Cirque rp guild

90 Blood Elf Priest
Vivi, I do hope I haven't been naughty. I simply cannot contain myself in the "Haunted Mansion" thread. I do believe they will destroy the house to find it was just a glorified gerbil seeking a mate behind everything. He he he he.

Ah, wel,l I'll try to be good, but don't expect too much from me but snide thoughts and head shaking. By the way, you have a lovely home, too bad you have soldiers going through it hell bent for leather, not realizing it is someone's home!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
That was fun to write Azmos, thanks for coming back to the Haunted House! Oh and it is still supposed to be a fun thread. Vivi just dragged him into the Shadowworld. I imagine it to be a vast grey plain where the pinpoints of light flicker green and white. Green for the demon realm and white for the Light. It is a neutral area. Neither evil or good.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
You mean sort of what it's like during that death knight quests where you have to fight the dark rider of acherus to get your mount? Minus the wandering ghosts and dark riders of course.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I think that can be used as a reference.
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77 Blood Elf Mage
I found this article at work today. And it made me realize how much many of you mean to me as friends within this game. Take a look and tell me what you think.
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77 Blood Elf Priest
Yes it is true, I think social scientists are still trying to figure out why a social medium like this works. I mean most of the time no one has any idea what the person even looks like on the other end of the screen. And yet you make friends with the blood elf, the human, the orc, the troll, and you don't care what they look like. We can look past the cartoon and see the person for what they are as they come across in the text.

One thing I think is great is the number of people who are willing to make friends in spite of age differences, ethnicity, or even gender and orientation. I will hate to see WOW go down the tubes. Not because I am doing such progress or end game or any of that stuff. But because I have made friends here.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I think WoW still has quite a few years left before it "goes down the tubes" but when it does we shall find a new game to play together:3

<3 ya all:D
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Well said Hahnai and Sam, well said.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
Cy you need to level Jen so she can catch up to Leon and join us in guild runs. Leon wants his future wife by his side in dungeons.

Oh and we need to do more guild runs so we can level the guild and our characters!
Edited by Restorer on 11/5/2013 12:21 PM PST
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68 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes, my dear sweet man, I will begin that process immediately.

Yes, you are right, of course. I'll touch her tonight and get a level or two out of her.

*snap of whip* >CRACK<
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68 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, with the help of Duskwither and Leon, I was able to pick up two levels, a nice couple of upgrades, and a very interesting run of Ramps alone with Dusk.

Thank you so much for the runs, the fun, and the RP. I hope we can do it again. I'll concentrate on getting to 67 or therein so she can run instance with her hubby-to-be.
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
Leon: I can hardly wait.

Feel free to mention that locket Leon sent Jen in game or on the forums. (the one he mentions in his last post in the Cirque Chronicles). I 'll try to get one up later that talks about the ramps/blood furnace runs.
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90 Night Elf Druid
This intrigues me. While I haven't RP'd in a while I have been wanting to get back into it. Though I would be leveling as I cannot transfer =/
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66 Blood Elf Paladin
You'd be welcome to join us. We also have a guild on Steamwheedle Cartel that we are part of so you can join us there if you would prefer ( the thread is a mix of OOC and IC posts so you can leave a message for us there if you want or make a toon on SWC and /join rpooc to find us.)
Edited by Restorer on 11/7/2013 2:54 AM PST
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22 Night Elf Druid
We dont spend a lot of time on Cirque so you might like to check out the small guild we have on Steamwheedle Cartel. It's the same group of people. We just got tired of CRZ and the madness that is MG and WRA.

SWC is a very quiet realm, but the few people I have seen are friendly.

(Viragona alt)
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90 Night Elf Druid
I'll check out SwC. I'm guessing Horde side.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'll check out SwC. I'm guessing Horde side.

We are mainly Alliance side on SWC
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60 Blood Elf Death Knight
This is Shalaris alt. We do have a Horde side counterpart, this guild is mostly our alts, but I think we are more active on Alliance side. We are hopeless altoholics!!
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60 Night Elf Mage
This is Alliance side, feel free to join us either side, but the chances are we will be more active here. The chat channel for Alliance side is /join rpooc.

For Horde side it is /join silver.
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