An introduction

90 Human Paladin
*Denounces Liore.
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100 Gnome Priest
I politely ignore the mount issue for other people, unless they specifically bring it up as an IC element of their roleplay. I don't want to be that picky person who has to ruin the fun by always questioning why so many people are riding drakes, why people seem to have so MANY different mounts, etc., etc.

For my personal preferences, I try to use mounts that would be IC for my characters, which can be a problem when I can't figure out which mount a character would use! So Derscha is usually on a white gryphon or mechanostrider, Kezrin "borrows" Derscha's rocket frequently, and Ketlan rides her armored gryphon or one of the gift mounts she's received from Kordrion. Then I get to the problem of my goblin rogue and how much I hate the goblin trikes...

As Izby said, I simply don't RP bet battles. I don't have a character that would do that kind of activity, so I consider purely OOC.

Dungeons can be kinda fun to RP. If it's just a random for-fun "let's go do this dungeon" I tend to treat it as "semi-IC." My characters will chat and react to things in character, but the events that happen aren't considered part of that character's actual cannon. That way we don't have to sit down as hash out an IC reason for why we're there or to explain plot inconsistencies with the timeline. It's just for fun; we won't mention later on about, "Remember that one time Derscha punched King Ymiron?" (Although someone might say, "Remember that one time Derscha punched that giant guy? Don't stomp on her hat, man.")

There have been occasions where I've done a more serious dungeon RP. There have been a few plotlines that required my characters to visit Scholomance, explore the Wailing Caverns, and go to other fun dungeons to RP in. In those cases, it's best to have a brief OOC discussion amongst the RPers in your group to decide on how to interpret events and how much will be considered IC.

Don't worry too much about it, honestly, and just ask OOC if you want to make sure everyone's on the same page. A lot it is just common sense and going with the flow.

(disclaimer: Derscha has never punched King Ymiron. But please don't stomp on her hat.)
Edited by Derscha on 4/30/2013 8:00 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior

When the timing is right, and I am fortunate enough to have filled the group with some of the more... rational people I choose to spend my time with, we run fully IC raids. I wouldn't attempt this on progression night, but as far as transmog or cheebo hunting is concerned, its a great environment in which to develop relationships or even just fool around.

An hour long ICC run once turned into a five hour session, the memories of which we still revisit fondly.
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100 Worgen Rogue
I'm pretty much right in the same boat with Derscha on this one.

...Completely, actually. Damn near word for word. A little creepy, actually.

DERSCHA GET OUT OF MY HEAD. It's not safe in there D:

But yeah, another example of the in-character mount thing: Jonathan, I figure, as a quiet, not-actively-mentioned part of his RP, has had difficulties with actual animal mounts ever since he was turned. It wasn't until Pandaria that I actually considered him to have a real form of aerial transport. For a ground "mount", he just ran everywhere with Running Wild. But his great grandfather, the eternal wanderer that the old mage is, hit it off pretty well with the Lorewalkers, and was given one of those fascinating flying discs. The old man just couldn't help himself, and sent one to Jon as well. The fascinating thing even shrinks down to fit in the palm of one's hand, so it can even be stored in a belt pouch when not in use. Sharanka, my orc shaman, loves the goblins' style of engineering, and is quite skilled with such designs and creations herself. Even built herself a bike. Stole the plans for her Gyrocopter off a gnome she killed once. Snazzed it up a little, paintjob, a few touches. Couldn't get it to fly and keep the payload of explosives, though, so it's sadly *just* transportation.

And yeah, I don't do IC Pet battles on any of my characters. Maybe on the one or two characters it might be appropriate to have a pet like my Clock 'Em, but even then it's iffy.

