Question about Cenarion Circle

100 Orc Warrior

I've a few questions about the roleplay community on your server. How large is the roleplay community on Horde-side? Are Horde RPers normally around? If so, what are the peak hours? I am also curious as to where your roleplay hubs might be at. I'm no fan of Silvermoon (sorry, elves!), and am wondering if Orgrimmar has any roleplay, or if there is any roleplay based around the current events with Hellscream's true Horde and the Darkspear Rebellion.

The truth is that my character spots are full on Wyrmrest and I'm in search of another quality roleplay server to make some Horde alts on so that I don't have to delete any characters. perhaps our servers will be brought together via Virtual Realms in 5.4! Anyways, I'll check back here for replies, thanks for your time.

- Darg
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100 Worgen Mage
Well, there aren't many traditional hubs - Roleplay tends to be rather isolated, and happens in much smaller groups from what I've seen. But if you're looking to get into the RP community, the OOC channels are probably a good place to go--for the horde, /join HordeOOC. Not sure how the community is, but at least that'll give you a start. :)
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100 Draenei Mage
Our horde side is smaller than Alliance side, but Alliance members tend to make a portion of that Horde side as well. We're equal opportunity about our RP. You're best bet though for getting a feel is to show up to the Horde Lounge Night and /join HordeOOC to ask around.

For the most part the community is tight knit and there are a few guilds that lead the RP on the Horde side. Homeland, Rising Sun, WfC, Modas, Da Doctas, etc. And each of them is super friendly. Just beware of the Maggot Lord, if he gets near your cupcakes, they'll get nasty.
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