Questions about the RP community here

10 Human Hunter
Hi all! I've been RPing on a PvP server for about a year and really enjoying it, but I'm considering the possibility of a realm transfer. I'm looking at several servers, but I like what I've seen on the forums here, so Cenarion Circle is pretty high on the list if I do decide to transfer one or more characters.

I'm going to be checking out the server Ally-side on Raeburn here and plan to roll a Horde alt to see what I can learn that way, but I wondered what the folks who live here think of the place. In particular:

-Is there much cross-faction RP?
-Are folks generally friendly with each other OOC, both same-faction and cross-faction? I mean, by WoW standards, is it better or worse than the average realm?
-Is there an awful lot of OOC drama -- OOC bad blood between guilds, etc.?
-Are there a lot of strong RP guilds? Relatedly, does world RP tend to be guild-centric, or is it pretty easy to find if you look for it even if you're not in a guild yet? I was online last night hearing in General chat that 90% of the folks on CC don't RP, but I hear that about my current server too and it hasn't been my experience, so I'm taking the comments with a handful of salt.

Also, how much world PvP is there, and is it more driven by RP or just by folks who enjoy fighting other players? Do a lot of RPers here flag for PvP when out in the world? If there's a lot of wPvP, is there also a lot of ganking, camping, and whatnot?

And how much side-eyeing will I get for only having PvP gear if I move my main here...? >.> I mean, she's got PvE gear, but it cuts her DPS by about 25% over her PvP gear 'cause I just haven't been gearing for it.

Thanks in advance!
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100 Draenei Mage
I'm going to answer your questions by topic rather than by the questions. I think it'll make more organizational sense.

OOC drama and llamas
OOC we are all pretty tight. The asking in general though is a bad idea. Those kids don't know much about us because we spend most of our time talking in our own OOC channels. Each guild has one nearly and then there is the factionwide one as well. Just /join allianceooc and get a talking to us. That's a much better way than talking to the kids in general chat. Silly kids there.

And because we have our own channels and a group channel, we tend to communicate with each other a lot and remain fairly open. There is drama every now and then. You can't avoid that, but we resolve it much better than others, especially other servers. As a result, we have a lot of strong guilds as a result. Some of them are massive server leading guilds. Some are smaller forces of personality. Join the ooc channel and get to know people. We can better address other giuld questions there.

World RP
It exists and since we share CRZ with Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord you can find it with people on those servers as well. Some guilds have headquarters outside of Stormwind just to ensure this very fact. Kyalin could talk to you about Kalimdor. Depending on your race and orientation, you have multiple options on the Eastern Kingdoms as well from Esoteric Cabal to Pia Presidium to Lluchuu Oeliad (spelling? one day I'll get it right) to Stormwind Union to Conclave to ... well you get the picture. There are millions of us and we're based in all sorts of places. Many of us even go cross faction (although typically more event based) with the aid of our own personal messenger service AAMS. The lovely people there provide translation services between the two factions and servers now as well.

World PVP
It's not a pvp server. So the people you can interact with are typically flagged already and there are quite a few that are permaflagged characters on both factions. It isn't a substantial amount but it is an amount. Which means ganking isn't really a problem either. Mostly our world pvp is event driven or defense driven. There are a few guilds that even specialize in it. With the existence of transmogging, no one will care what your gear looks like. We are RPers first, so if you like to pvp go pvp, no one cares. Ask Tom over at Pia Presidium or Kyalin. We'll accept you no matter your orientation.

Honestly, we could answer a ton of your questions here, but you're better off if you /join allianceooc and ask us there. More people will answer and you'll get a variety of opinions including guild information and direction. Give it a shot. We love new people.
Edited by Izby on 5/22/2013 12:21 PM PDT
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10 Human Hunter
Woot! /join allianceooc -- I shall do that tonight! Thank you! This is all very encouraging, and I really appreciate your taking the time to answer.

Also I'm not actually much of a PvPer, though I do like it sometimes -- just wanted to be sure I wouldn't be setting myself up to be perceived as a potential griefer/ganker if I did flag for PvP sometimes. :)

Thank you again!
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