[A-H] I'm LFRP! ((ooc))

100 Gnome Priest
I'm looking for RP!

More specifically, I'm casually working on little short stories treating various adventures and discoveries Cail will encounter as he fishes is way around Azeroth! :)

I am more than capable of working up my own characters to fill spaces and play needed parts, but I'd very much like to open this up to the community as well.

I'm open to Alliance as well as Horde, and to any and every character type.

More than likely I'd simply like to mention Role Play Characters by name, reference their likeness, their organizations (guilds) by name or likeness, all throughout my little stories.

If nothing else I figure it could offer some neat exposure to a wide variety of players, their characters and guilds, all within their particular context.

What I'm looking for from these characters is anything from the list bellow.
-chance encounters
-extended interactions
-mundane appearances. The "cameo".
-ambiance and/or conversation
-the simple name drop from time to time
-alerts to important or relevant RP stories taking place that Cail might hear about or run across in a very limited fashion, which are occurring around him.

All I would really need is your OK that I can use your character.

If you would like, feel free to post a brief description of who/what they are and/or how they might fit into the "Current Storyline".

If you'd like to work with me on extended dialog, scenes, character particulars, and what have yas, I'm more than open to collaborations. :)

There is no time stamp on these stories. I will be working on them and posting basically at my leisure.

More than anything, what I want out of this is to tell a sometimes fun, occasionally interesting, and at times mundane tale in perhaps (and hopefully) an interesting manner. I would also love to offer exposure to the community players and their characters as a whole.

Recap: I'm looking for willing participants who would like to participate (or at the very least would like a character name drop) in an occasional and casual tale about a traveling gnome who is fishing his way around Azeroth. It won't always be full of action. It may contain a little adventure. No real complex story arcs or plot twists to worry about. Just some good, short, single post, one shot encounters and adventures.

Feel free to inquire or volunteer below!
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/14/2013 7:49 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Current Storyline:
Cail is traveling to Darnassus to explore all that these "elfen lands" have to offer an Angler.

What I Need:
    Cail would be needing a small, modest place to say. A place he can call home while he is in Darnassus, but also a place he can use as his Base of Operations when he sets off into Kalimdor. Naturally I can RP him staying at an Inn, but if there is someone who RPs living in Darnassuss, that wouldn't mind the occasional presence of a kind and generous old Gnome, then that would be fantastic! It could really spruce up the narrative. :)

    Cail will be needing a way to get to Darnassus. I'm looking for any character that might RP as oh say a ship's Captain. *nudge-nudge*

    Cail will also be needing to ship over two large crates of equipment. They could travel separately or along with. AAMS! may I drop your name and perhaps one or two characters in your guild?

    When Cail is over in Darnassuss, he will be needing the services of a guide. Being he's in a completely strange land, he would like to avoid being swallowed by the large innocent looking flower, or kidnapped and cooked by a band of Furbolgs.

Remember! This is on a completely volunteer basis. You need not have anything to do with the creation of these short, other than saying "Yes, you can drop my characters' name HERE." ...but if you're the creative type and would like to brainstorm privately or on this thread, I'm always game. :)

I will be posting these short stories in the thread named Random Gnome RP! (Semi-Pro Fishmonger-er) found here.
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/14/2013 7:36 PM PDT
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50 Night Elf Druid
If you need an AAMS name for Darnassus, you can use Mirta.

Mirtadel Whitesong is currently assigned to the AAMS Darnassus office. She jokes that it's the second most boring post in the AAMS Alliance, considering its location and strict import regulations; it's easier to ship items via Ratchet, although traffic through Darnassus has picked up lately. She's pretty certain the Exodar office is manned solely by a sign saying "back in an hour" and no one has noticed.

Mirta's impetuous, and likes adventure and a side of gossip. She's a young adult night elf who is still learning to be a druid; she doesn't spend a lot of time in animal forms. She joined the AAMS to keep a tab on her cousin Arietha, to whom she bears a strong resemblance. (She has been very interested in learning anything about this "Chambliss" fellow.)

I'm not on Mirtadel that often, although I've been slowly leveling her, but you probably know me better as Derscha. :D /AAMSooc is open to anyone looking to contact the AAMS in-game, we've usually got people online on one alt or another in the evening.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Feel free to use Shaynarah and/or the Ebon Sanction as you like, Cail!
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97 Worgen Death Knight
Cail, if you ever need a ride somewhere, feel free to use the Wobbly Compass and her crew! Jack Brassbuckle would even gladly fish with you (and grumble comically every time he fishes up an Empty Rum Bottle).
The only place we won't sail is Pandaria. If you're headed south, you'll have to talk to Master Cercius Black, Captain of Her Misery's End! His ship, under our fleet, is much better suited to those Horde congested water.
Feel free to whisper any of us, or come find us on the ship down at the docks in Stormwind Harbor (the empty galleon)!
We'd love to RP with someone as nifty as you.