And yeah, again, exact same thing with the dungeons. They won't be part of their actual canon, but I'll react in-character. More than one of my characters have said something along the lines of "You have GOT to be kidding me" upon first encountering the Wailing Caverns' final boss.
Edited by Harmarth on 4/30/2013 9:00 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
Derscha and Harmarth bring up good points and I do have pets and mounts that are IC for Izby. Like she has a pet turtle whose shell has turned purple from getting into her arcane dust stores. It'll crackle and spark as he walks around her enchanting shop. I also have a bird that's named after a deceased (as far as Izby knows) friend that she bought Izby. Other than that, she doesn't have any pets. (Although I'll walk around with a magical lamp, but that's practical, not pet.)

She also has a carpet she crafted and flies around on. She'll carry it with her as well when she's traveling. Her red stone drake is also IC although I haven't explained how she got it yet. While her White Hawkstrider and Talbuk are her mounts that made it in the Escape from Tempest Keep aka Exodar Escape Run. (The Hawkstrider being a mount she adopted after the elf was killed in the attack.)

So having IC mounts and pets is totally doable. You can even find some good ways to explain them, but it's always best to either stick with them if you are going to play IC mounts or make sure your friends know which are IC and which are OOC. I personally, put it in my MRP profile.
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100 Human Paladin

Genevra - I'm sorry I missed you in game. I didn't log in to CC until late yesterday evening. Thanks for offering your guild as a possibility for me. I checked out the website. I'm not sure it will work for Azzy, but I think it would be a good fit for my priest, Xeiri. I'll try to connect with you in game soon.

Sorry I missed you in game. Hopefully we'll catch up soon. I'll add your priest to my fl and keep an eye out for you ^.^ /offers pie and chips.
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90 Human Paladin
You have all convinced me to put away my sapphire panther and mekgineer's chopper (though it pains me greatly to do so). At least until I can come up with a creative story on how Azzy can acquire them. I have decided that if I'm going to role play, I might as well immerse myself and do it right. Azzy will have to ride a plain and boring horse for now.

More questions!

1. At her current level, Azzy hasn't been to Outland or Northrend, so she certainly hasn't experienced those lore events. How do you role play that when others are currently experiencing everything that's happened since the discovery of Pandaria?

2. Where do your characters reside? Do they have an apartment in Stormwind or a farm in Loch Modan? Do guilds have guild housing?

3. Can Derscha even reach King Ymiron's head?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Don't mind if I do.

I) For the purpose of rolling alts or lowbies, I imagine all old content as occurring in the past. When we get together to farm Arthas, for example, the night would begin with our gaggle of misfits gathering over a meal and some drinks, and someone would suggest recounting 'that whole Icecrown thing'. Naturally, you're welcome to explain the time in any manner you wish; I imagine it would be a bit jarring to get the perspective of someone who is supposedly living in -current- times without ever actually having been able to experience Pandaria.

II) Many guilds are known to have claimed some lair of occupancy in any of the cities. A Tower, or a particular Tavern, some fictitious some real. The idea is that the cities are actually much, much larger than they appear in game, so everybody's got SOME place to lay their hat, even if you'll never actually get to physically visit. On the flip side, some groups have moved in to unused sections, such as the couple of empty housing units in Silvermoon.

Personally? Liore has accrued many estates over Azeroth during his career, some to serve as personal museums for horrors long since vanquished, others housing agents and librarians ready to deploy when needed. Others still occupied only by the house servants who tend them, retreats between breaths for the Inquisitor and his brood to convalesce and reflect upon their work.

III) Many, many mortals now lay dead, having mistaken height for reach.
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100 Draenei Mage
After last night, I would like to assert that you will be fine. So I think I can only provide you with some minor advice. Jump in and do it but stay consistent and curious when you don't understand. So long as you keep up the communication with others things will work out because you can't predict every situation but you can see how others react. Be honest and it will be returned in kind.
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100 Worgen Rogue
1) Personally, I too portray those events as in the past. Illidan and Kil'jaeden's forces have been dealt with, the Lich King slain and Deathwing undone. But that doesn't mean those areas are devoid of threat now. Lots of cleanup remains, even years later. Pockets of surviving resistance or neo-whatevers. Lots of work remains to be done by those willing to take the work there.

