me but the death knight might kill it if I try to leave. I already lost two mounts since I’ve been in Northrend- I don’t need to lose another one. I could use help…

Fel; that blasted death knight just sent a bunch of undead into the camp and the guards seem very inept to deal with them. By the Sunwell, I should have known this would happen. I’m leaving before the death knight can abduct me- hopefully I won’t fall asleep. If anyone finds this, deliver it to my cousin Coriani Arrowind. The huntress should be in Silvermoon city or Eversong Woods and she’ll know what to do. My father Taelis doesn’t need to find out about this mess I’m in.


Her hand was visibly shaking. Failiani was in major danger and it seems the young one had known that all along. It hadn’t even occurred to Coriani that Nisensi had been sending letters of her plans to Faili. Sirabel was a mage that became a pirate and had also been a friend of Cori’s late parents. Cori was informed from the crew of the ship Sirabel worked on that she had disappeared but they had hopes she was alive. However, that pirate mage was dead if Nisensi was involved. She would have to let the pirates know about this.

Cori had obtained a journal of Nisensi; it’s how she found out about the plans the foul Quel’dorei had in mind for Failiani. But the diary didn’t mention how many potions were involved. She had hoped that obtaining the journal would have added obstacles to Nisensi’s plans; that didn’t seem to have happened at all if the foul elf had nearly fifty potions recipes to test, no wonder why Faili left Shattrath city. The amount of different vile potions actually scared Coriani.
Edited by Coriani on 2/3/2014 1:08 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
She shivered as she took another glance at the letter. The elf had plans to exterminate Pandarens? And it was due to one that had found out about her nefarious plans and then damaged (possibly destroyed) the lab. That pandaren was a hero in Cori’s mind; such an act could have easily set back Nisensi for months. The old journal mentioned the Quel’dorei didn’t brew potions without a working lab. However, it sickened Cori that a pandaren (even one that had joined the Alliance) had been abducted, starved to death and skinned by Nisensi. No one deserved that type of treatment.

If Failiani had told a Huojin Pandaren about Nisensi’s plans, he likely had taken action and that could be a reason why Coriani hadn’t heard of pandaren missing in Northrend. She hadn’t heard from Qixilixa in a long while, the letter mentioned here probably hadn’t reached the goblin bruiser. She mentioned she would let Cori know if she got anything from Failiani. Hopefully the pandaren was alive and just gotten himself lost.

Mercenaries; she wasn’t aware that Faili had known about them or that four had dealt with. However, Cori was really worried that the death knight had found Faili and been following her for a time. Fel, the letter mentioned they had summoned undead to attack the guards while her cousin was writing; the main reason it never got mailed. Her cousin clearly fled the scene; possibly with the hippogryph and didn’t come back. Something had to have happened to the young one. Was Faili even…

And no, the huntress didn’t know where Failiani had been staying in Northrend except she wasn’t in Scalawag Point. But there was someone who did. She turned towards Sleyin, assuming he knew where the envelope had been located. “I assume you read it. Where was this found?”

“I read it, Cori. I had no idea Failiani was even in Northrend. It’s been years since I’ve seen her.” Sleyin shook his head before continuing, “It was found in Zul’Drak. Argent Stand had an incident ten days ago.”

Zul’Drak? That troll-barren wasteland… what was there, other than wildlife and maybe elementals or troll ruins that could lure adventurers visit that place? The undead were basically contained from what she knew while the trolls there had basically been wiped out; the few remaining of them had joined forces with the Zandalari. The huntress sighed; obviously people still visited that place for Failiani to be able to steal from them.

No, she wasn’t going to mention that Faili had been stealing from adventurers to Sleyin but she did need to find out the details of this incident. She assumed based on Failiani’s letter that undead, possibly ghouls had somehow been summoned or raised and attacked Argent Stand. Was that due to the death knight mercenary or someone else? The huntress looked at Sleyin and spoke, “Incident? My cousin’s letter mentions undead; did the death knight attack? I assume Failiani hasn’t been since.”

“The undead were defeated and the necromancer who summoned them was killed. None of the defenders were seriously injured; just bruises and cuts.” Sleyin cleared his throat before continuing, “You are correct that Failiani or her hippogryph hasn’t been seen since. However, the death knight mentioned in the letter left during the incident. According to one of the defenders, Failiani did mention she feared they would try and abduct her...”