P.S. This is Ketyru's alt! Thanks again for that awesome head exam and follow up!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
What an interesting and thoughtful way to reach out to the community.
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100 Gnome Priest
If you need an AAMS name for Darnassus, you can use Mirta.


I'm not on Mirtadel that often, although I've been slowly leveling her, but you probably know me better as Derscha. :D /AAMSooc is open to anyone looking to contact the AAMS in-game, we've usually got people online on one alt or another in the evening.

Woohoo! Thankya Dersha! :D I will certainly use Mirta in some form. I'll be sure to let you know before posting to make sure it has your seal of approval.

...which reminds me...
I should probably also mention to everyone that I will do my utmost to do your characters justice, be completely fair, and not 'god-mod'. I should probably update my original post to reflect that. It was implied, but not directly stated...I think. *scrolls up to re-read*
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Nope, you have my permission to make Shay as godly as you possibly can. ;)

I'm eager to see what you're coming up with, all joking aside. :D
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100 Gnome Priest
Feel free to use Shaynarah and/or the Ebon Sanction as you like, Cail!

Yay! Thank you for that!
:D I will most certainly find some good ways to write you, Raven (my alt), any other guildies and ES in as I go.

Cail, if you ever need a ride somewhere, feel free to use the Wobbly Compass and her crew! Jack Brassbuckle would even gladly fish with you (and grumble comically every time he fishes up an Empty Rum Bottle).
The only place we won't sail is Pandaria. If you're headed south, you'll have to talk to Master Cercius Black, Captain of Her Misery's End! His ship, under our fleet, is much better suited to those Horde congested water.
Feel free to whisper any of us, or come find us on the ship down at the docks in Stormwind Harbor (the empty galleon)!
We'd love to RP with someone as nifty as you.

P.S. This is Ketyru's alt! Thanks again for that awesome head exam and follow up!

Hey! I didn't know that was you Ket! This is good to know and I'm happy that you got my *nudge-nudge* :) in the original post!
If you hadn't spoken up I would have bugged you in-game anyhow :P .

As time passes and I compose these next few shorts, I'll be contacting you for some info, and certainly (if you'd like) I'll shoot them to you to make sure that content his handled well before I post it.

What an interesting and thoughtful way to reach out to the community.

Thank you for your kind words!

I hope that as the story moves west I'll be able to include more and more horde characters. Sure, I'd like Cail to get into (and preferably out of) some sticky situations, but also I'd like the chance to highlight that not all horde characters are innately "bad" or "evil". I'm sure there are stories already posted that treat this, but perhaps this will recap that point in a different light. One that's short but entertaining.

... I did mention that I want these to be entertaining in some fashion... right? So if they're not then someone has got to let me know so I can try and fix it. :P
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/15/2013 3:13 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Originally I said that I was going to make these into single post "one shot" stories and adventures. Well...we'll see. We'll see. :P They're falling together though. I should have a few posts up soon in the next week or so.

In the meantime, I have an opening for these following characters. If you'd like your character to fill the roll, simply post below and I'll get into contact with you in game if we need to go over any particulars.

- 1 Night Elf Sentinel. Either stylized as a Sentinel, or would like to fill a similar type role.

- 1 Night Elf Druid. I have this part stylized for a young female "feral" style druid, but really any druid will do :)

Thanks to Brassbuckle and Mirtadel! You two are already written in, and your Guilds made it in as well :D I'm refining the narrative right now.
Shay, I have plans for your Godliness coming up soon! :P :)

No responsibility is given to those who want to join in. All I need is the OK that you'd like to appear in *said role offered* and I'll write you in. It's a great way to get some character exposure! :D
Edited by Caileanmor on 7/17/2013 12:39 AM PDT
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97 Worgen Death Knight
(( *bows graciously* Thank'ee master gnome. Still, when the next Fishing Tournament comes, I'm taking Jack down to Stranglethorn. I do hope we can bump into each other!
Can't wait to read what I am convinced will be colorful, masterful tales!))
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100 Gnome Priest
(( *bows graciously* Thank'ee master gnome. Still, when the next Fishing Tournament comes, I'm taking Jack down to Stranglethorn. I do hope we can bump into each other!
Can't wait to read what I am convinced will be colorful, masterful tales!))

((hehe! Awesome :D I almost placed this last week. I've since been studying and now I have a better game plan. *rubs gnome hands together* I'll see you there!))
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38 Gnome Priest
And a letter arrives in your mailbox along with a partially eaten muffin wrapped in ribbon that appears to be torn with bear teeth. Silly Pippo.

"Hiya there Fishy Cail. Khromie and I wanted to let you know we were going to be doing some great stuff tomorrow night. After hearing about your attempt to get some RocketFuel, I decided that perhaps, you'd be interested to know that we will be giving some away with the sales of books. Just don't tell the Stormwind Goords or Oarwind. They get really picky about people importing drinks that are too big. Okay.

