515 holy pally LF raiding guild, i have experience up to dark animus, msg me in game or comment here
Looking for ToT raid guild
Yes, there is an application process in place that everyone goes through, no exceptions.
25m raid, have cleared up through Durumu the Forgotten.
Raids Tues/Thurs/Sun from 6-9pm server time. We are currently running short as we had some folks move to a much more populated server, so open spots will probably be available.
- Met
Yes, there is an application process in place that everyone goes through, no exceptions.
25m raid, have cleared up through Durumu the Forgotten.
Raids Tues/Thurs/Sun from 6-9pm server time. We are currently running short as we had some folks move to a much more populated server, so open spots will probably be available.
- Met
Edited by Lerrielin on 9/5/2013 5:44 AM PDT
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