2) Most of my characters I don't tend to think about this too much. The only characters of mine that I really have this pegged down for are Jon and Blazieth. Jonathan's home is toward the back of the Cathedral district, and I even have a specific "door" that I use to portray his home. There's no actual indoors to it in-game though. Blazieth however, technically has no home. He doesn't want one. The road is his home, the WORLD is his home. Who needs to settle down in one place when there's a whole world out there to see, always changing, never the same, even for an instant, and an entire lifetime and possibly more, to see it all.

3) You ever seen a gnome jump? I swear the little freaks have springs built into their legs or something.
Edited by Harmarth on 5/1/2013 5:57 AM PDT
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100 Worgen Death Knight
1. The only RP method I've been able to come up with personally is the Bronze Dragonflight (who, while without an Aspect now, are presumably still the keepers of the timestream) doing "maintenance work" on the past to insure it doesn't unravel should something like the Infinite Dragonflight come along again. In short, I treat most everything from 60-85 as one gigantic "Caverns of Time" instance. Also makes it easy, if I ever find a character to make use of it again, to justify having a bronze drake for a mount.

2. Different guilds operate out of different places in the world, some that are actually in-game and some that aren't. Pia Presidium operates out of Hearthglen in the Western Plaguelands, for example. Terra Incognita, last I checked, operated out of Wildhammer Keep in the Hinterlands. My guild, small/semi-inactive as it is, operates out of Acherus in the Eastern Plaguelands, with "offices" in Light's Hope Chapel for non-Death Knight members. Conversely, the Lluchduu Ocheliad has a tower that's an RP construct, in theory located in the mountains near Ironforge, but it doesn't, last I heard, have an actual in-game location. This might have changed with the advent of flight in the old world. You'd have to ask one of the L.O. Genevra has a house in Lakeshire that's actually one of the empty houses there. So there's no quick answer. In general, if there's an area you'd like to operate out of, check with AOOC to see if it's being used, and if it isn't, it's likely all yours. While technically open to anyone, the Blue Recluse in Stormwind is technically owned by one of the Lluchduu Ocheliad, and has been for years.

3. I have every confidence Derscha can reach Ymiron's head. I've learned never to underestimate the ingenuity of the AAMS.
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100 Gnome Priest
1) I simply don't role-play it. Questing through those zones is an OOC activity for me. My characters are always in the "now" no matter their level, and if I'm off questing, then I'm not roleplaying, particularly since I have very few characters who'd actually be capable of doing half the quests.

Alternatively, I'll apply the same rules as I use for dungeons: I can react IC, but it's not part of my character' cannon. If I run into another role-player, I do switch to being "in-character" and usually make up some line about having a delivery in the area to explain why Derscha's there. Being a courier is convenient like that!

2) Terra Incognita is currently operating out of Wildhammer Keep. The AAMS headquarters is a three-story building in Booty Bay which we happily share with a handful of quest givers and vendors. It makes it very lively!

While we use those buildings, we don't claim the exclusive right to be the only guild or RPers in the area. When the AAMS moved there it was with the knowledge we'd have a lot of "visitors." We say we're renting out space in an office complex with other businesses to explain anyone else wanting to use the building as well. Terra Incognita uses a similar line; they're guests of the Wildhammer Dwarves who have allowed them to use an unoccupied section of their complex. Trying to claim a real in-game space solely for your own use just causes trouble and drama, so we don't try.

Derscha does own a separate house in Dun Morogh that she rarely visits, but there's no game location it's set at. Ketlan had an apartment in some military housing in Stormwind before move to the Hinterlands, but once again, there was no real location for it. I've never really bothered to specify a home for my other characters, except for a generic "she lives in Stormwind/Darnassus/other appropriate city."

3) Derscha giggles quietly and beckons you to come closer. "Shh," she whispers, barely audible. "It's a secret. Lean in a little more and I'll tell you how it's done…"
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90 Human Paladin
Azzy rubs her now bruised chin as she stands upright again. "Hmm...I do believe I have been properly chastened."

