523 Balance Druid LF Normal Mode Raids

I'm looking to find a casual home to raid SoO in 5.4. So far in MoP, I have been running in my very casual guild where we dabble in normals and raiding isn't taken very serious. Like healers prefer to heal thru fire rather than stepping out of it :( Recruitment has been hard and I think it's time I looked for a better home.

Preferred raid times - start 7/8 CST to 10/11 CST (preferable 10 but willing to go to 11 for the right group) 2-3 nights per week, any night but Wednesdays.

History: I started playing in wrath as a pally and she was my main toon through out wrath. She was played prot/ret. I came in late wrath and started off raiding ICC. I fell in love with raiding. After my pally became geared, I started my druid. She was balance/resto. Then comes the mage and then the warrior.

Cata: I took a break at Firelands and came back for DS. I took over the raid team and eventually led them to 3/8H on my balance druid.

MoP: T14 8/16 Normal T15 2/12 Normal

I have always been good at raid mechanics and have usually gotten put in charge of calling out things for the raid. It would be nice to play with other players who can dodge fire and be able to focus on my game play and trying to better myself each week. I like to compete and learn from my mistakes. I'm not perfect but when I mess up I make it a point not to repeat the same mistake.

I'll check replies here or please add my battletag Krystle#1221 and contact me in game :)