Hello Cenarion Circle,
Dominion is looking to convert our 10man alt raid into a server wide 25man alt raid. We decided to try 25man because a lot of people have come forward and expressed interest in raiding with our 10man alt raid. We also believe that by giving more people chances to gain experience through real raiding, it would benefit the server as a whole in the long run, as detailed in this thread by Elgunaz (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8517962958).
Our 25man alt raid will run the same as our 10man alt raid:
- Loot rules: MS > OS, one contested roll
- 6pm – 9pm server
- invites go out 15mins prior
- 480+ ilvl
- Fully gemmed and enchanted gear
- Reasonable DPS
- Bring your own consumables (flasks, potions)
- Highly encourage your own research into class and fight
We are looking to start 25man raiding in about two weeks’ time, on May 10. We will start in T14 to gain 25man raiding experience and more importantly, to learn how to raid together.
Anyone interested is encouraged to speak with either myself or Rorrim in game or through in game mail. We have started a channel CCRaid which all are welcome to join. It’s meant for the whole server and for those who might need an extra body or two for their own raids; it’s easier to pug from the channel than to park someone in trade.
TL; DR, Need people for fun alt run thing with shiiiiit getting done.
Dominion is looking to convert our 10man alt raid into a server wide 25man alt raid. We decided to try 25man because a lot of people have come forward and expressed interest in raiding with our 10man alt raid. We also believe that by giving more people chances to gain experience through real raiding, it would benefit the server as a whole in the long run, as detailed in this thread by Elgunaz (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8517962958).
Our 25man alt raid will run the same as our 10man alt raid:
- Loot rules: MS > OS, one contested roll
- 6pm – 9pm server
- invites go out 15mins prior
- 480+ ilvl
- Fully gemmed and enchanted gear
- Reasonable DPS
- Bring your own consumables (flasks, potions)
- Highly encourage your own research into class and fight
We are looking to start 25man raiding in about two weeks’ time, on May 10. We will start in T14 to gain 25man raiding experience and more importantly, to learn how to raid together.
Anyone interested is encouraged to speak with either myself or Rorrim in game or through in game mail. We have started a channel CCRaid which all are welcome to join. It’s meant for the whole server and for those who might need an extra body or two for their own raids; it’s easier to pug from the channel than to park someone in trade.
TL; DR, Need people for fun alt run thing with shiiiiit getting done.
Edited by Eriaa on 4/25/2013 2:36 AM PDT