[A-RP] Conclave is Recruiting

100 Human Paladin
Who we are: Scholars, scribes, seekers of truth and defenders of knowledge all knowledge. Our numbers include those who are looking for their own personal answers, treasure hunters, librarians, historians, and anyone who feels a need to ensure that the pursuit of knowledge is never forgotten.

Motto: Learn from our past to safeguard the future.

About us : Conclave is primarily a roleplay guild that also enjoys running dungeons, questing, normal raiding and the occasional PvP.

We have been on CC for going on 5 years now and continue to thrive.

In character Conclave is searching for answers and enlightenment during the tumultuous times that we live in. Members are looking for guidance while upholding the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Azeroth's history demands that we look to our past if we want to ensure that our way of life continues.

Out of Character We're a friendly enough bunch of folks, many of whom have been playing together for years. We are realistic and understanding of each other. We try to support each other and help each other whenever we can.

Events: Wed @ 6p The Light and You - Stormwind Cathedral District - Gazebo. This is an open sermon and discussion about the Light.

Apply Applications should be submitted via our application form on our website conclaveguild.org . Additionally, you may contact Genevra, Caileanmor, or Theldruin in game for an introduction.
Edited by Genevra on 12/23/2014 8:51 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Bump! Always looking for more scholars and knowledge seekers!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Good people.

Genevra will let you steal her pants if you're persistent.

Good people.

Join them if you like their concept!

Steal Genevra's pants either way.

My name is Shaynarah Shadowfeather, and I endorse this message.
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100 Human Paladin
This is what happens while I'm off updating our Archives (http://conclaveguild.org/library/archives )...SOO many books.

Hey where'd my pants go?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Gennie is good people. If you're interested in an active, in-depth, judgement free zone to expand your ideas or observe someone else's, Conclave is the clear choice.
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100 Gnome Priest
*Cail wanders into the thread, a full line of fresh catch dangling from his pole. Balancing the fishing pole over one shoulder, he pulls out his small notebook and begins flipping through its pages*

Now now now... I know that I have it here... somewhere...

*finding the page* Ah! yes.

I believe the current colloquialism the kids are using these days is "the bomb".

That said, it is within my experience that Genevra and the Conclave "is the bomb".
....or "are" the bomb?

Proper gramatical structure of the Common Language has never been my strong point!

*the old gnome chuckles as he saunters off, fresh fish in tow*
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100 Gnome Priest
A small unassuming mechanical squirrel wanders around the forum and bumps into this thread.

It gazes around bewildered.

After a series of mechanical beeps and chirps it wanders off...
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/11/2013 3:33 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Hey! Where'd that squirrel come from?
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90 Gnome Rogue
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the Sprocketeer! Here to bump the post!

/flies away on her rather faulty rocketpack.
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100 Human Paladin
This is nothing but a shame-filled bump....or is it?
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95 Gnome Priest
No shame in our game!
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100 Gnome Priest
*Peers up to the post above and waves*

Good day to you fellow Gnome! That is a mighty fine beard and mustache you are sporting!
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100 Draenei Warrior
*stares at the two above her*
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90 Gnome Rogue
A wild Sprocketeer appears from the shadows! "We have you surrounded Goat Girl! "
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91 Gnome Monk
POOF! Out from a plume of smoke tumbles a spry ninja-like gnome. He joins Sprocketeer, taking up a tactical position next to her. He strikes a confident pose, legs spread wide, one fist planted at his hip, the other held up, palm flat and pointed at the Dreanei.

"Halt right there hoofy!" He commands in a deep and raspy yet still cute-gnomish voice.
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100 Draenei Warrior
*purses her lips in thought before reaching into her pocket, pulling out a small bag full of caffeinated sugar chews, and places them on the ground in front of her as she backs up looking for an escape route.*
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90 Gnome Rogue
She cackles at the Draenei, "Where do you think you're going? Do you think we can be so easily placated by sweets? We are gnomes, not stupid human children!" She draws her blades, "What is it that you want? Our knowledge? You cannot have it!"
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100 Draenei Warrior
She stifles a laugh looking at the gnome, “I don’t want something that doesn't exist and I don't think of you as a child” she shakes her head, confused for a moment and continues “for some reason the word ‘peck’ comes to mind.”

She sighs “Now would you be so obliged to put that letter opener away, lest you hurt yourself?”
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91 Gnome Monk
Shifting to an alternate tactical-combat-ready stance...TCRS for short... the spry little gnome scoops up a piece of candy. A hidden oculus snaps down over one eye from beneath his hood to quickly examine the caffeinated chew. Satisfied he pockets the candy, scooping up a few more for safe keeping, the oculus disappearing beneath his hood.

"Peck? Obviously some sort of a code word." He mumbles in his deep raspy gnome-voice. "Remain alert Sprock! She means to lure us into an AMBUSH! and render us comatose with her *SSS-HC-TC!"

*Super Sickly Sweet - Highly Caffeinated - Taffy Chews
Edited by Gnomerian on 12/5/2013 2:24 PM PST
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90 Gnome Rogue
She held her ground, guarding Gnomerian as he made the dash for the candy, "Be careful friend, that could be poisoned." She moves to the other side of the Draenei, attempting to block her exit. "Peck." She spat the word out. "Curb your insults Goat Girl!"
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