The Crimson Blades moves out of Elwynn

100 Human Mage
((Score: CRZ=1, Crimson Blades=0))

Noikona looked around the courtyard of the Westbrook Garrison. Seeing that no one was around, she tacked a note by its grand entrance.

Westbrook Garrison
The last defense of Elwynn’s Western bank
Many memories were created here.
Let these walls continue to protect those in need.
Let those who come here remember what it once was.
A building of grandeur and peace.
A building full of hope and prosperity.
Let those who see it now, look past what it has now become.
Remember, remember what it once was.

Signed: Noikona Thulane Momlir
Tactical Officer -The Crimson Blades

She wiped a tear from her eye and turned her back walking away.
Edited by Noikona on 6/10/2013 8:10 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus hears of an opening in real estate ventures near Stormwind.

"Hmm, we will have to contact our agentsss to procure a new location for our Sssecret Lab of Genocidal Happinessssss, yesss"
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100 Human Paladin
((I hate to hear this. I understand it, but I hate it. Where will Crimson Blades go?))
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100 Human Warlock
((We've landed in Pyrewood. The irony of it all is that we're joining up with a Moon Guard guild that makes their home there, with a storyline of helping them rebuild the Gilnean town.

We had to concede to the "College RP" that had absolutely no respect for anyone else trying to use the same location. No amount of /ignore or reporting for harassment was going to change that. But I would rather risk a move and change of location than see the RP portion of our guild die because of CRZ.))
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100 Human Warlock
((As a guild leader who had to move her guild as well, I can empathize. We moved to Pandaria for the time being, at the Tian Monastary. We'll stay there, untill we can return to our beloved Duskwood - if it ever becomes free from the CRZ. ))
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