Who Will Speak for the Warchief? [RP]

It is a fascinating thing to speak openly of rebellion in this Horde.

I have been doing just that for the last several weeks, ever since I announced my intention to leave both the Homeland that I created and the Horde that answers to Garrosh Hellscream.

One would think that such an open secession would come with attendant risks, but I have not found it to be so.

I speak quite regularly on the hearthstones about fighting the Kor'kron in the Barrens, and about killing them; from my various travels I write regularly about my role as a rebel against Hellscream.

And in all this time not a single person has so much as raised their voice at me, much less used words like "traitor" or "enemy."

I can hardly complain. It makes my life considerably easier. And yet I must wonder -- who will speak for the Warchief?

Someone, surely, must still support the current regime. Who is it? What do they say to rebels like myself, who say down with Garrosh and down with his Horde?

And if no one will speak for him -- why do so few speak against him?

The entire governance of a society teeters on a precipice. Surely, someone besides myself must have an interest in the outcome.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who supports Garrosh among those who still converse openly among the rest of the Horde, miss Arjah. Even full-blooded Warsong Orcs are beginning to turn against him. A former associate of mine, Sharanka Windaxe, is one such example.

Those who support him work tirelessly to fortify and strengthen his War Machine against the inevitable flood that is the rest of Azeroth's forces crashing against the gates of Orgrimmar.

Those that openly oppose him are likely too occupied taking action to discuss the politics of the matter. Time spent discussing how or why he must be deposed is time not spent taking action to weaken his efforts.

It was only a matter of time before the greatest threat to this world was not our inability to cease this endless war, but an instigator of the war itself.

A storm is coming, Arjah. The fate of the world has hung in the balance for a great long time now. The only thing that's changed is the point on which it teeters. The coming conflict will determine whether we maintain that delicate balance... or whether Azeroth finally spirals into oblivion.
Edited by Teonass on 9/1/2013 10:48 PM PDT
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Nobody. Jackass ain't got no friends no more, only accessories to his "Fantasy Horde", and fantasy props, well, they ain't known fer speakin' up honestly.

Damn fool done sealed his own fate. Th' greatest irony of it all is, the bloody minded eejit has become exactly wut he done feared he was gonna become back in Nagrand.

I'd say I hope fer redemption, but if'n I'm bein' honest, that ain't it at all. After Theramore, there weren't no turnin' back. I'm just glad everyone else finally figgered it out.

That orc gonna die. Ain't nuthin more needs be said.
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