Stirring up Trouble in Caer Darrow ((open RP)

90 Troll Hunter
Yoresh snorted at her words and had half a mind to mention making her his meal, but held his tongue. Come to think of it, he had never asked Brae about cannibalism. He wondered if her adoptive parents had ever let her participate or if they had kept her away from it. A sudden memory of his daughter screwing up her face in disgust made him huff out a breath of mirth.

The brush of the Gnome squeezing herself between his and Brae's legs brought him out of his thoughts and he frowned, resisting the urge to punt her and instead pulled his robe a little back to keep her from stepping on it. He'd be damned if he let her make him take a step back and remained right where he was.

Perhaps, if he asked very politely, Brae would let him eat Spriggel after all?


All this thinking about cannibalism managed to make his own stomach growl and he shifted uncomfortably, slightly embarrassed by it. He'd eaten more food in the last couple days than he had for a very long time and it seemed his stomach didn't want to go back to starving most of the time. Better he be embarrassed than it being empty it seemed like.

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100 Blood Elf Mage
She gave the troll an even stare as she caught his expression at the same time Spriggel said 'meal plans.' He was familiar with the expression- a silent 'don't even consider it' settled on Brae's features, although she still seemed distracted. Familiar as she was with troll customs and dialects-cannibalism was familiar enough that she'd been able to follow his train of thought. It wasn't that the idea repulsed her; she objected on the strict moral grounds that allowing one's colleagues to be devoured by one's mate was bad form.

"I don't think we'd g-given it m-much th-thought." She replied to the gnome distractedly. Her mind was still on that damn journal in her pocket. She shouldn't have been able to do that. It shouldn't have happened at all. Brae crossed her arms, but the gesture seemed more defensive than aggravated. She fought the urge to reach into her pocket and run her knuckles along the spine for reassurance, as she'd done with so many volumes in the past. This was not a book that should be handled any more than necessary. She set her resolve to something sterner.
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