Homeland trucks on.

90 Blood Elf Priest
*A somewhat short, older elf toddles up and tacks a note on a communal message board in Thunder Bluff, her last stop of the day from the empty bag on her shoulder, and tired yawn she gives after it is up.

"Even in these times of war, our house trudges on, opening doors to any who wish to land there, or drink all the milk.... All are welcome, please see Aradela Morningsong for further details."

Under the note is a map of the Barrens with a worn spot circled several times over in red ink. An intricate drawing of a house, complete with Engineers markings is within it, and a small "here" scrawling under the circle*

((Alrightie people of CC, apparently I'll be next on the chopping bl.... Erm, sorry... I'll be leading for a while now, as Andae is taking a retirement. The focus is slightly changing to PvE with RP policies, though, as always RP'ers are entirely welcomed and encouraged to stop by! We aren't dead, and don't plan on dying.. Unless someone torches the house again. Which is possible.))
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Homeland or Die, yesss!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Thank you Sir Abominus! I promise I'm not taking the flamethrower or hand grenades to anyone.... Yet.. Free cookies and tea to all new visitors!
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90 Blood Elf Monk
*hugs Aradela* I'm going to steal you for cuddles :>
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