LF Horde Guild

100 Draenei Shaman
Hello Cenarion Circle!

I come to you seeing some assistance with solving a little personal mission of mine. I am working on an achievement of sorts and I chose your realm. Actually, I just kind of picked it randomly like 4 years ago and I am being lazy.

But any who, I am working on leveling all the classes and races to the max level BEFORE the next expansion hits. That being said, I will be leveling 11 characters on your realm mostly from level 1 to 90.

With that, I am looking for a guild. But not just any guild. I am looking for one that really doesn't require me to do anything other then fund them money. I am not looking for a place to find groups or raid with. I am mostly going to be doing this on my own, outside instances. I will also be maxing out professions on each one of these characters, so achievements are a bound.

That being said, I am looking for a guild with a few perks to make this a little easier. So for starters level 25 guilds are pretty much it. Though, I would like to mooch a little achievement perks that I currently have not gotten Alliance side, so a guild with things like misc. pet achievements and stuff would be nice, but honestly, it isn't required.

If that works for you, please seek me out in game with the character "Xomas" or you can contact me on Argent Dawn on Erixi. Either will work.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Sure, come on in. Water's nice.

I'll try to actively seek you out, but if I can't get in touch, Sadri, Finnaeus, or Istvaan can get you an invite.

Happy grinding!
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