Wait, the death knight left while Argent Stand was attacked? Coriani wasn’t happy when she heard that, in fact she was worried and starting to panic. She could easily see her cousin fleeing, the mercenary following after her and then the young one falling asleep; making it an easy catch for an experienced death knight. Failiani was likely being held by the mercenary at this very moment or even… Nisensi. That thought very alone started to make Cori cry.

She paced back and forth with tears streaming down her eyes. Coriani wasn’t sure how long her cousin could survive being held by that Quel’dorei. There was a possibility the damage to Nisensi’s lab had been repaired and she was brewing the vile liquids. One of those damned potion recipes could kill Faili instantly. She had to hope the foul alchemist hadn’t gotten a hold of her. “Were none of the defenders watching her? As far as I know, she could be a prisoner of that death knight or even Nisensi.”

“The defenders were too occupied with the ghouls to notice her leaving. You know if I had been there, I would have stayed with and protected Failiani from trouble.” He shook his head and went looking in his pack. He pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Coriani before continuing, “I didn’t know Nisensi was alive; you could have mentioned it in a letter. Was the death knight hired by her?”
Edited by Coriani on 2/3/2014 1:16 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
“Yes. A source told me ten thousand gold coins was the reward if the death knight tracked down and abducted Failiani.” Coriani wiped her eyes with the handkerchief. She forgot that Sleyin knew of the troubles the foul Quel’dorei had caused the house, likely Jarinra had told him. “It slipped my mind that you heard of Nisensi, otherwise a letter would have been sent long ago.”

“I can see why you’re worried, Cori.” Sleyin said in a somber tone. He shook his head and continued, “I didn’t know that much gold was offered to abduct a child. I assume it has to do with the plans mentioned in Failiani’s letter.”

Coriani rubbed her eyes and nodded. She decided to put a log inside the cooking stove so it stayed warm in case she wanted tea later. She then sat down in a chair near a small table. “According to an old journal of hers I obtained before accidently knocking it into a bucket of oil and making the pages illegible, she somehow deluded herself into thinking she can exterminate blood elves without harming high elves in any way.”

“Only Blood Elves? Why does that not surprise me about my former relative…?” Sleyin muttered before letting out a sigh.

Wait a minute; Nisensi was a former relative of his? That information surprised the huntress. She hadn’t been expecting to hear it, only living relatives Cori had met was his twin brother and an uncle. His older brother died when the scourge invaded. It did explain how he knew of the nefarious high elf; she could have briefly married one of his relatives. Maybe that was one of the reasons he and Jarinra broke up a year before Arthas ravaged Silvermoon. “Former relative?” She asked him.

He nodded slowly. “You didn’t know? I’m surprised Jarinra didn’t tell you; it was the main reason we broke up. She said she could never marry someone that was related to Nisensi.” He shook his head and spoke quietly, “Biologically speaking… she’s my sister. She’s younger than me by a few years but older than you by seventeen years.”

Cori’s mouth briefly dropped after hearing the information. She hadn’t been expecting to hear that, either. Nisensi was his sister? The huntress never would have guessed if she had to go by Sleyin’s facial features. They didn’t look similar at all except for the shape of the eyes. His hair color was brown and Nisensi’s was… white according to Qixilixa. She had thought Nisensi was middle age, maybe elderly. However; if Nisensi was seventeen years older than her, she was far younger than what middle age was considered for their people. In fact the foul Quel’dorei was two years younger than her late Uncle Taelis.

She wasn’t surprised that Jarinra broke up with him with this information. Still, something had to happen for him to refer to Nisensi as a former relative. Disowned? That was a good possibility considering that elf’s activities. If the alchemist had caused her house the troubles, she could easily imagine the elf causing grief for her own family. Cori felt sorry that Sleyin had to deal with Nisensi while growing up. “You say ‘former’ relative. I assume she was disowned by your House.”

“Yes, about thirty-four years ago. She was a kind girl when she young; even after the alchemy accident that turned all her light brown hair white, that accident caused her to become interested in Alchemy. However; her personality changed after my mother died and my late father remarried. She was aloof and… darker. She devoted her time to perfecting her alchemy skills, claiming she wanted revenge against the high elf that killed my mother.” He shook his head.

