Cirque rp guild

65 Tauren Druid
Jakota can help behind scenes setting up tents, and taking them down. As well as be a dancing bear or ferocious lion for tamer to put through his paces. Just becareful with the whip, or I will not be responsible with what might happen.

I have some rudimentary healing to aid Azmos as the circus doctor.

I do well with animals, maybe help keep them fed, watered, and clean. I will not brook any mistreatment of any of the animals in our circus.
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69 Blood Elf Paladin
I can put my blacksmithing profession to use maintaining upkeep on wagons, and such. As well as builing collapsible cages needed for the lion tamer act, or sturdy cages for the less tamed animals.

As well as provide security for the circus during and after the circus performances.
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28 Blood Elf Monk
I'm thinking if we could get a small band of agile players together, we could do some pretty amazing feats of acrobatics and stunts that will wow the crowds. Not that I'm that great at putting something like that together, but it sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Rolling around, jumping, balancing, maybe even a high wire act or some sort. Heck maybe even in clownlike costumes bouncing around and such.

What do you think, doable?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh I certainly agree!! Acrobats as clowns!! Why didn't I think of that? Tazvor you are definutely my favorite clown! And that is meant as a sincere compliment! We need more clowns! What is a circus without clowns?

I seem to have my share of clowns in my own stable...perhaps we can do something together?
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21 Human Rogue
Who should I contact for an invite? I'd have to roll a new character on CC though. I could use help getting an outfit to perform in. I could start at as just a stagehand until I level up more and can participate. I'm planning on a Druid.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
The Cirque members in this thread can invite to the guild. We're all altoholics though, so if you join the risingsunOOC channel you should be able to find one of us.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh hi there!! Abellan if you are looking to join us I would be delighted. And yes any member can invite you. I am on usually in evenings and late nights. I think the Cenarion Circle global rp channel might be a good place to find us as well. It's /join hordeooc.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
Almost caught up to Zae :P decided to quest a little to do it though.

Edit: Just hit 50! Caught up with Zae, almost caught up with Jak.
Edited by Restorer on 7/2/2013 1:14 AM PDT
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65 Tauren Druid
Is it a race, my friend? I seek the joy of the experience, the feel of the wind on my face in a land I will never walk, and the gentle fragrance of the world as my character would know it.
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66 Troll Druid
Who be chasin' me? Ya know I be waitin' fer ya. We need some new folk ta be acrobats, monks be da best class fer dat. Jes' make da character and tell us what time ya be on,,,ya get da invite! I be west coast time if ya want ta know.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
No race Jak, just me trying to keep around the same level as you and Zae so that we can all do the same dungeons.
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49 Blood Elf Warlock
Hello, handsome! Where have you been hiding all my life? You there, the tall, dark and handsome Sin'dorei. Yes, you, the one called look tasty.
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49 Blood Elf Warlock
You need to find a fun loving zebra like this!
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66 Troll Druid
Dat be funny stuff Zyss!! Too bad we cannot do dat in da game! I do tink we could use some a dem engineers tho, ta make fireworks and have some flashy stuff for da clowns to toss around? Hey wat ya tink?
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28 Blood Elf Monk
Um, I think I want a second opinion from those tossing the pyrotechnics around. I'm more inclined to trust gmonish engineering (and I don't want to be hearing from all our wonderful goblin engineers either) as it tends to be a bit more, shall we say, stable.

Wonderful idea though, Zael! We do have insurance right? In case of losing fingers and appendages? I like Azmos and the other healers, but an explosion doesn't leave much for them to work with, you know what I mean?
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
Leon's an gnomish engineer so he can make some fireworks. Only the basic stuff atm, I have to get him some more schematics and the lunar festival ones are just going to have to wait.
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90 Goblin Warrior
/claps for Ginik.
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77 Tauren Druid
Ginik takes a bow. "Thank you my friend, although I fear we are not ready for a performance yet, I do hope we can get some more practice in at the Darkmoon Faire. If anyone of the Cirque reads this."

The concert stage is ideal for setting up a performance. Whether it is singers or dancers. I think the area in front of the grandstands would be fine for some daredevil tricks. I think Leon has mentioned jumping the bonfire. Though he has run off somewhere.
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50 Blood Elf Warlock
Leon's busy courting the beautiful Jen'Tira of the Rising Sun Fellowship, but I'm sure he would love to show off a bit with his mechano-hog.
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90 Goblin Warrior
I liked your poem Ginik. Also you might want to come to:
Edited by Gypsywarrior on 8/6/2013 9:43 AM PDT
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