Thoughts to himself. (Open RP)

100 Night Elf Mage
There were many disturbances between the ley-lines, the rift between the worlds and other realities dimensions even! Power beyond any of our control: at least that’s what the recent reports have given to me by those I truly serve, they are the seekers of truth and knowledge, observes in this world, watchers. From my gathered information concerning these lay lines, and the portals created by them cultists out in Hyjal, they are summoning portals which reach out across the multiverse

I came in contact with another Dragon sworn like myself several days after prior to the incident only to inform me of the events that are being played out daily, though I was interrupted upon the meeting, I could not have gained the information sooner. I was informed of beings coming in from other parts of the multiverse, beings that do not even belong in this world and by rights should not be here. I was informed that perhaps this person is much like me, from her description and then we discussed of the dragon flute he carries with him, how only dragons can hear it much like herself and her pet dragon that seems to follow her around.

Keyesh sighed as he wrote his letter to himself, recounting everything he remembers during his time her, he gazed upon his mirror in which he kept upon his table in his home in Darnassus, he had a far more paler complexion about him now, his eyes gazed upon it, his long white hair which flowed down over his shoulders. He knew he was getting old, that his age was finally catching up with him, he also knew the others have been watching him closely ever since the spell he created and blasted the demon hunter across the dimensions and now he revealed his true powers then. He gazed upon his manuscript as it was a large book in which he writes down all his adventures on and has kept record of his encounters and adventures, also mostly spells he has learned in which he kept written down as it was nicely marked and ordered.

Recent studies and reports mostly encounters who’s name I shall not mentioned has reported experiencing some supernatural changes within this world, as people from other worlds seem emerge throughout the world of Azeroth, the only places that seem unaffected by this sudden change is Stormwind and Ogrimmar two of the major cities in both factions between horde and alliance, Chaos remains unchecked as both factions continue to fight, As I observed silently upon the conflicts I couldn't help but notice that other factors are at play here, I have wondered and question the realities of our world and I couldn't help if something larger is at play here then we all thought…

Deciding to leave it at that, he got up to stretch his legs, as he glanced around it seemed empty to him at the least, everything was where it should be, nothing out of the ordinary, He had planned, shrugging he got up and left his home with nothing to really worry over, He left to go on his normal routines of the day, leaving his book there open so the ink can dry giving the instructions to the sentinels to keep an eye on his home.
Edited by Keyesh on 5/30/2013 6:04 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
"Now look... I know that we've been here for seven hours already, but we've done four separate counts, and at no point have our counts matched with your count-sheets, and your count sheets don't match with the manifest you sent us! Did I leave something out? Or do these numbers not agree at all? Look at them!"

Kyalin crunched down another coffee bean as she watched the argument play out between the cargo hold's weary foreman, and the Warden's own trained accountant - Verronia Fay.

"Look, it's very simple. A, should match with B, should match with C. Right? Well, you can see here - it doesn't. We're selecting another fifteen items to be counted. In the meantime, I suggest that you get your crew down here for a fifth count."

The vessel's captain was standing next to the Warden not too long after. "You have to do something about this, Warden. We have a schedule to keep.... people are going to start to get angry."

"I suggest you teach your crew how to count then..."

"By the light, Warden!" The captain stammered. "How long are you going to keep us in port?"

Kyalin paused for a moment. "It all depends - Ms. Fay!"

Verronia stopped and looked over.

"You can have the crew stay where they are. Sentinel Varissa will bring down the regiment outside, they can do a full count. - With me please."

Verronia walked over, and no sooner after she'd done so, four or five sentinels had already started tearing though the cargo bay, brushing off the panicked foreman's objections. Kyalin and Verronia began to walk toward the bow. The captain followed with a look of disbelief. "Warden... surely you can't be serious!"

"I am serious." The Warden replied as one of the sentinels put her hand on the captain's shoulder to pull him away. "... and don't call me Shirley. - Anyway..." she continued as her attention shifted to Verronia, without missing a beat. "I know that you're somewhat close with executor Shadowstorm, but... I am curious about something. Do you think that he's been hiding a few things?"

Verronia blinked, her mind having moved completely off of the battalion of sentinels who were now tearing through the cargo hold. "He's always been a bit cryptic, but you really think?"

"He's been what I might call 'explicitly evasive', yes. It all started with this druid who started demanding information about our most recent kill... now he's talking gibberish. Do you know anything?"

Verronia shook her head as one of the sentinels behind her broke open a crate. "This is news to me."

"Warden!" The sentinel called out. As soon as she had the Warden's attention, she held up a leaf of bloodthistle.

"Excellent work!" The Warden called back in a congratulatory manner. "Sentinels, please take the ship's compliment into custody, including the passengers. Have them ready for questioning upon my arrival to the barrows." She finished, keeping a somewhat giddy but very procedural tone to her voice - like it was routine. "Verronia, I want you to investigate Executor Shadowstorm's residence when this business is concluded... bring whatever resources you feel are necessary. I want a full accounting for everything in that house."

Kyalin paused. "That's not going to be a problem, is it?"
Edited by Kyalin on 5/30/2013 9:09 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Sorry deleted post - and scraping the idea of the rp won' happen, so ignore my first post..
Edited by Cirdan on 6/2/2013 7:56 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Mage
Keyesh seemed on verge of annoyance with everything going on, between the wardens not trusting him. He paced back and forth within his home in Darnassus. Deciding not to go out to hinterlands anymore and not to figure out or to help his friend, he knocked his things over in growing frustration allowing his books to fall to the floor, anger was overruling his intentions. He looked upon his wand for a moment his eyes narrowing he knew he could with but a wave of his wand bring them back to their original positions. As far as he knew he didn’t do anything to cause her distrust, or anyone for the matter, he’s always been there always helped and the one time he wanted to do something alone.
He growled as he considered the past event concerning the demon hunter, he knew he told her some portion of what happened, hell to him the information was mediocre all it was information concerning the spell he used, he delve into the magic of the ley-lines near their current location if anything it was an accident he did it, and he knew it. He forgotten the reason he left in the first place, why he wanted to leave now, He knew he was probably warrant for arrest by now, he would assume so, he could leave at any time and never be seen or heard from again and no one would even notice.

With a point of his wand he turns towards the fallen books and with a simple spell the books seem to fly back to their original positions, he caught the sentinels frowning at his use of magic. If It bothered Keyesh he didn’t show it, he stowed his wand back in his cloak pocket as he turned and sat upon the edge of the bed as if lost in thought and again wondering what the point of it all is. No matter how hard he tries to be good it seems evil follows him, or that he is made to be like a bad guy once again.

He seemed more amused now at the prospects, concerning the dreamer’s information regarding his friend. He knew he has gone through similar things and he dealt with it perhaps differently. Was he living a similar lifestyle as this other person? Was he truly one in the same, lazily he waves his wand and brought forth a book, and again he begin to read on the information regarding the dreamers portals, trying to learn what he may for his next adventure. He wasn’t going to run however, he wasn’t even going to find the warden, he is where he always is in his home for the most part of the day, awaiting patently for her to appear he didn’t leave his home, he didn’t plan to.
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