Blackblade Security is recruiting! ((H-RP))

100 Blood Elf Death Knight
A particularly tall blood elf, draped in a hooded outfit, has been making rounds of the Horde capitals lately, making a series of speeches. It was suspected that he would soon be speaking in Razor Hill, rather than Orgrimmar, due to the recent political upheaval.

Due to this, a rather decent-sized crowd had begun to form. It was then that this Death Knight descended from the sky atop his Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade. He dismounted, dusted himself off, and kicked a box a few feet over for the best angle.

He climbed atop the box and began to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Horde! Warriors, Alchemists, Healers, Soldiers, and Citizens! I would like to officially extend my invitation to The Blackblade Security Company! We are a recently formed company, who, under my guidance, aim to protect and serve you, our righteous and loyal members of the Horde!"

He lowered his hood, revealing his jet black hair and glowing blue eyes.

"For too long have the weak been unable to defend themselves. For too long have the strong taken advantage of their power! My friends and allies, if you would have us, we will do what we can to help you. We are small in number now, but that is why I come before you this day! If you want to put your particular talents to good work, join us. If you seek sanctuary from the insanity of the world recently, join us. If you are simply looking for a family to call yours, and a place to call home, join us!

"We are but a humble order as of now. Numbering very few. But we will always help those who need it. We will never turn a blind eye to injustice, or allow crime to go unpunished. We will NEVER allow those who believe themselves more powerful to think themselves above the rest of us! So brothers and sisters of the Horde, if you require assistance, I would extend a formal invitation to please contact Me and mine, and we will do whatever we can to help you."

The Blood Elf steps down from the crate and hands fliers to the crowd, allowing them to be passed between them before stepping back on the crate.

"I'm afraid my time here is almost ended, but I must say. I have made this same speech three times already. In Thunder Bluff, The Undercity, and even my capital of Silvermoon. And the initial turnout has been, shall we say, less than astounding. However, I have received dozens of letters telling me that I am supported. I know that you stand out there. If you would like to no longer stand alone, please contact me. It doesn't have to be today, or this week, or the next. But contact me. Together we can protect those who may need it, hunt down criminals who have escaped justice, and hopefully bring a more peaceful overtone to our beloved Horde. That is all, my friends."

He salutes the crowd. "May we never falter."
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
You notice fliers tacked up on most available signposts in The Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City, and The Shrine of Two moons. Upon closer inspection, it would appear to be a notice of job openings.

"Now hiring, Blackblade Security! Do you have a passion for justice, and helping those who need it? Do you need a place to hide whilst the world around you crumbles? Are you proficient in some kind of combat? Can you cast a spell on them or stick 'em with the pointy end? If you answered yes to any of the above, Then Blackblade Security is for you!

We take contracts of all shapes and sizes, such as the transport of sensitive materials or persons, security jobs, guard duties, even criminal bounties! You will of course get a cut of the pay for your job, as well as food, drink, shelter, and warmth! We're also hiring Three very specific jobs! We need a Master of the Arcane, a Master of the Holy, and a Master of the Blade to instruct self-defense seminars we will be holding at a location to be determined!

If you feel like any of these would fit you, contact Ser Fastice Blackblade via post, Hearthstone hijacking, or intra-dimensional transport for you fascinated tinkerers out there. I look forward to hearing from you!"
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