Jana had arrived, and Fynnariel waved to her just as Lineron face planted on the floor. Wide eyed Fyn turned to Carinoth, but visibly relaxed when he said Lineron would be fine. “Why would you want to take up smoking?” She asked at his comment, and then turned pink. “Uh…not that you shouldn’t…or that it matters…or…I mean…” She was being overly expressive with her hands. “Just curious as to what makes you think that.” She finished and took a sip of her drink. Sometimes I wish I could speak like a normal person…

Fynnariel looked up at Rhannah’s approach and broke into a grin. “I’m glad they did too!” She spoke in response and nodded to Leon and Medra. “Glad you all came!” Her eyes gaze around the room and she spots Zakia and waves at him. Fyn turned her attention back to Rhannah. “How have you been Rhannah?”

After a moment Fynnariel begins to fidget, pulling on the leggings of her leather pants. “Is it hot in here or just me?” Her hand is a bit shaky as she takes a sip of her drink.