Coriani’s eyes blinked. She knew his mother had died some years before he was considered an adult. However, he had told her the causes of that were different. “Didn’t you tell me that the causes of your mother’s death were natural?” She asked, hearing SeaGull squawk near a doorway to another room in the house.

“According to the death records, they are. Nisensi thought differently on that matter though and could never be convinced out of that despite the fact my mother had health issues.” Sleyin paused, rubbing his eyes. “Anyways, my father disowned her after he heard that she wanted to marry Hiren...”

“Hiren?” Coriani interrupted, shaking her head.

“Hiren was related to Zelin, my father’s rival back when he was younger. I don’t know if he was his son or nephew.” Sleyin said, shrugging. “I never found records that they got married in Quel’Thalas but there’s a slight chance they did under an assumed name.”
Edited by Coriani on 2/3/2014 1:27 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
The huntress slowly nodded. She wasn’t surprised that Nisensi would want to wed someone that was related to a rival of their house. However, if that high elf was having a relationship with this Hiren while she had been married to Kathiel… that thought disgusted Cori. It also made sense why her late very rich cousin ended up dead six months after the wedding, the elf never loved him and only wanted his money. Kathiel’s death originally had been ruled ‘drowning’ but a further inquiry found that he had been poisoned.

“I assume she caused more trouble for your House after being disowned.” Coriani said, noting he seemed to look troubled.

“I’ll just say on the matter that within six months of her being disowned, my father and step-mother were dead. Their bodies were found floating in Lake Elrendar. Allegedly trolls, possibly one was trained in shaman magic killed them but I feel differently. My father had a thrown axe in his chest but there’s a chance he was already dead. Both of them had many arrow wounds and burns all over that resembled…”

“Let me guess; ones that conjured fireballs would do to a body?” She noticed him nod at her. She had a horrid feeling that Nisensi could be behind her own father’s death. For one, the bodies were found in Lake Elrendar- same place where Kathiel’s body was found. Another thing was the alchemist had gotten mage training according to Qixilixa. Cori had thought it was within the last thirty years after the high elf faked her death but after hearing this, Nisensi had likely gotten training to be a mage after she was disowned by her house; maybe even sooner.

“The burns have always bothered me about my father’s death. After Nisensi became an adult, she went to Dalaran with the reasoning of improving her alchemy skills. The House didn’t see her for many years and I heard rumors that she supposedly got training to be a mage there. I never was able to get records on that and she denied it when I asked her shortly before she was disowned.” He let out a long sigh.

Cori’s father and late uncle had fought Nisensi near Amani Pass about thirty one years earlier. They never had mention to the huntress that the foul elf was also mage; then again she hadn’t asked them, either. “Do you think Nisensi was behind your father’s and stepmother’s deaths?” She asked, checking her elaborate pony-tail.

“I do, Cori ever since what I found out what happened to Kathiel and that friend of Anessi. She had motivation to do such a vile act due to being disowned. However, we were never able to find her and get answers. Supposedly my uncle claims to have received a mysterious note that stated my mother’s death was avenged with their deaths.”

“I assumed he dropped the note into a fire or something by accident before he was able to show it.” She sighed as he nodded. Sleyin’s uncle was clumsy, more so than the huntress was herself. If that note was real and Nisensi was behind it, it might explain another motive to kill her own relatives thinking they were behind her mother’s death. Based on what she had heard, Nisensi was very close to her late mother and had likely snapped after she died even though that person had very likely died of natural causes.

And then for many years, planned the deaths of her father and stepmother and didn’t execute them until she was disowned. If that high elf got her hands on Failiani, she likely would torture her cousin in addition to the potions. Coriani wasn’t going to let that happen if she could do something. How could she even think of stopping Nisensi by herself? Her late father and uncle hadn’t been able to kill her. “I need to find Faili soon and Nisensi. That alchemist needs to be stopped.”

“I agree, Cori. I wish to help out in this, it would be wrong for me not to get involved. There is a reason I still refer her as a former relative. She’s a rabid animal and needs to be put down before more innocent lives are lost. I’ll have to inform my brother and uncle that she’s still alive; knowing them they’ll want to hire an assassin to take her out...”