With an apologetic look she holds out her hand to the gnome. "Derscha, I will never underestimate the power that comes in small packages again. Friends?"
Edited by Azheira on 5/1/2013 5:38 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
She grins brightly. "No worries! Friends it is!"
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100 Draenei Mage
Hi Azheira! I'm Alniyat, GM of the Wellspring School, which aims to educate characters and their players. :) I caught you just before bed a couple nights ago! Wellspring has a thread in these forums and a website at I also host the RPNewbies channel, which is so far very quiet. >_>

You have some very perceptive questions. Mostly I think it comes down to how much realism you want to imbue Azeroth with. Everyone's got a different approach, as the other posters have illustrated, so just look around and see what you want to go with. Some of my favorite RP resources are the Know Your Lore ( ) and All the World's A Stage columns on WoW Insider (they've stopped writing articles for it, but a great index to all the topics can be found at ).

If you ever want to get together and just chat or do some easy-mode, RP, let me know. Or bother my guildmates! We're all pretty much warm fuzzy people. :)
Edited by Alniyat on 5/2/2013 2:33 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Izby - Thanks for including me in your role play the other night. It was good to meet new people in game.

Alniyat - Thanks for reminding me about the RPNewbies channel. I had planned to join that after Derscha mentioned it, but I obviously forgot. I will do so this evening. Also, thanks for the role play resources links. I have already read through a few articles and have learned some things. I didn't know anything about alignment, but I now I know Azzy is currently chaotic good. She used to be something else, but I'm not going to share that here. You can role play with me to find out. :)

Another question: Has anyone changed the age of a character? Originally, I was going to have Azzy be in her early to mid twenties. After doing some timeline research I have realized I want her to be able to remember certain events so I'm making her a few years older. Since I haven't told anyone IC exactly how old she is I don't think this is a problem as long as I don't do this on regular basis. ;)
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100 Draenei Mage
No problem, Azzy. I'm glad that Sizzle was able to integrate you and get you involved. We don't do a lot of stories (although we do a few personal ones) so you are always welcome to come join us for a oh hey I want to RP a little without consequences. Which gets to your question. It'll be fine. You don't even have to tell anyone that you did it. I'll still refer to you as child but that's only because I'm still 28,200 years older. ;P

We do need to update our stickies a bit more to include other channels like RPNewbies.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Izby and Azzy.

Sounds like a nineteen fifties private detective agency.
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90 Human Paladin
Something occurred yesterday evening that brought another question to mind. Have any of you ever done something in character that you later realized is not something your character would do? Last night there were several people role playing in the area and I was trying to keep up with all the conversations and actions of others. At one point someone did something to my character and I responded. A few minutes later I realized Azzy would actually have done something entirely different. (Imperon, if you are reading this, know that next time Azzy will punch you.) Obviously, you can't really go back and change your character's actions, but I am wondering how others have dealt with this kind of faux pas.

Also, my gear is awful right now in terms of how it looks. It's rather a mishmash, hodgepodge mess. How on earth do I find awesome transmog gear at this low level? Since I am new to the server my characters don't have a lot of gold to spend on the AH. What do the rest of you do? I will admit to considering transferring a character from my other server over here with some gold.

Izby and Azzy.

Sounds like a nineteen fifties private detective agency.

I wouldn't know. I wasn't alive way back then. :P
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Sorry. OD'd on Bioshock Infinite. All weekend I've been calling people 'fella' and rifling through people's desks in search of hotdogs and ammo.

I've done all manner of regrettable things while pretending to be an elf. Then again, I've done all manner of regrettable things as a person too. 'Messing up' goes hand in hand with development. Makes someone more believable.

Playing a character is more involved than just adhering to a preexisting set of rules and laws. Mannerisms are important, and core beliefs and motivations too. Anything outside of that, I think, is fair game.

An ordinarily passive gentleman wigging out over something minor, or a saucy temptress biting her lip worriedly over a wounded friend are things that add some flavor and complexity, and make this person that you've created much easier to believe.
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