Faces of Azeroth; a Character blog.

100 Worgen Rogue
My mind tends to be something of an overactive thing. I have lots of characters. Too many; my mind is constantly bringing new ones to the forefront. So, at the suggestion of someone, precisely who I forget (I think it was several people actually)... I decided to throw something together where I could toss these characters.

So, I did. So far, there's only a few up, but more and more will appear as time goes on. I figured having it's pointless if people can't at least SEE it, so I decided to toss a link up here:


And as an added bonus, you get to learn the (not so) secret identity of some of my alts! Once they get posted, anyway.
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100 Draenei Mage
Got to say, these dossiers are pretty fun to read through. Can't wait for some story. Let us know when you update them?
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100 Worgen Rogue
Sure thing. Not sure any actual stories will ever make it up there, but there will be plenty of characters to come, some from my distant past given new life, some transferred to Azeroth from other settings, some that may never actually see the light of day in-game. But they're all still here in my head, which is why this exists. For a place to give them *some* recognition.

...I still giggle at some parts of these.
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100 Worgen Rogue
And the newest bio is up - Sharidahn Hammarmash! I might try for a one-a-day schedule if I can keep up that pace.
Edited by Harmarth on 8/10/2013 6:00 AM PDT
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91 Human Hunter
Guess who, lads. That's right, my turn.
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100 Worgen Rogue
A new face this time, folks. Behold, Vahnne Sinclaire, the Executioner...
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90 Dwarf Monk
Been a few days lads, but it's still goin' strong! Looks like I'm up, now.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I love how creative you are, Harmarth.
Reading character stuff is fun. :o
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100 Tauren Death Knight
Oh boy, if you thought you were in trouble before...

Now it's MY turn. Bring it on!
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100 Worgen Rogue
Another face I've rolled a few times only to delete again, meet Sadith Deathbane, the patchwork horror of a "shopping" nut!
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85 Goblin Warrior
Yo, chumps. Guess who?

Bring it on! And... and no funny stuff, you got it? I'm watchin' you...
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