“I hope your superiors don’t find out. Luckily, I never joined.” Coriani remarked, interrupting him. The huntress understood the part about hiring potential assassins. She had hired a death knight a few years earlier to kill Kathiel’s youngest brother that survived the scourge invasion only to join the Cult of the Damned. Anyways, she wasn’t surprised that Sleyin wished to help, she could frankly use it consider the grim circumstances.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
“Ha, I’d let my brother hire an assassin. Even in the slight chance they do find out and try to berate me for not doing the ‘greater good’, I’d let them know while they sit on their asses and do nothing in Northrend there is a genocidal high elf that making plans to wipe out entire races and Banshee Queen is trying to become a ‘Lich Queen’ with her reanimating the dead. If that isn’t enough of rebuke for them, I’d then turn in my resignation from the order.” He winked at Cori.

That wasn’t startling to hear from him at all; he had been a mercenary before he had joined the Argent Crusade. If they decided to give him too much grief, he would quit and be able to find work as a hired hand. In the meantime, since he said he wanted to help her during his leave she would take it. Coriani’s biggest strength was with her pets; she still had a ghostly crawler, a lynx, a saltspray gull and silithid. Even then she wasn’t sure if that was going to be enough to stop Nisensi or the death knight for that matter.

“Do you still have Winthran’s inheritance?” He asked, interrupting Cori’s thoughts.

Coriani nodded. Her father had a good amount of gold; even after Silvermoon was ravaged. She had inherited all of it when he passed and after her mother disappeared (likely dead by now) due to his written will that stated only his blood elf children receive it. Her other siblings were still high elves. She had spent very little of his inheritance and didn’t keep the gold in one location; after all she didn’t want it stolen. “I have it but I keep it in various places. I have gold on my own but...”

“I’m still aware of the details that Winthran’s last written will stated and I know you wish to keep some it around in case Vylairea up turns alive someplace.” Sleyin interrupted briefly before continuing, “I’m thinking, can you spend part of it to bribe the death knight mercenary in the very strong case he’s holding her?”

“I was considering it as a last resort. It seems with the latest events I may have to. I can’t let Nisensi get a hold of my cousin.” Coriani commented while looked at the male Sin’dorei. “I have a strong feeling that mercenary has her in his grasp.”

“There’s always a slight hope that a traveling adventurer noticed Failiani in trouble and helped out. However, even in that hypothetical situation she’s still in danger from Nisensi, Hiren and the lunatics she convinced to work for her.” Sleyin stated. “She needs to be found. Is Lor’eth still alive?”

The red haired Sin’dorei rubbed her eyes, thinking of the old rogue. Nelur’s servant had been keeping her updated about Lor’eth status. By some luck of fate, he was still clinging to life; maybe hoping to see Faili again. “Lor’eth was alive as of yesterday. His health hasn’t declined much further; he still conscious. I’ve already let Nelur’s servant know to send mail if I’m not here.”

“At least he’s still alive.” He got to his feet and stretched his arms. “I assume with this latest letter you’ll be heading to Northrend, soon.”

“Once I get my supplies and gold I need. I’ve been meaning to go there and do the search myself; especially since Faili could be a captive.”

Sleyin nodded. “You need to… and find your uncle Taelis. I know you told me in the past he was captured and killed by trolls but is there a chance he survived? Her letter mentions she doesn’t want him finding out the mess she is in.”

She gave him a puzzled look and looked at the letter Faili had written. Her face started paling when she noticed the part that mentions her uncle Taelis. A memory flashed back to her; Cori had actually gone with her parents and others to locate her Uncle Taelis and his wife who had gone missing. They managed to locate the spot where Failiani’s parents were ambushed and decided to search the troll villages near Zul’Aman. Failiani’s mother dead on an altar while Uncle Taelis’ body was never located.

Her father had thought the damned trolls had killed and eaten it (something that pained him greatly; she remembered he was protective of younger brother) while her mother thought differently and said Taelis had escaped alive due to one of the cages clearly being pick-locked open. The huntress remembered during the search that forest frogs glared at her while she had kept an eye out for ambushing trolls. Cori’s parents agreed to give the grim news while secretly hoping that he had escaped his captors and return.

