(A) Mage LF guild/raid.

90 Night Elf Mage
A bit about what I'm looking for: I'm looking for a raid (10 or 25) or guild that's going to be progressing in 5.4. Relatively drama free and mostly laid back would be preferable. I'm available Mon-Thurs 7-10 server.

A bit about me: I've played as hunter on this server since 2005 ( http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/Cyfer/simple ). A few months ago I took a break, came back and leveled a fresh toon and now I'm looking to get involved in raiding again.

I realize this is incredibly short and to the point. If anyone has questions or comments feel free to post or get at me in game.
Edited by Cylai on 9/2/2013 10:10 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Mage

I guess I need to expand a bit on this...

I have a large amount of raid experience going back to vanilla. I know what it means to be a part of a team pushing content on a regular basis. I know what it means to try my damndest and I know what it means to make sacrifices for the betterment of the raid group.

A quick note about my gear: it's awful. I've been working to catch up to the best of my ability, but it's slow going. I would hope anyone looking for serious candidates would be looking for someone with a good attitude and not just the best gear.
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