Dun Morogh Guild

16 Worgen Warlock
Hey everyone, I was wondering if there are any guilds based in Dun Morogh recruiting, the toon I want to join the guild is a small gnome with a strange accent and a good cook, could anyone help me out?
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100 Draenei Mage
I'll be honest. Since we don't have MG or ER or WrA numbers, it's harder for us to maintain full sized specialty guilds. Mainly what we do is keep factions within guilds or small cliches from a variety of guilds that participate in acknowledged presence. For instance, there are a few of us gnomes that keep residences in the Dwarven district and consider the little cart near the fountain our Gnomish District. You may want to try asking in AOOC and see who is active and out there though.
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