When he didn’t return over the next few months, they had given up hope that he had survived. However, there was a possibly Cori’s mother was correct and he had escaped with his life. Why hadn’t he come back if this was the case? Simple; someone else had taken him captive and he had only recently escaped. “His body was never found, Sleyin. Taelis could have survived by escaping only for someone else to taken him prisoner. He’ll have to be found as well.” Coriani commented while sighing, her face still pale.
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
This brought up a good question; where the fel was her uncle? Obviously Failiani had seen and lied to him about the situation she was in. There was one thing Coriani remembered about Taelis, it was the fact he was very protective of his daughter. If he had known that Nisensi was after Failiani; he would have dragged her back to Silvermoon. Yes, she would have to find and let him know of the threat against his child.

“Indeed, Taelis will want to know about this. Who knows, maybe he’ll have ideas for dealing with Nisensi. I’ll better go visit my uncle and let him know of the situation.” Sleyin said, turning towards Coriani.

Sleyin brought up a good point; her uncle would have a good idea on how to take on the foul elf. Taelis had fought Nisensi before after all. “Would you like to take a bottle of wine to him? If I recall, he does like it.” Coriani pointed to a shelf that contained several variety of wine.

“While my uncle adores any type of wine, I better not. Knowing him, he’ll take it, it’ll drop and I’ll have to clean the mess. I do appreciate the offer. Do let me know when you do get going to Northrend. I’ll join you and help. Fare you well, Cori.” Sleyin bowed briefly before heading towards the door.

“I’ll let you know. Fare you well, Sleyin.” She gave a quick bow as he opened the door and left the premises. She then walked over to the door and closed it. The huntress walked backed to the table and mused over the events. Her cousin’s life was in significant danger, Sleyin biologically was related to the damned alchemist and apparently her uncle was alive. Not what she had been expecting when she woke up earlier.

With these thoughts in mind, she decided to write a note for Farstrider Lor’eth and let him know him of the situation if he came to check up on the house while she was gone. Yes, the huntress was going to be leaving Silvermoon once she got the supplies and could let him knows the reasons for it; he knew about her search for Failiani. She looked in her packs for parchment and ink to write it with. After finding the items, she began to write the note while she continued to think on the matter.

Failiani’s life was in danger and Coriani was going to do her best to prevent Nisensi and Hiren from getting a hold of the young one. Granted, she would still have to get a part of her father inheritance from the various banks before she actually went to Northrend with Sleyin but that shouldn’t take her too long. While there, she would search for Failiani and her Uncle Taelis while keeping an eye out for Nisensi. There could the chance the foul elf could decide to attack her, something she’d have to watch for.

She folded up the note once she was done writing it and kept it on the table. She had other things to do first such as make a pot of Bloodthistle tea; she wanted some of the herb. Granted, she had chewed on a pedal when she first woke up but that had been some hours earlier. While she got a pot on the cooking stove and carefully put a canteen of water and Bloodthistle petals into it without spilling, she waited for it to boil and steep.

She thought about the supplies she need for Northrend. What would she need for the trip and search? Coriani for one would need lots of arrows, something she knew she carried in nearly endless supply. She could use extra set of mail armor, warmer blankets, Bloodthistle, lots of vegetables- dried preferably and meat for her pets, water skins, various engineering gadgets she wasn’t going into and her pets of course.

Her ears twitched at the ding sound of the pot that indicated the tea had finished steeping. She poured herself the Bloodthistle into a cup and drank it quickly; she needed to get the supplies gathered up. Coriani didn’t know how long that would take but hopefully not too long given the circumstances. She then went into another room and looked to see what she had on hand…

A few hours later, Coriani walked outside of her house with the most of the supplies in hand and closed the door. After making sure it was locked tight she placed the folded note in a hidden spot where the farstrider knew to find it. She didn’t want to place it in an obvious location like on the door in case someone saw it and attempted to break into her place with the intent of stealing furniture. That happened on a frequent basis in her old house located in an alleyway she sold some months earlier.
Edited by Coriani on 2/3/2014 1:51 AM PST
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