RP guild-Bards and Entertainers

77 Blood Elf Priest
I have this idea for a guild of entertainers, based very loosely on Cirque Du Soleil. I think it fits the Sindorei culture very well. Is there anyone out there interested in such a guild? I would accept more than BE of course, I want it to be more like a circus or traveling troupe. Storytellers, singers, acrobats, daredevils, and trained animals. Can you see where I am going with this?

Band of Gypsies or something like that, I like to think of them as similar to DMF, but smaller and more close knit. I need a good name though, that would generate the kind of interest I have in mind.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I also posted this idea on World's End Tavern. I hope to get a few people interested. This will be a very neutral and somewhat chaotic guild. We won't be all baddies or goodie characters, more like a mixture of lost souls and misfits who band together for survival.

All races and classes accepted. I am working on getting the charter set up If I can find the right name for it. (Hahnai alt))
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66 Troll Druid
All righty!! The Cirque is now accepting auditions for performers! Bards and card readers, acrobats and animal trainers. Guards and carnies, we will even have a Champion to stand fast and accept challengers, (as soon as we can find someone willing to play this part...)

We will hold events, we will do dungeons and quests, but most of all we will have fun!

I leave this for your inspiration and entertainment

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77 Blood Elf Priest
Hahnai the Bard here!! I am now in the Cirque guild. I hope we can find more artistic and casual rpers to join us. The guild is casual, and I am more than willing to help new rpers. As soon as we get a few more people to join us we may have a small show at Ratchet or Booty Bay.

We need carnies, animal trainers, acrobats and fun loving adventurers!!
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24 Blood Elf Mage
I haven't quite figured out what i am going to do with this toon, so is it possible to be an apprentice to one of the different entertainers?
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77 Blood Elf Priest
Absolutely, this is a very casual no set in stone rules, I want the members to set their own story. It would be nice if you can come up with a reason to join though, like a kid running away to join the circus? Or just a misfit looking for a home? Up to you.
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24 Blood Elf Mage
Oh i have some what of an idea, still mulling it over a bit just to tweak it right =)
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77 Blood Elf Priest
I will be requiring an IC interview just so I can be as rp as possible. ;)

Let me know when you are available to set it up. I have scheduled rp in evenings between 7 and 11 Mon, Wed, and Thurs.
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24 Blood Elf Mage
10 (pm right?) server on Wednesday works for me.
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24 Blood Elf Mage
Actually, 7 might work better. sorry realised that 10pm server was 1am for me irl
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77 Blood Elf Priest
The only days I have open for evenings are Tues, Fri, Sat and Sun. I am online most of the day and retired, so whatever time is good for you.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Recorder/flute player here. Also an excellent surgeon and healer. I will gladly accompany any other instruments.
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69 Blood Elf Paladin
I am not one to sing or dance, but I can guard and blacksmith. I can build those tanks for water or such.

I am also a very good illustrator, artist, and acolyte tattoo artist. I can draw quick sketches of people, or apply tattoos.
Edited by Neryth on 5/23/2013 10:12 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
And here are the Chronicles, I hope you will add your voices there as well!


Still open for more people to join us!
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