Cirque rp guild

85 Night Elf Druid
Sam all I can say is Awww.... Great post!

:3 ty
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
(rubs hands together) So he thinks he can out smart the old witch? Mwha ha ha ha!!!
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40 Blood Elf Mage
Oops forgot to switch toons on here for that last post in CC XD
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52 Blood Elf Warlock
Posted on CC forums for Rivi going into Scarlet Monastery. I left it at the point where they found him. Also I have downloaded LOTRO.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Yay! Now we just have to wait for Sam to download and install it, then we'll have something to play on nights when we want a break from wow :P

Hang on, Kass, why do you look so thoughtful.. Uh oh... could it be that Kass is actually falling for Illis?
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85 Night Elf Druid
installing Lotro now:)
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52 Blood Elf Warlock
Marvelous posts in the Chronicles thread. I wanted to say as well, I think we need to be as open as possible to encourage people to join us. Therefore if you have a friend who interacts with your character or a significant other, please tell them they are welcome to share their thoughts and rp with you in the Chronicles. I don't care if it is in this forum or the one on CC.
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77 Blood Elf Mage
I apologize to Fyn, I had said Elizabeth McGovern, and it was Mary McGregor. This song truly expresses the conflicting loves that Zyss feels for Krei and Wyn.

Will she ever be able to make up her mind?
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40 Blood Elf Mage
No worries Cy! I figured that was the one you meant cause that was the one I found, lol.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I cannot believe it!! The epidemic is spreading!! I must find a cure for this insidious altitis!!

If anyone is interested in joining us we are a happy family of misfits and crazies who only live to rp and create more mayhem!! Seriously...we need more guys!! I have so many female players creating male characters its funny. (including me!!) What happened to all the male stereotype gamers?
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
Indeed, we need more male players, but more players in general!

*wanders off looking at the list of acts muttering to himself about needing a drummer, a pyrotechnician and a lot more acts*
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Leon, I got the music in me, brother. And the beat finds its way to the sticks I carry and the drums I beat. From the deep pounding of a heartbeat, to the building pulse that that gets you on your feet, and screaming with that roaring guitar, and sweet voices in song.

I never over power, I merely lend a background that helps bring it all together, my friend.

And I have found some of the greatest Pandaren pyrotechnics! Let us light up the skies, and light up the hearts and spirits of our fans and those who come to see what Cirque is all about!!

I can play the snares as the tightrope act goes on, thrilling the audience. Come see the Cirque, the circus!
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52 Blood Elf Warlock
I love your enthusiasm my friend! I look forward to some rehearsals with all of us together. I think we can make this a guild that will send ripples across Cenarion Circle!!

Yes we need more people! We need carnies and tent makers, we need a fortune teller and a host of cooks, can't have a carnival or circus without the food!! Any race or class is needed. If you have a unique idea for an act or something you can provide to the circus please come and join us at /join cirque in game and chat with us.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I came across this article today and found it very interesting. I do hope we can create a group of friends within the guild that will at least give us this kind of feeling. I am sad to see the trends now that make this game so impersonal.

But only we the players can do something about it.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Fyn, that was a great postin in "The Seige" thread! Gosh, I was smiling after reading that! You go girl!!!
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks Cy! :D

Fyn is gonna take bit of a down turn in posts to prepared! lol

Oooh looks like someone is coming for the Cirque! But who is it?
Edited by Fynnariel on 10/18/2013 12:12 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Minions!! Post in the Haunted House! I put it up for Halloween. Come on its just a silliness thread for the holiday. Investigate, I promise it will be fun!

And Az what are you doing to my minions? I will hunt him down and send soulfire searing through him!! How dare he touch my minions!!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
My dear sweet Lady Blacktalon,

I did nothing to your minions, I'll have you know. I had it happen to me.

So, please do not hunt me down nor sear me with soulfire.

I didn't touch your minions! (Yet.)

((Quite honestly, I have several requests for several of the Cirque members. I am a terrible duelist. I cannot duel to save my soul. However, I wish to have a few one on ones with some of you to experience the form, as well as a possible lead-in with The Master figure.

Please let me know if you might be interested in aiding me. Unfortunately it might be someone you know from the stable of my characters, but believe me, they are not when it comes to the duel, and they will try to kill you.

Thank you for your consideration in the matter.

For instance, Wyntar is feeling so cocky and confident in her abilities. She really needs to be put in her place. Well, The Master's Frost Mage does any way. And I thought a nice match might be Hahnai or Ginik. ))
Edited by Azmos on 10/18/2013 1:44 PM PDT
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77 Blood Elf Priest
I will fight the cocky mage!! (wait is there a joke there? I think?)

I know!!! (groans erupt from all my characters as they stare at Hahnai)

Yes inquiring minds want to know what is going on?
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100 Night Elf Druid
I don't think you have anything that I could have Illis or Faden fight, my monk still is technically ICly not in Crique, but if yo uhave need of one of the other two let me know:)
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