[H] Order of the Ebon Shield is recruiting

100 Blood Elf Warlock
The Order of the Ebon Shield is one of the oldest, still active guilds on Cenarion Circle having been formed in early April 2005. These days we are a role-play friendly, social guild with a casual raid.

Historically the OES has enjoyed a large and active membership, since the release of Cata we’ve experienced a slow decline in numbers that accelerated through early Mists. More than anything our dwindling numbers are due to people retiring from the game to devote more time to raising their children, establish careers after college or to put to paper the novel they have been writing in their head for years.

<Get to the point, Rizz>

Traditionally becoming a member of the OES has been a somewhat lengthy and involved process. We're changing that up a bit as we don't feel it's a realistic or sustainable approach in today's climate of increasingly casual gaming.

Who are we looking for?
We’re opening up recruitment to active players of legal age, with characters level 30 and higher of any class, skill or experience. The OES has a long held tradition of recruiting the person not the character and we're not going to change that.

How do you join?
If you’re currently unguilded you can locate us in the guild finder window by scrolling until you find us and hitting the “Request Membership” button. An officer or I will get back to you within a couple of days to confirm your interest, go over the ground rules and issue an invite.

(If you previously expressed an interest via the Guild Finder panel and didn’t get a response, please check back. There was some confusion and you were probably overlooked.)

Or, you can contact me (Arizza), Fionella, Ladarian or Drewscylla in-game (note: Tues/Thurs 5pm-8pm server is the absolute worst time to contact any of us).

What are the rules?
Our rules are pretty basic: Don’t be a jerk. Don’t troll trade. Don't grief pugs. Don't hassle role players or intentionally disrupt their immersion.
Guild chat (and vent) aren’t a free-for-all and need to be kept to a PG13-ish level.

It sounds easy but there is a catch.
Newly joined members will have one week to register at our website and post an application; and prior to being promoted out of Recruit status you’ll have to suffer through a brief conversation in vent with an officer.
We also require an authenticator to be eligible for promotion to a rank with any meaningful access to the guild bank or funds.

Hey look! We finally managed to get our website organized. www.ebonshield.com
Edited by Arizza on 6/25/2013 11:57 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I'd bump this but it's not allowed.
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I am concerned about your apparent lack of Tauren (the best) with regards to your overabundance of elves (the worst).

Also, I am not bumping your thread. Nope.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hey now! we have lots of Tauren and not just on the menu in the banquet hall!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm a Rules kinda gal and I would never bump a thread.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
That's okay. I can happily give your thread a bit of ascendancy, solely 'cause you sound like reasonable, fun folks, and I like your guild name. ;)

I accept pie, no-questions-asked goblin slaves and pants for promotional consideration.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
No pie here but I do have candy.
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HEY! You there.

Do you play late at night - pacific time?
Do you like running dungeons and heroic scenarios?
Have you, until now, been largely solitary and kept to yourself, but would really like to stop? - and just haven't seemed to figure out how because of your weird west coast time schedule, and your habit of playing when normal people don't?

If you answered 'yes' to those questions, then PLEASE JOIN OES.... mostly so that I can steal you and make you do my bidding...
........er, have someone to run HScenarios and Dungeons with and possibly finish up the Stupid PvP portion of that Stupid cloak quest......

Seriously though, OES has been around forever, they're nice folks, solid players, and it would be nice if there were more of us.

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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I think you may be better at this recruiting thing than I am, you're definitely a better dancer.
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If I didn't have the whole
largely solitary and kept to yourself, but would really like to stop? - and just haven't seemed to figure out how because of your weird west coast time schedule, and your habit of playing when normal people don't?

thing going, I'd be more than happy to take that on, but, y'know....

hey! It's Dark and I'm All Alone! And I hear wolves!


pretty please?

I don't think wolves are swayed by sexy moonkin dancing.
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  • Join OES and I'll take you into certain death in a flex raid some time after 9:00 p.m. server on a random and unpredictable basis!
  • Join OES and I'll make you an omelette! A SPECIAL omelette!
  • Join OES and help us lower the blood-elf count!
  • Join OES and cast a few heals on me because Rizz just stabbed me for mocking Belves...AGAIN....
  • Join OES, we kill Yaungol. (Don't worry, I'm not cranky about it, my cousins are DICKS...)
  • Join OES. We know all the bad jokes.
  • Join OES, you can only smell Abominus when he's home.
  • Edited by Plainswander on 10/30/2013 12:06 PM PDT
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