See you there.
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100 Gnome Priest
Cail's story continues in the thread named:
Random Gnome RP (Semi-Pro Fishmonger-er)
Post #12, for those interested!

My next section is finished and under editorial review :D ..and will be posted soon.


I'm going to start writing the section following it soon. This is what is going to happen, and the roles that I have open for cameo appearances by other RP-Characters:

Looking for:
-2 druids
-1 sentinel

Thank you to Dersha, Mirtadel, and the AAMS for allowing me to use them in this up coming story bit! :D

If you have any questions feel free to contact me in-game or post them here and I'll answer! It should be noted that if you can't find me on Caileanmor than I'm likely on an Alt. Feel free to ask from me in the OOC channel. If I don't see you, then someone is bound to poke me :P Because they're a good bunch of people.
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11 Night Elf Warrior
Anara Dawnblade is a Sentinel Captain under the special detachment Tor Falahdor. If you wanted to use her, she's very businesslike but has a deep-running sense of understated humor, and would probably enjoy meeting a fishergnome such as yourself.
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100 Gnome Priest
Anara Dawnblade is a Sentinel Captain under the special detachment Tor Falahdor. If you wanted to use her, she's very businesslike but has a deep-running sense of understated humor, and would probably enjoy meeting a fishergnome such as yourself.

Thank you! Anara Dawnblade. Nice name :D She will work nicely in my upcoming adventure in Teldrassil!
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you to all who have whispered me, and allowing me to name drop your characters :D
I promise to do them justice, and by all means if there is something that you don't care for let me know and I'll amend my tale to better reflect the party your character brings to the table :D
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100 Gnome Priest
On a different note....

In doing some research and background work for a Guild related RP project, I came across a curiosity (well, for me :P ) and I'd like everyone's thoughts and input.

Reckoning of Time and Dates. How is this done or handled in Azeroth. I know, I know, I'm thinking too deeply about it, but still. I'm curious.

In-Game we have the Calendar and Clock, and the sun passes on our 24 hour meter. The seasons also pass on roughly follow that of "the real" :P . Yet I've noted in my own studies that every civilization has it's own way of reckoning time and recording history, until such time that civilizations start to collide and then one standard form will eventually win out.

Now, I'd imagine that with the collision of Azeroths' civilizations (along with those few aliens) that a system or time/date reckoning would have been standardized, or at least be in the process of. If so, then what would it be? *raised eyebrow*

Would it simply be a mirror of our RL system? Could it be that easy? Perhaps for the Alliance or Horde abroad. Maybe. But I'd be that Forsaken would personally rely on a system different from say...Gnomes. O.o

This rattling on has just given me an idea! I will record this in my notes and share it at a later date; but for now I'd still like to hear from all those that wish to chime in!

Thanks! :D
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100 Human Paladin
I've always had a hard time nailing down dates due in part to Blizzard's own flip flopping of when things happened.

I am not sure off the top of my head if there is a calendar in game or not. Doing a quick Google search seems to imply that they do have the same calendar as earth. Or at least the same 12 month 365 day concept. However, there is nothing from Blizz to "make it official." It all seems like speculation on the player's part.
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100 Gnome Priest
That's kinda what I'm thinking, that its up to the player on how they want to reckon time. Perhaps there is a better way to put it other than "reckon time", but what I mean is that in real history we've tended to count the passage of time from one major even to another.

In pre-christian times for instance, as one broad example, there are records that keep track of events in a given community that are dated using the current reign of kings. Today, of course, we keep record based off the christian tradition (Julian/Gregorian calendars) marking the year of Christ' birth as "year zero". This is where the whole BC and AD come into play, which I'll save everyone from a headache and not get into particulars. :P

Naturally academia has stepped in and changed the BC/AD to BCE and CE. Before Common Era, and Common Era. I suppose to make it more "politically correct". Whatever, /shrug. However we could have just as easily kept the old tradition alive by marking time based on Presidential candidates, or the occurrences of major disasters.

So what is the point of all the prattling on?
---Well, just for the sake of discussion for one.
---But also for Cail's purposes ICly (and likely any other gnome that I play/RP) I'm going to use major events in Azeroth that affected them as counting points.

Most generally I'm going to count from the fall of Gnomeregan, since we have a "more clear [*tongue in cheek*]" idea of when it happened. Granted, this is still rather recent historically speaking (some 20 odd years ago? In-Game.), which is why I'm also going to work on dates counting from other major world events.

Why would I go through all this trouble over a small detail?
/shrug, because I enjoy the small details. Often, for me, the small details help to add an extra layer of authenticity to whatever it is I'm reading. Need to be careful thought, lest I get bogged down in these details and bore my readers to death.

...case in point. :P [hah!]
Edited by Caileanmor on 8/1/2013 11:57 AM PDT
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