<Warcraftier> Needs a Healer!!

90 Night Elf Druid
Hail CC!

We the silly bunch at <Warcraftier> are looking for a few good folks to come be silly with us!

Specifically, we are actively seeking:
Non-Pally Healer
Balance Druid

For those not familiar with us, we're a 25-man raiding guild that's currently 10/14H. We raid M-Th 5:15PM-8:30PM server time with no percentage attendance requirement. In other words, we're flexible about schedules, really understanding about having to miss raids, and in fact schedule around each individual.

That's the boring stuff. If you join <Warcraftier>, you get the following perks:
- Draenai tentacle face massages.
- Ride-arounds on goats.
- Free hamsters!
- All-you-can-hug-ghouls.
- Puntable gnome mage.

Questions? Whisper me in game!

Apply here: http://warcraftier.guildlaunch.com
Edited by Lerrielin on 12/13/2013 12:21 PM PST
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All that she promises can be yours for the low low price of joining the wackiest bunch of 25-man raiders on Cenarion Circle. In fact, many secret prizes await those healers (and certain DPSers) that are brave enough to RISK IT ALL!

One might receive anything from thousands of fish to disassembled bears and almost anything in between. Come and find out exactly how delicious gnomes can be...
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90 Night Elf Druid
We do actually like gnomes, despite what our website says.
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23 Night Elf Hunter
We do actually like gnomes, despite what our website says.

That is a lie actually. I was a gnome with them back in Wrath and beginning of Cata and I got treated very poorly and wasn't allowed to participate in the antics at times. I felt very discriminated against. ;P ;P
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100 Human Mage
06/12/2013 08:16 AMPosted by Keylee
We do actually like gnomes, despite what our website says.

That is a lie actually. I was a gnome with them back in Wrath and beginning of Cata and I got treated very poorly and wasn't allowed to participate in the antics at times. I felt very discriminated against. ;P ;P

*cracks her knuckles*

Come here let me give you a hug.
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06/12/2013 08:16 AMPosted by Keylee
We do actually like gnomes, despite what our website says.

That is a lie actually. I was a gnome with them back in Wrath and beginning of Cata and I got treated very poorly and wasn't allowed to participate in the antics at times. I felt very discriminated against. ;P ;P

Can you show me on this conveniently stunned Gnome where we touched you inappropriately? Were you slathered in BBQ sauce or just abused verbally? Inquiring minds want to know.
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90 Night Elf Druid
We still want your healz! :O
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100 Pandaren Monk
- Winterstar strip teases.

Worth the price of admission, hazardous to your general sanity and sense of well-being.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Nanfeng, this plush reminds me of you. :o

We're in the market for a solid Holy Paladin for a core spot! :D
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Is a Holy Paladin a Fury warrior?

I forgot. :|
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90 Night Elf Druid
We still want your heals. >_>
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90 Night Elf Druid
Is a Holy Paladin a Fury warrior?

I forgot. :|

*stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp*
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90 Goblin Mage
- Draenai tentacle face massages.


All I can think of is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8QykNHjSgM

You people scare me. Free bump though! ♥ {◕ ◡ ◕} ♥
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100 Night Elf Mage
Free Hamsters? hrm...i can use them for my experiments...I mean my witch spellcrafting...make an army of hamsters...undead hamsters - sage nods-
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38 Gnome Priest
*wonders into the thread*

Oh hi, Lerrelin. Do you think I'm big enough to come join you yet? I'm a really cute distraction and so long as I have my "Please for the love of all that is Light fueled, resuscitate" toe tag, I think I can be a huge asset to your team of tag players.
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90 Night Elf Druid
*wonders into the thread*

Oh hi, Lerrelin. Do you think I'm big enough to come join you yet? I'm a really cute distraction and so long as I have my "Please for the love of all that is Light fueled, resuscitate" toe tag, I think I can be a huge asset to your team of tag players.

Have you gotten any bigger? I can't tell with gnomes. It's very difficult. o_o
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90 Night Elf Druid
Updated recruitment needs!
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38 Gnome Priest
I grew three microns. THREE! That's a special number you know. Almost magical. But three whole microns, that's a lot for me. Like I should get a medal for that. I'm going to go make one right now.

*pulls a piece of bark off Lerrielin's costume & begins bolting ribbons to it*
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90 Night Elf Druid
Man, these awkward subject line edits...

Edited by Lerrielin on 7/10/2013 9:01 AM PDT
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100 Pandaren Monk

Where do I sign, and who do I leave my firstborn and/or soul with?
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