'Ice Cream Social' calls out in large green letters from the top of a leaflet pinned to notice boards from Orgrimmar to Silvermoon, Shattrath to the Shrine.
Friends, former patients, please join us as Da Doctas School commemorates the anniversary of our founding. Come and celebrate with us! Bring your tales of Hrook's and Llejna's innovative healing, of past Spring Rabbits and Summer Tigers, of clinic casualties and cupcakes. Join us as we remember and celebrate, and as we look forward to whatever challenges lie ahead.
When-- Saturday, April 27th at 7 in the evening.
Where-- at our campus in the Stonetalon Mountains, at Sunrock Retreat
Hope to see you there!
Friends, former patients, please join us as Da Doctas School commemorates the anniversary of our founding. Come and celebrate with us! Bring your tales of Hrook's and Llejna's innovative healing, of past Spring Rabbits and Summer Tigers, of clinic casualties and cupcakes. Join us as we remember and celebrate, and as we look forward to whatever challenges lie ahead.
When-- Saturday, April 27th at 7 in the evening.
Where-- at our campus in the Stonetalon Mountains, at Sunrock Retreat
Hope to see you there!