A letter arrives at AAMS headquarters, written with purple crayon on yellow construction paper.
HAMS Delivery Service
Khromie Overspark
Cathedral of the Light
Judging by your name, you are obviously a murloc! I happen to speak a bit of Murlocnese myself!
Clam shell.
Clam meat, clam meat, clam meat.
Clam shell.
Clam meat.
Clam meat, clam meat, clam meat.
Now that salutations are out of the way, I am writing to you to commend to the highest, super duperest extent the most excellent and awesome services of one of your HAM deliverers, Desky Kettlecorn.
Desky recently took, like, a bajillion deliveries for me! She is the most fantabulous messenger ever! There was only a slight incident when she accidentally littered and almost forgot to give me my receipt, but other than that, it was all smooth salami! (Do you also deliver salamis??)
Desky is so stylish and fab, don't you think? She is also as brave as she is fashion forward. She even agreed to take a delivery to Hordies at the risk of being eaten by trolls and sat on by tauren! Speaking of, do you think maybe you could give Desky better weapons to fight with than hatpins, pretty please? I worry about her!
In conclusion, Desky Kettlecorn is the bestest HAM deliverer of all time and I know that all of my cured and smoked meats as well as other goods are safe in her hands! Do you think she'll let me borrow her hat? Could you ask her for me?
Also in conclusion, I hope you will give Desky a huuuuuge raise in cakes and booze!!! She seems to prefer that to money (and who can blame her, right???)!!!
I hope you have the best day ever, ARRRRRRRRGBLAH!
P.S. Could you tell Sprinkles hi for me, too? And could you remind her that she promised to give me some of that super old family cake?
Edited by Khromie on 6/13/2013 6:31 AM PDT