Just Getting Into RP

20 Pandaren Hunter
So lately I've been wanting to try role playing, but the problem is I don't know where to start with it.
My plan with this character is to level her up slowly and build up her story at a steady pace. The one thing I'm not really good at is how to go about initiating a RP conversation with other players.
I'd really appreciate the help.
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100 Orc Warrior
'Yunchang' really should be a warrior.
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100 Human Paladin
Welcome! If you haven't already you can join AllianceOOC, the Ally side RP channel. People can help you get started and get familiar with the community. Sometimes characters just grow out of the experiences that your character has. There are many regular rp events that you might go to and get your feet wet.

Tuesday is Feathers of Iron tavern in Booty Bay and Wednesday is the Light and You in SW at the Gazebo.

Additionally just feel free to whisper me and we can help get you started. ^.^
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